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P&B General Election - Game

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Ok, first thing out of the way - this is intended to be a bit of fun so please take it that way folks, just thought I would run a fun game on the back of alot of peoples renewed interest in politics.

The Game

- There will be 4 P&B political parties involved (maybe 5 if numbers are large)

- Each party will be made up of a leader, a deputy and 3 additional members

- There are 3 areas in which the winning party will have ultimate control over:

1. Scottish Football (everything from governing body to grass roots)
2. Scottish Media (including all TV/newspapers etc)
3. Pie and Bov (The improvement and growth of P&B)

- Each party will set out white papers with proposals, participate in a number of debates, discussions, campaigning etc etc

- There will be a final vote by members of P&B to determine the winning party

Key Dates

9th November - Leaders Debate
9th November - Voting Poll Opens
13th November - Voting Poll Closes
13th November - Votes and Winning Party Announced

How to Get Involved

Applications for a party leader positions are open now and should be sent to me via PM no later than 12th October (you should declare why you would make a good leader and a very brief outline on your thoughts for the 3 topics). If there are lots of applications for party leader then I will choose based on the strength of your PM. I will be remaining as an impartial host/ruler of the election throughout

Applications/requests to join as a deputy or a party member as stated will be done on this thread after the leaders are announced on 13th Oct.

Should like to be an impartial host for the debates then please let me know via PM

Would you like to be an impartial pollster for the election then please let me know via PM

For everyone else, this working relies on audience participation and members of P&B getting involved so there is of course plenty to read and get involved in by being an onlooker. You may feel the need to campaign for a party of your choosing, this is welcomed.

This could end in carnage but will give it a go :)

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Cardinal Richelieu, on 07 Oct 2014 - 10:59, said:Cardinal Richelieu, on 07 Oct 2014 - 10:59, said:

This sounds like fun but it could turn out like a farce.

For example, "Kick Celtic out of the league" would certainly be a vote-winner, but it's neither feasible nor legal. How can you be sure that the people voting will vote sensibly?

All part of the fun!

Don't think I've got enough time to be writing out swathes of stuff like a White Paper etc so I'll not apply to be a leader, but fancy getting involved, perhaps as a deputy or something. Sounds like it'll be a laugh!

ETA: Scratch that.

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This sounds like fun but it could turn out like a farce.

For example, "Kick Celtic out of the league" would certainly be a vote-winner, but it's neither feasible nor legal. How can you be sure that the people voting will vote sensibly?

Is that not the problem with all elections?

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This sounds like fun but it could turn out like a farce.

For example, "Kick Celtic out of the league" would certainly be a vote-winner, but it's neither feasible nor legal. How can you be sure that the people voting will vote sensibly?

That's politics though, people are not sensible with their vote. Labour have won every general election in Scotland since 1959 despite illegal actions and unfeasible policy.

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Weighing up my options here.

I'm of the Tommy Sheridan type opinion that dece voters must stick together, and therefore I wouldn't want to put myself up against the Dece Party. This would mean applying to be a deputy leader of the Dece party, but this could cause a power struggle as I don't like the sound of SSI being my superior in the dece party. I'll take a back seat for now and assess my options.


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