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The difference being the Ukip seem to wear it as a badge of pride because it shows they're 'different' to the other 'establishment' parties. Basically with Ukip, you have one man, Farage, making up 'policy' on the hoof as we saw with his immigration back-tracking the other day. He's a would-be dictator. All parties have had their extremists in the past from the Tory students, 'communists' in Labour or anti-English loons in the SNP but Ukip seems to be chock-full of weirdos, bigots and those who are clearly deranged - from the 'grass roots' to MEP level.

Farage is no would-be dictator. The person he has most in common with is Gerry Adams - a huckster wanting to get all the gravy from being in the corridors of power without ever having to wield the power himself & accept the responsibility; ruthlessly controlling his party apparatus to ensure this. Maximum benefit for minimum effort.

(Which is one of the reasons Martin McGuinness & Adams ultimately fell out in the end, but that's another topic).

UKIP aren't backtracking on immigration. Like the NF in the 70s on immigration, like the Greens in the 80s on the environment, like UKIP for that matter in the 2000s on the EU, it's a policy that is now so ingrained in the public consciousness as to "what they're all about" they're at pains to move away from it & concentrate on new areas of attack where they know their target audience (ie. disillusioned Labour & Tory voters) are wanting something new.

The beauty of this is they know Labour & the Tories will latch onto this & start carping about UKIP's immigration policies in the hope of clawing back ground, failing to see as far as the public's concerned they've lost that argument by what they did when in power & would be better served shutting up about it. All they're doing is giving UKIP extra exposure.

And the truly remarkable part is that this has all happened before in recent times - yet such is the arrogance of the "big two" they repeated the same mistakes as before. Alex Salmond was a genius in flirting from one political raw nerve of Westminster/Holyrood mismanagement to the next without ever touching on independence, all the while his opponents accused him of evasiveness on the issues - and then wondered why the status quo collapsed around their ears & the unthinkable nightmare of the SNP taking power in Holyrood & the majority of councils happened.

If you think UKIP has any sort of overload of weirdos, you've clearly not been around the political parties much. Labour branches have more than a few class-bigots & proto fascists who think the SNP should be beaten off the streets, the Tories full of "final solution" types regarding places like Easterhouse and other "prole holes", the Lib Dems some extremely creepy types whose interest begins & ends on lowering the age of consent to twelve (to be fair, Labour had plenty of those as well during its "loony left" infiltration years) - and let's not even start on the SNP's de facto tolerance of Siol nan Gaidheal & their various alias.

The political fringes have long been the haven of cranks, tin hat wearers & others you wouldn't let through your front door or near your kids, & any party coming up from the fringes will suffer from them. It took the Greens twenty bitter years to undo the damage their own ones did, but they survived & those who would sooner have saw them destroyed than be "populist" were driven out & left scrabbling in the political sewers where they belong. If UKIP can manage the same, you will never have to witness any openly racist BNP, NF or BF type parties or candidates getting so much as a single council seat ever again - and amen to that.

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Coburn is taking part in a general election debate at my college on Monday! :lol:

Ask him what polices UKIP Scotland have that differ from UKIP, and if they still want to close down the Scottish parliament

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Just e-mailed David Coburn.

Good evening David,

As a constituent of Falkirk, the area in which you are standing in the General Election later this year, I wonder if you could take some time to answer some questions I have.

As you will undoubtedly know, trust in politicians across the UK is at a particularly low level. Over the last two parliaments we have had the expenses scandal and the general feeling that politicians do not represent the views of the man on the street.

I am sure you will therefore agree with me that confidence in the professionalism of our (both current and prospective) representatives is paramount at this time.

I am sure that you will also agree that the use of social media by our politicians offers a chance to forge a closer relationship with the electorate.

That being said, I have some questions in regards to your official Twitter account, @DavidCoburnUkip.

1) Yesterday you tweeted a picture of the previous First Minister, Alex Salmond, alongside the Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt, with the caption "Spot the Difference". Do you think this is a professional attitude for a potential MP to have, taking pot-shots at other politicians because of their appearance?

2) You also tweeted yesterday that you would save journalists the trouble of asking whether UKIP members had ever been members of either the BNP or the National Front by saying a "NO NEVER". Can I confirm, are you categorically saying that no UKIP members have ever been members of either of these organisations? If so, how do you know this - does your party vet possible members for previous political affiliation? Furthermore, I fail to see how you could not be aware that Martyn Heale - Nigel Farage's right-hand-man in Thanent - is a previous National Front member.

3) You tweeted earlier that you had never heard the SNP talk about jobs, growth or investment. I presume you do not keep in touch with the news, Mr Coburn, as only on Friday was the well-publicised news that the SNP announced investment of £1.8bn in education?

I look forward to your reply.



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AnCrubag, pls stop sharing unfunny tweets/pictures.

Going back to Coburn, lol @ someone who looks like Toad of Toad Hall criticising Salmond for being fat.

Sorry. On the Sabbath an aw...

Could post a pic?

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