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Jim Murphy


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"The SNP promised last year that the referendum was a once in a generation deal. By refusing to rule out another referendum in their manifesto today, the SNP have broken that promise to the Scottish people."


Oh my goodness Jim , accusing someone of a broken promise. The ultimate pot and Kettle if ever there was one.

He will be calling someone a liar next, cause he is completely unblemished is he not?

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"The SNP promised last year that the referendum was a once in a generation deal. By refusing to rule out another referendum in their manifesto today, the SNP have broken that promise to the Scottish people."


If that line pops up again in any future debates (I'm not sure if there are any more to be held) I hope Sturgeon fires right back with "And last year you told us the NHS was safe with a 'No' vote and look how the (Scottish) Labour party was gone back on that position."

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If that line pops up again in any future debates (I'm not sure if there are any more to be held) I hope Sturgeon fires right back with "And last year you told us the NHS was safe with a 'No' vote and look how the (Scottish) Labour party was gone back on that position."

She won't. She's far too classy.

I'd be an awful politican. Murphy would be halfway through the above sentence and I'd be launching towards him screaming "YOU LYING CUUUNT!!!"


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True. He's such a hypocrite. Most politicians are to be fair but he's such a blatant two faced arse it beggars belief.

It does actually take your breath away the amount of shite him and Dugdale attempt to get away with.

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It does actually take your breath away the amount of shite him and Dugdale attempt to get away with.

Labour haven't really moved on with the times. The internet means that everything they do is recorded, so their contradictions are very easily remembered and brought back up. So many people have access to social media/you tube etc too. They're just making fools of themselves and chasing potential voters away.

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Labour haven't really moved on with the times. The internet means that everything they do is recorded, so their contradictions are very easily remembered and brought back up. So many people have access to social media/you tube etc too. They're just making fools of themselves and chasing potential voters away.

It's only a matter of time before the internet is heavily censored. Slight tangent but mark my words, the free exchange of information is disastrous for the powers that be, the internet will be seriously censored in the very near future.

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Jim's latest;

@JimForScotland: For the avoidance of doubt my twitter account hasn't been hacked and that last tweet was definitely from me.

Head well and truly gone.

You know when someone is using the (Rangers Approved) (avoidance of doubt) line ...they're fucked.
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