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The Trews - Russell Brand

Mr Romanov

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Well, the greatest minds in the world debate communism vs. socialism vs. capitalism et all, to ask a member of P&B to come up with the ultimate solution is stretching it a bit far, no? Nobody on here, as far as I can tell, is saying that they, or indeed Mr Brand have the solution to end all world anguish and bring peace to mankind; what the general theme seems to be is that we should continue striving for that. Why shouldn't we? You're saying we should all just keep shitting slush puppies? Or something? I don't even know what you're getting at, the only good thing slush puppies are for is hangovers.

Edit - To bebe fair, slush puppies really are fucking amazing on a hangover. At 9.30am on a Sunday, if I had a choice between world peace and an ice cold blueberry slush puppie, you would all be on a fast track to WW3.

No I don't. Steven Hawkings might have a log in, you're doing yourself a disservice here! Seriously though I do expect alternatives to be proposed otherwise it's just hype. I don't think their is an alternative system that would work otherwise we would be using it, history is the reason we are where we are, for our system to be different then there would have had to be serious differences in history and what we've acquired and learned as a society. If the Venetians never invented glass then the west might have never got into bed with consumerism and we might be communists but evidently history has happened.

World peace is a faulty concept, it completely disregards animal instinct and survival of the fittest. Humans aren't lovey dovey, "Here's an apple, can I get a carrot? Sure mate!" Doesn't happen, our survival instinct is to obtain power. Would you sacrifice your whole family for 2 other better peoples families to survive? Course not, you're self serving, naturally!

I was saying don't be deluded into thinking we're not products of the society WE built. I'll be able to die happy when I own a slush puppy makermaker.

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So if humans are all mindless, self-serving animals driven by instsinct, why do we (generally) live in mutually beneficial societies with respect for others' lives, property, money etc? You might suggest we do so out of a self-serving desire to protect ourselves from punishment for breaking the laws which 'control' us, but that would be suggesting that we all instinctively want to murder our neighbours for the contents of their fridge.

More likely, we are social creatures with the intelligence and awareness to realise that it's for the benefit of everyone to exist in a civilised society. The negative traits you attribute to the entire human race occur in a percentage of the population of course - they're known as sociopaths or psychopaths. Funnily enough these are handy traits to have if you aspire to be in a position of power.

I don't have a 'survival instinct' to obtain power. I would just like to see someone in power who doesn't consider it progress when our country surpasses 100 billionaires while the dependence of the poorest on foodbanks also increases. Is this just unavoidable as a result of human nature?

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So if humans are all mindless, self-serving animals driven by instsinct, why do we (generally) live in mutually beneficial societies with respect for others' lives, property, money etc? You might suggest we do so out of a self-se

rving desire to protect ourselves from punishment for breaking the laws which 'control' us, but that would be suggesting that we all instinctively want to murder our neighbours for the contents of their fridge.

More likely, we are social creatures with the intelligence and awareness to realise that it's for the benefit of everyone to exist in a civilised society. The negative traits you attribute to the entire human race occur in a percentage of the population of course - they're known as sociopaths or psychopaths. Funnily enough these are handy traits to have if you aspire to be in a position of power.

I don't have a 'survival instinct' to obtain power. I would just like to see someone in power who doesn't consider it progress when our country surpasses 100 billionaires while the dependence of the poorest on foodbanks also increases. Is this just unavoidable as a result of human nature?

Apologies I never meant that everybody is self serving, mindless etc.. You hit the nail on the head, it's the sociopaths that end up in the power positions. I do think it's an unavoidable, natural occurance. Nice guys finish last type theory.

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So if humans are all mindless, self-serving animals driven by instsinct, why do we (generally) live in mutually beneficial societies with respect for others' lives, property, money etc? You might suggest we do so out of a self-serving desire to protect ourselves from punishment for breaking the laws which 'control' us, but that would be suggesting that we all instinctively want to murder our neighbours for the contents of their fridge.

That is a recent development and many historians would point out that the establishemnt of codified laws within communities brought respect for lives property etc, read "Leviathan".

Don't forget Smith

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.


I don't have a 'survival instinct' to obtain power. I would just like to see someone in power who doesn't consider it progress when our country surpasses 100 billionaires while the dependence of the poorest on foodbanks also increases. Is this just unavoidable as a result of human nature?

You do know that Norway, that epitome of Scandi socialism has foodbanks?

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That is a recent development and many historians would point out that the establishemnt of codified laws within communities brought respect for lives property etc, read "Leviathan".

Salus populia suprema lex esto (the most important law is that which concerns the safety of the people) - from Leviathan (and elsewhere)

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Salus populia suprema lex esto (the most important law is that which concerns the safety of the people) - from Leviathan (and elsewhere)

Populi, not populia but yep, defo part of Leviathan. Good book in many ways.

Meanwhile, Brand does summat good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not entirely sure what the ins and outs of the row were but a lot of people calling Brand a hypocrite but should he really be made to feel this way for having a bit of money?

Establishment are scared of mass mobilisation so aim to divide and rule to dilute the voice of the movement that Russell Brand is building.

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I suppose i have judged Brand over the years as he often acts quite shifty when put on the spot light but when he's doing his own videos you can see him a lot more chilled out and sensible than he comes across in videos like the one i posted.

So when someone puts questions to him he comes the c**t but when he has total editorial control he doesn't.

He has issues.

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Been watching this for a few months now. It's really taken off, and I must say it's galvanized my interest in politics after the indy ref. I'd like to see him establish some sort of political movement so we can all get behind this ideology and really push for change, although he has stated that in the interim, if you must vote in general elections, then the Green Party are the way to go.

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RE Sociopaths getting the powerful positions, the documentary I Am Fishead is quite interesting. Interviews between experts in criminal psychopathy and a sample of fast-rising Wall St executives, showed an extremely higher than average return of functioning psychopaths and sociopaths.

I dont agree that the "good guy comes last" really. I've met loads of pretty successful dudes who's main strength is relating to people and just being amiable.

The real top of the pyramid in big business, finance, politics etc is probably packed with absolute psychos though. 99% of us are just trying to get by without stealing, exploiting or killing anyone. Greed "human nature" my arse.

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As long as the msm are against him he must be doing something right. A hypocrite for helping those less fortunate. Well it's a good job there are all those poor people with as high a profile that can get behind issues like that instead.

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Russell Brand is a self centred c**t of a human being

When are people going to wake up and realise all of this is to massage his own over inflated ego and to keep him in the media spotlight, which he obviously craves.

He's an attention seeking twat and we should starve him of the celebrity status he works so hard at trying to maintain, by trying to become the "voice of the people" and this caring tv personality, who can relate to the working classes of the UK

Get yourself to f**k Brand

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