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I dont know that events in France will necessarily boost Ukip. Why would it? We have had plenty of "incidents" involving islamic nutters in our own country anyway and will have plenty more.

Ukip aren't racist unless you think the Norwegians are also racist? Ukips policy on immigration and booting out failed asylum seekers and troublemakers pretty much mirrors Norways. Its probably way too late to matter now anyway as we will breed plenty of our own islamic madmen now just as France has. We will just have to live with it

The chat from the BBC and the left in general is one of "anti muslim backlash", which has never really happened in this country and I am not sure it will for a long time. We are pretty tolerant people. We don't mind folk practising their religion as long as they don't make a nuisance of themselves and most of the west is the same .Ironically, the hate mosques get police protection in the aftermath of any islamic inspired incident. Just as happened after Rigby was slaughtered in broad daylight a while back in Woolwich.

Ukip are too late now anyway. maybe if it had been nipped in the bud 20 odd years ago, but theres no chance now.

According to my 'permutation' on the Ukip policy maker, the French should be taxed:


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I dont know that events in France will necessarily boost Ukip. Why would it? We have had plenty of "incidents" involving islamic nutters in our own country anyway and will have plenty more.

Ukip aren't racist unless you think the Norwegians are also racist? Ukips policy on immigration and booting out failed asylum seekers and troublemakers pretty much mirrors Norways. Its probably way too late to matter now anyway as we will breed plenty of our own islamic madmen now just as France has. We will just have to live with it

The chat from the BBC and the left in general is one of "anti muslim backlash", which has never really happened in this country and I am not sure it will for a long time. We are pretty tolerant people. We don't mind folk practising their religion as long as they don't make a nuisance of themselves and most of the west is the same .Ironically, the hate mosques get police protection in the aftermath of any islamic inspired incident. Just as happened after Rigby was slaughtered in broad daylight a while back in Woolwich.

Ukip are too late now anyway. maybe if it had been nipped in the bud 20 odd years ago, but theres no chance now.

The events in France are a fairly serious incident. From memory, there hasn't been a major loss of life in the UK since 7/7, in 2005. I'm just going by some of the posts on Facebook. Nothing more scientific than that.

I'm not calling UKIP a racist party. I'm saying that they are a party who are seen as wanting to establish a tougher line on immigration than any party, except the likes of the BNP. For obvious reasons people baulk at actually voting BNP, Britain First or the likes, even as a protest vote. The majority of people see UKIP as 'mainstream' and would therefore be happy to vote for them, even if it's just as a protest.

I can't see there being an anti-Muslim backlash, unless it's from a few idiots, but I can see a protest vote.

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Farage boasting about this today too. "80% of Britons want out of the EU!"


However you read it, and only 11'000 out of 100'000 people sent 'ballot papers' returned them saying they wanted out the EU. But also, these ballot papers were sent out to people in only 3 neighbouring Tory constituencies in North Northamptonshire, then counted in the Daily Express offices. Haha.

Edited by BerwickMad
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A Ukip general election candidate has come under attack over a leaflet which suggests benefit claimants should be banned from driving.

"We could likely remove 6 million cars from the road if benefit claimants were not driving," he goes on to say.

"Why do they have the privilege to spend the taxpayers hard earned money on a car, when those in work are struggling to keep their own car on the road? These people could really catch a bus!"

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Evidence please.

Opinion polls had 60% in favour 10 years ago, just before a lot of expansion. This years polls have as little as 30% in favour so support is definitely dwindling. Open door policy means services can't cope, an extra 5 million population in recent years is stretching things to the limit. More and more people see this and are turning to UKIP and the like. Not rocket science.

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Opinion polls had 60% in favour 10 years ago, just before a lot of expansion. This years polls have as little as 30% in favour so support is definitely dwindling. Open door policy means services can't cope, an extra 5 million population in recent years is stretching things to the limit. More and more people see this and are turning to UKIP and the like. Not rocket science.

evidence with links, please

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The problem in rUK is there's no real left alternative, even the SNP here are well to the left of labour, so the only option down south is a rock & a hard place. Ukip are a protest vote, hopefully they'll get enough folk to give them enough votes to get in to some office power & then they'll soon show what a bunch of muppets they are. Hard lesson to learn like.

I don't consider the SNP to be that much of an alternative but hopefully it will give the Westminster gravy train wankers a kick up the arse.


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