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Hollyrood 2016

Desert Nomad

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Following on from the Westminster 2015 thread, thought Hollyrood should get one of its own.

Following Panelbase poll, composition of Hollyrood 2016 as folows:


SNP down, but gains for Green would probably result in a coalition between the two. Ruth Davidson's fanciful SNP/Tory coalition can remain a fantasy.

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A lot will depend on what happens in the Westminster election in 2015 and whether the Tories actually get to implement the English MPs for English Votes stuff. If they go down that path and Cameron appears to be serious about it the next few years are very much uncharted territory.

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Ruth Davidson's fanciful SNP/Tory coalition can remain a fantasy.

Bizarre how Ruth Davidson's quotes on them possibly agreeing to a coalition with the SNP was all over the media yet nobody thought to mentioned the fact that never under any circumstance would the SNP even consider a coalition with the Tories.

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Bizarre how Ruth Davidson's quotes on them possibly agreeing to a coalition with the SNP was all over the media yet nobody thought to mentioned the fact that never under any circumstance would the SNP even consider a coalition with the Tories.

Just to stay in power they probably would.

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Bizarre how Ruth Davidson's quotes on them possibly agreeing to a coalition with the SNP was all over the media yet nobody thought to mentioned the fact that never under any circumstance would the SNP even consider a coalition with the Tories.

Just to stay in power they probably would.

They'd revert back to a minority government before even thinking about it.

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Bizarre how Ruth Davidson's quotes on them possibly agreeing to a coalition with the SNP was all over the media yet nobody thought to mentioned the fact that never under any circumstance would the SNP even consider a coalition with the Tories.

Just to stay in power they probably would.

Unlike the Lib Dems and Labour, they have something to lose by siding with the Conservatives.

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Bizarre how Ruth Davidson's quotes on them possibly agreeing to a coalition with the SNP was all over the media yet nobody thought to mentioned the fact that never under any circumstance would the SNP even consider a coalition with the Tories.

They were happy enough with an informal confidence and supply deal from 2007-2011 mind, aslthough the SNP at that point were a more centrist, middle Scotland party. The Nicola Sturgeon model has the exciting prospect of being a bit more radical and redistributive in terms of domestic policy.

2016 will be fascinating, I can see another Yes majority, with a SNP/Green coalition.

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They were happy enough with an informal confidence and supply deal from 2007-2011 mind, aslthough the SNP at that point were a more centrist, middle Scotland party. The Nicola Sturgeon model has the exciting prospect of being a bit more radical and redistributive in terms of domestic policy.

2016 will be fascinating, I can see another Yes majority, with a SNP/Green coalition.

Agreed, the greens will benefit the most from the list vote.

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They were happy enough with an informal confidence and supply deal from 2007-2011 mind, aslthough the SNP at that point were a more centrist, middle Scotland party. The Nicola Sturgeon model has the exciting prospect of being a bit more radical and redistributive in terms of domestic policy.

2016 will be fascinating, I can see another Yes majority, with a SNP/Green coalition.

You're sounding less Labourite than previously, if so, good stuff.

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