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Jim Murphy


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The next Hollyrood elections are going to be very interesting, esp if Murphy stays on. Surely another whitewash(yellow-wash) is out of the question?

There are currently 2 Labour MSP's for his old constituency. Is he going to tell one of them to move aside so he can take their spot and try for Hollyrood?

He'll be put top of a list instead of competing for a constituency. There's no way he'll take the risk of not being elected (again).

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If he has to be forcibly removed from his current position, as the rumours suggest? You think?

The post I replied to did say "if Murphy stays on".

If he remains as leader, I'm confident he'll top the list in either Glasgow or West Scotland. He'll justify it by saying it allows him to focus on the national campaign but everyone will know the real reason.

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For the record, as bad as Murphy's 6 months have been, two things to remember:

Slab have no alternatives ready, willing and vaguely capable of taking on the SNP.

Many will see this as the high water mark for the SNP.

What is the point of bumping Murphy now, they are going to get horsed next year regardless. May as well keep him front and centre then pick over his corpse after the Holyrood wipeout. Will they even have 25 MSPs?

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As they did after the 2011 holyrood election. The SNP are only gaining in strength and popularity in Scotland and are probably one of the most talked about parties UK wide.

I'd love to see a sister party set up in the north of England. Obviously with different aims, but with the same mantra. Imagine the block that could potentially be built up with that in mind. NS for prime minister.

To be fair every time the SNP break new ground they seem to have a disappointment the next time.

2007 Scottish election/Glasgow east by-election/2009 Euros, followed by disappointing performance in 2010 GE

2011 Scottish election followed by disappointment in by-elections and the 2014 Euros, and the referendum

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To be fair every time the SNP break new ground they seem to have a disappointment the next time.

2007 Scottish election/Glasgow east by-election/2009 Euros, followed by disappointing performance in 2010 GE

2011 Scottish election followed by disappointment in by-elections and the 2014 Euros, and the referendum

Which backs up my point that they've not hit their ceiling. Every time it looks like they have, had a set back, they've bounced back stronger.

Not sure where they go from here right enough, but they're making very good noises about how they'll act at Westminster already.

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Jims on the phone right now "Ive an idea" after hearing about farage

They should tell him to put in his resignation letter and they'll reject it. Then go, "Sorry Jim, we've changed our mind"

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To be fair every time the SNP break new ground they seem to have a disappointment the next time.

2007 Scottish election/Glasgow east by-election/2009 Euros, followed by disappointing performance in 2010 GE

2011 Scottish election followed by disappointment in by-elections and the 2014 Euros, and the referendum

2014 Euros was the most votes they have ever got for a Euro Election. The referendum was always difficult considering at the start of the campaign they had 30% of the public wanting independence.

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As they did after the 2011 holyrood election. The SNP are only gaining in strength and popularity in Scotland and are probably one of the most talked about parties UK wide.

I'd love to see a sister party set up in the north of England. Obviously with different aims, but with the same mantra. Imagine the block that could potentially be built up with that in mind. NS for prime minister.

This is the high water mark for the SNP. You could live till you're a thousand years old you'll never see this again.

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This is the high water mark for the SNP. You could live till you're a thousand years old you'll never see this again.

Maintaining a majority in an electoral system that tries to stop that happening would be pretty special. Independence, achieving more powers etc.

Whilst this is probably as good as it gets in terms of the number of elected mps, there's plenty to be achieved and they're in an amazing position to do so.

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Not when the Greens also back a referendum - pro-indy parties will unquestionably retain and likely increase a majority for this policy after 2016. I'm also not sold by the idea that the SNP don't have the capacity to maintain this level of support - Labour's support collapsed across their entire heartland, where the SNP will be defending majorities in the region of 10,000 in 2020; it wasn't even a close run. There is plenty of work to be done demolishing the Labour vote to the same extent at Holyrood and at local authority level, and making sure that Scottish Labour becomes as lifeless as the Tories in terms of leadership, membership, activism and funding north of the border.

Once all three main Unionist parties are turned into rump, zombie-like outfits then the road to independence is far more straightforward than it was in 2014.

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Not when the Greens also back a referendum - pro-indy parties will unquestionably retain and likely increase a majority for this policy after 2016. I'm also not sold by the idea that the SNP don't have the capacity to maintain this level of support - Labour's support collapsed across their entire heartland, where the SNP will be defending majorities in the region of 10,000 in 2020; it wasn't even a close run. There is plenty of work to be done demolishing the Labour vote to the same extent at Holyrood and at local authority level, and making sure that Scottish Labour becomes as lifeless as the Tories in terms of leadership, membership, activism and funding north of the border.

Once all three main Unionist parties are turned into rump, zombie-like outfits then the road to independence is far more straightforward than it was in 2014.

I'm sorry but that's complete and utter nonsense. Its just a misunderstanding of the facts, do you actually understand how big a deal it was to win a majority in 2011? That was supposed to never happen, clever people who understand politics and voting systems designed Hoylrood specifically to prevent that ever happening.

Its naive as f**k to assume it will definitely happen again and the majority will even be increased. That was earth shattering when we got a majority in 2011, absolutely stunning. Its not unrealistic to suggest that may never happen again.

Your post is great, that's how I'd like to see things go too, but in reality its naive shite. That won't happen, the best bet the SNP have of independence is convincing one of the unionist parties to back it, then we can go into coalition with them in future to get a majority and have a referendum. The SNP on their own or with the Greens may never get another majority.

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Anyhow I see the turkeys have voted for Christmas.

Jim 'herpes' Murphy stays as Labour leader. I for one am astonished....

Just heard that. The fact the MSP are backing Jim clearly shows hes going to be shoehorned into the Holyrood next year,

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