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P&B General Election - Game

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Dece - Homophobia/Ageism

Klopp - Racism

YSU - Something to do with a boat or homelessness or something, I don't know, can't be bothered searching to find out

FUN - No Scandals Whatsoever.

jmothecat - Boring us all with last page's banter.

They like to pretend they're not VLs, and that they live a party lifestyle of objectifying women and taking drugs in holiday resorts. Just humour them.

Interesting paradox there. "Objectifying women" whilst mocking us for being supposed "VL's".

What if a young man had never met a girl that was right for him, and he wanted to meet someone who he had a real connection with? Is there something wrong with that? Should he abandon all that and just try and pull random girls so he can brag to his mates about his pulling exploits? Sounds quite demeaning to use women in that way bro.

Obvz I'm a top shnecker, but I have mad love for any VL's out there as long as they're sound c***s. I'd maybe suggest a Dece lifestyle for the improvements it makes to your #sthetic image and confidence, but I wouldn't encourage them to use women as personal statistics and I wouldn't mock their lack of experience, unlike you ya big bully.

Klopp = the nasty party. Such a shame to see a great man like Jurgen Klopp used to endorse peer pressuring bullying ITPO.

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This has given me a quite fantastic idea for a DECE policy, the "VL's and Juniors fans friendship programme".

Our party is first and foremost about giving everyone the confidence they need to enjoy their lives to its fullest. It's not wishy washy nonsense to say that no matter what you look like or how bangin your threads are, how you feel inside is so important. Some days when I don't feel at my decest I notice people aren't as smily, folk don't start conversations as much and when I look a girl in the eye she doesn't seem moist in the slightest. I don't look any different, I'm just emitting less deceness from my pours. Nobody feels Dece all the time, but some feel Dece none of the time and that's a travesty.

A lot of VL's have a lot to give but lack confidence. What could be a bigger confidence booster than hanging around with a Juniors fan for a week? Want to look like Ryan Gosling, just stand next to a Juniors fan and you've achieved it. This is a mutual thing though, Juniors fans will see the restraint in a VL and it'll teach him not to try and f**k everything that moves or has a soft core. They can benefit so much from each other.

Even when Klopp tries to put us down, we rise higher than we were before. Thanks AR for inspiring this beautiful policy.

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So on the back of EGB's earlier homophobia 'scandal', we now have his fellow DECE Party member TheGrassIsGreener posting homophobic insults on the Heads Gone thread, poorly masked as 'fixing' and a 'joke'.


Awful conduct, offensive 'patter' and just plain stupid. Standard DECE behaviour.

I'm not a member of any party, I withdrew ages ago. This is my first post on this thread, nice try though.


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EGB playing a good game here.

Shame he doesn't like FUN boys or he could have been one of us.

ThanQ m8E.

I didn't know you were in the Fun party. I 100% respect your right to make a decision but I do admit to feeling a bit sad by this. I'd say there's a big divide that breaks this website in two. One side you have people who are fundamentally dece people with gr8 b9ntr, and there are those who aren't (not to say they can't be, just that at this moment they haven't embraced their own deceness). I'd estimate that the Dece/currently unDece percentage is roughly 45/55%. That's OK with me as 45 is stronger than 55 divvied up three ways, but hearing about great ladz like yourself and Addie backing other sides makes me wonder if our fabulous minority will be unified come polling day.

Here at the Dece Party we pay attention to everyone, because everyone has a gr8 story to tell. I just hope before it comes to the final COUNTDOWN before votes are announced, you'll have found it in your heart to back positivity and not the negative spitefulness of the fundamentally anti-Dece and ironically named Fun Party.

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To all parties. What music video on YouTube sums up your party's ethos?

This has actually been discussed by us already (#huhuhyouthinkofeverythingdontyou #theroomreference) Of course there can't be just one video because we're an eclectic group of bois. In terms of the parties exquisite taste it has to be this as we've said already.

#Amaze Swedish dance pop expressed through the medium of thought provoking French cinema with an absolute #solid9orhigher in there, pretty much sums up the fantastic, worldlie tastes of the Dece movement. Throw in the fact that the scene shows a young girl growing in self confidence as she feels liberated by embracing her identity as a lesbian, and you may as well be watching a 62 second documentary about Dece (of course in our case I mean our acceptance of our own inner deceness and the joys it has brought us rather than lesbianism, but of course if any of the bois wanted to become a lesbian we'd all support him 100%).

However, the video doesn't encapsulate our hobbies, which revolves around #liftingstacksanddroppingdigits. There's one song which summarises what lifting is about and the benefits it brings to your confidence and your pulling power, all whilst providing a proper tasty beat to get MWI with, be it ChamperBaambs or Benteke's or whatever. I put this man's song "Pow 2012" on the Marbs 2013 playlist and he repaid us with this little beauty all about the Dece Perty. We hope you enjoy our official Campaign Anthem.

Big sozzles to T. Swift's who's classic "Shake It Off" just missed out. Still big love from all the bois.

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