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Jim Murphy


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Happy May Day (Labour Day) everyone.

Now get out there and tell everyone you meet that Labour are campaigning for a Tory Government rather than making deals with the Scottish National Party.

Just let that sink in folks.

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I can see what Ed's doing. He's still trying to get a Labour majority, which, like the Tories, WILL NOT happen.

He just so happens to have pissed off an entire country's electorate in the process.

He will change his tune after the election and beg Sturgeon for hauners. Mark my words.

That said, I now wish Slab to be completely obliterated on Thursday. If there is a God, Jimbo will lose his seat.

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Is Millipede planning to rely on various parties on a vote by vote policy IF he wins and runs a minority government?

He'll get Trident through with help of the Tories and more socially responsible polices through with the SNP and Liberals?

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Is Millipede planning to rely on various parties on a vote by vote policy IF he wins and runs a minority government?

He'll get Trident through with help of the Tories and more socially responsible polices through with the SNP and Liberals?

The second part assumes the SNP are totally ineffectual and will just roll over. Doesn't work like that; a halfway decent group of politicians can use the way the legislative process works to make a Labour government's job virtually impossible.

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But the Scottish parliament functioned with minority government at its outset?

All politicians have a duty that major decisions are still carried through such aa budgetary votes?

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How close is the Murphy seat? I think if SNP won every other seat and he kept his, it'd still put a bit of a dampener on the night.

This close:


On a related note, I just watched Jim's interview with Sally Magnusson, and the only conclusion I can draw is that Murphy is, in fact, a robot.

No human functions that way. She rag dolled him throughout, yet his creepy smile remained and he singularly failed to answer one question she put his way. Valiant effort by her though.

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I see that it is Iain Davidson that is the 'senior labour figure' behind the whispering campaign.

Maybe we got him wrong. Bayonetting the wounded wasn't meant for us Nats....

Ach well at least he is a c**t to everyone. No discrimination from the ChairChoob.

He would be one of the main suspects for the Defcon Fucked comment.

Joy of joys. Labour's very own night of the long knives has begun


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I see that it is Iain Davidson that is the 'senior labour figure' behind the whispering campaign.

Maybe we got him wrong. Bayonetting the wounded wasn't meant for us Nats....

What whispering campaign?

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Torygraph has had a couple of stories about the knives being sharpened.

There's been another paper with a story but I only briefly saw it on Twitter and can't find it for the love of God.

The thread for the day after will be 'where to now for Jum?' But that's for another day....

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Doesn't Murphy have to resign once Oswald Ad Lib beats him anyway?

According to Labour's constitution you have to be an elected parliamentarian to be leader. So yes

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According to Labour's constitution you have to be an elected parliamentarian to be leader. So yes

What glorious irony if after all their huffing and puffing it's the Labour Party who end up having to f**k with their constitution after the election.

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