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Pie and Bov Election Live Results!

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Dece bois know we are dece and will always be dece. I'm glad that tonight others will have the warm glow of satifaction. If you enjoy that feeling and wish to feel it more often, constantly even, then you are on the path to deceness. #Congrats

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Good people of Pie and Bovril. I stand before you here in Ham's absence, as interim First Minister of Pie & Bovril. (just let that sink in Dece)

I was in no way expecting this. Especially when it came to the Dece heartland to decide it. We were written off from the start, and we had some disasters along the way. But we came out stronger, in a large part thanks to the addition of my main man, Mr. Addwell. The beige beauty that he is. All of our Party contributed, and while we weren't perhaps as balanced and united as Dece, and perhaps not as light-hearted and fun as Derek, we did it. We bloody did it.

I'd like to thank all of our supporters along the way. But most of all, I'd like to thank Marjory. The baking that Addie took to cabinet meetings was just sublime. That made it all worth while.

Peace out.

Edit: Ok, it turns out Milesy canvassing all the juniors in lothian may have been the reason we won in the end. Think about that dece, Milesy was the one who broke you.

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8mile has a meeting with IFAB tomorrow morning to implement the Sin Bin in Scottish Football.

I am in discussions with Div about bringing back Lexi, introducing our own Sin Bin and making the Word Association thread as rude as possible.

Spain will be taking interim control of the party for a while longer and acting First Minister.

Yassin will be speaking to the meeedja as soon as he has done his homework.

Ham will be staying in his pit after a night's shagging completely oblivious to the fact he is FM.

Barra is still banned and wants to punch Tynieness in the puss.

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All votes received outwith Scotland over the last hour of the voting have been removed

I'm outraged that you have ignored my class's votes. We've been following the campaign religiously as part of our Politics classes, and the children have been very excited to see democracy in action. We had to take a 3 hour bus ride to get to the internet, but they're dedicated. They mainly voted YSU,(actuually 25 of them, two soft lads voted Dece) as I've taught them about the evil of Junior football, but I can't face breaking their little hearts by letting them know their votes didn't count, whilst soldiers and tanks roam the streets. You have no shame, and may well have destroyed a nation's future.

P.S. I'm working for VSO in Burkino Faso.

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Addie wanted to join Club Dece.

I thought about it. I was too old and I moved on.

Then I joined fun and light a fire under their arses.

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Spain strutting around pretending to be interim first minister, what if there's a Dece/YSU coalition?


Derek promised that at the start, that's why I decided to go up against them. David did rule out coalitions though.

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I have no idea what to think, after a stunning victory in the heartland of Junior football

to actually lose to Juniors

mixed messages Scotland (and you top Burkina Faso lads out there)

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