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Nigel spot on regards the sea of African migrants in the Med caused by Cameron and Sarkozy. Colonel Gaddafi was a brutal dictator but he'd come to terms with the west and kept the Islamist fanatics in check as well as the migrant boats. Cameron lied to the UN about humanitarian air strikes that quickly became a regime removal operation, as warned by Putin. Now we have chaos and IS filling the Mediterranean sea with migrants. I also agree with NIgel that the eu should house more Christians who are at risk of slaughter from Muslims. All Syrian and Iraq Christians should be offered eu asylum.

African emigrants are fleeing their homelands because of the awful poverty under which they're forced to live. These conditions have been brought on by British/European colonialism and the Atlantic Slave Trade which has left Africa heavily underdeveloped and in unpayable debt to the very people who forced these atrocious circumstances upon them in the first place. The least European countries can do is offer a better life to the victims of their own racism and economic exploitation, as opposed to sending them back to a life of abject misery and horrendous penury.

Why should the lives of Iraqi and Syrian Christians take precedent over their similarly at risk Muslim countrymen and women? Your and Nigel's view on that is disgustingly bigoted yet highly unsurprising considering your mutual support for a vilely racist and sectarian political party.

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African emigrants are fleeing their homelands because of the awful poverty under which they're forced to live. These conditions have been brought on by British/European colonialism and the Atlantic Slave Trade which has left Africa heavily underdeveloped and in unpayable debt to the very people who forced these atrocious circumstances upon them in the first place. The least European countries can do is offer a better life to the victims of their own racism and economic exploitation, as opposed to sending them back to a life of abject misery and horrendous penury.

Why should the lives of Iraqi and Syrian Christians take precedent over their similarly at risk Muslim countrymen and women? Your and Nigel's view on that is disgustingly bigoted yet highly unsurprising considering your mutual support for a vilely racist and sectarian political party.

I agree bout the effect of long term colonialism but this is a short term crisis with relatively short term causes. We unleashed instability when we invade Iraq and our handling of the Arab Spring only made matters worse. There is chaos all over the region and people are struggling - and desperate.

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I agree bout the effect of long term colonialism but this is a short term crisis with relatively short term causes. We unleashed instability when we invade Iraq and our handling of the Arab Spring only made matters worse. There is chaos all over the region and people are struggling - and desperate.

Tragically, I don't think it is a short-term crisis. As long as indigence is prevalent in a society, people will act desperately to better their lives.

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African emigrants are fleeing their homelands because of the awful poverty under which they're forced to live. These conditions have been brought on by British/European colonialism and the Atlantic Slave Trade which has left Africa heavily underdeveloped and in unpayable debt to the very people who forced these atrocious circumstances upon them in the first place. The least European countries can do is offer a better life to the victims of their own racism and economic exploitation, as opposed to sending them back to a life of abject misery and horrendous penury.

Why should the lives of Iraqi and Syrian Christians take precedent over their similarly at risk Muslim countrymen and women? Your and Nigel's view on that is disgustingly bigoted yet highly unsurprising considering your mutual support for a vilely racist and sectarian political party.

Lectured by a Rangers fan on bigotry, are you serious? Your unlettered post is clueless, blaming colonialism and the Western slave trade that ended in the early 1800's for the thousands now in the Med. Okay colonialism exploited the resources of these regions, but it also brought civilisation in the form of basic literacy, sanitation, medicines roads and infrastructure - all the things that allowed the black African populations to explode in numbers to the point we are at today. It also established countries where only tribal boundaries had existed. And your ignorance is displayed again by failing to mention the Arab slave trade that was far bigger and longer than the Western one. These people are fleeing stable poor countries for the most, demonstrated by the fact they have large sums to pay the traffickers. Asylum is for persecution and threat of death, not because of access to free benefits. And on that point you are clueless again about the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. These are the genuinely persecuted people as we've even seen on the migrant boats. And how dare you slander UKIP, you are a fool fan of a vile and racist football club.

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Lectured by a Rangers fan on bigotry, are you serious? Your unlettered post is clueless, blaming colonialism and the Western slave trade that ended in the early 1800's for the thousands now in the Med. Okay colonialism exploited the resources of these regions, but it also brought civilisation in the form of basic literacy, sanitation, medicines roads and infrastructure - all the things that allowed the black African populations to explode in numbers to the point we are at today. It also established countries where only tribal boundaries had existed. And your ignorance is displayed again by failing to mention the Arab slave trade that was far bigger and longer than the Western one. These people are fleeing stable poor countries for the most, demonstrated by the fact they have large sums to pay the traffickers. Asylum is for persecution and threat of death, not because of access to free benefits. And on that point you are clueless again about the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. These are the genuinely persecuted people as we've even seen on the migrant boats. And how dare you slander UKIP, you are a fool fan of a vile and racist football club.

A lot of fail in here.

The slave trade worsened tribal hatreds, as opposing tribes would often be complicit in capturing members from the other lot.

You also massively overestimate the benefits we brought to Africa. We did far, far more damage and a few roads and other such infrastructure (only built to make the slave trade more efficient) does not make up for it.

Africa's population was massively damaged as an estimated 18 million people were huckled on to boats.

Edited by pandarilla
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Lectured by a Rangers fan on bigotry, are you serious? Your unlettered post is clueless, blaming colonialism and the Western slave trade that ended in the early 1800's for the thousands now in the Med. Okay colonialism exploited the resources of these regions, but it also brought civilisation in the form of basic literacy, sanitation, medicines roads and infrastructure - all the things that allowed the black African populations to explode in numbers to the point we are at today. It also established countries where only tribal boundaries had existed. And your ignorance is displayed again by failing to mention the Arab slave trade that was far bigger and longer than the Western one. These people are fleeing stable poor countries for the most, demonstrated by the fact they have large sums to pay the traffickers. Asylum is for persecution and threat of death, not because of access to free benefits. And on that point you are clueless again about the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. These are the genuinely persecuted people as we've even seen on the migrant boats. And how dare you slander UKIP, you are a fool fan of a vile and racist football club.

Somehow I just knew your underdeveloped wee mind couldn't resist. (Referencing the parts in bold).

The rest of your post attempts to justify the Atlantic Slave Trade as something the African people should be thankful for. These people are fleeing countries in utter disarray. If they were as wealthy as you insinuate, why would they be puting their lives in the hands of backdoor smugglers in a desperate attempt to reach mainland Europe?

"How dare you slander UKIP" - UKIP are the most disgusting group of people in contemporary mainstream British politics.

Your very support of UKIP is evidence enough of your own clueless state of mind, it's hypocritical in the extreme to accuse me of the same.

Edited by Geronimo
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My car is British.

I don't eat kebabs and rarely drink tea or coffee

I'm not bothered about the Greeks unless they want even more of my money.

I used to vote in Scottish and British elections.

I hate modern American movies.

My whisky and vodka are Scottish.

My jumpers, shirts and boxers are Scottish too.

My hifi is Scottish too.

My suits, shoes, polo shirts and trousers are English.

My socks are Welsh.

So don't use your foreign shopping and lifestyle habits to lecture me on migration.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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