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Oh, Salmond


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You should walk around Iraq with your union jack boxer shorts.

I'm sure your dream of being a victim of war will come to pass soon enough.

I'm a nationalist, m8.

In fact Union flag underwear might not be such a bad idea.

Nah, I've watched a ton of graphic documentaries and witnessed some very, very, very graphic images of victims of war and war crimes and the destruction to regions. Doesn't really bother me, m8. Sometimes you need to tear out a dying root in order to allow a new, fresh plant to flourish.

Just the way of things.

The "Both" comment wasn't particularly serious, I am of the opinion though that war is often necessary and justified (not making a statement on Iraq or Afghanistan there) as is violence in general.

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Sinn Fein - Ties with the IRA

LabConDem - Ties with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS

Think I know which side of the fence i'd rather the SNP were on.

I'd hope it would be neither, personally.

Again, I'm merely stating this will harm the cause in Scotland and the SNP's reputation potentially quite significantly. Right or wrong, justified or not, doesn't really come into the equation here for the people who are going to be offended.

Every vote counts, I just think there's no need to announce this unless it absolutely has to be done.

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LabConDem - Ties with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS

Think I know which side of the fence i'd rather the SNP were on.

Do explain. Proper references please, no, a bloke in the pub telt me stuff.

Also SNP was on, here to help.

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But you said it shouldn't be announced an that you're a nationalist. Makes no sense u would create a thread about it

I can see why it wouldn't, to you.

So was the NSDAP.

Thank you for highlighting my point in regards to certain people in Scotland and their attitudes towards Sinn Fein and anyone associating with them.

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I believe he is correctly suggesting that it's better to be open and up front about things rather than hiding them and hoping that no one notices (until they inevitably do and it causes twice as much damage).

Being a nationalist or not doesn't mean you have to share the same opinions as every single other person on whichever side of the divide you fall.

I don't agree with Chiock that it's necessarily a bad thing that the SNP are willing to work with different people on certain issues, but I also don’t see any harm in having it discussed.

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Nah, I've watched a ton of graphic documentaries and witnessed some very, very, very graphic images of victims of war and war crimes and the destruction to regions. Doesn't really bother me, m8. Sometimes you need to tear out a dying root in order to allow a new, fresh plant to flourish.

Just the way of things.

The "Both" comment wasn't particularly serious, I am of the opinion though that war is often necessary and justified (not making a statement on Iraq or Afghanistan there) as is violence in general.

Maybe you're the dying root?

It's easy to be pro war, literally watching it from your sofa, when you're not the one getting shot at / bombed.

If war is so necessary and justified - go and fight and die in one. The world will be a more peaceful place when all these warmongers go into an actual war, and rapidly got cold feet.

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I don't agree with Chiock that it's necessarily a bad thing that the SNP are willing to work with different people on certain issues, but I also don’t see any harm in having it discussed.

I don't believe I said it was a bad thing, I said it was a harmful thing. I do believe it's wrong for Scottish nationalists to align themselves with foreign nationalist movements, that's just a personal belief though and think it's not particularly harmful. Once you get sovereignty it is EXTREMELY harmful though and if we ever did try something ridiculous like officially support Catalonian independence or Irish unification as a sovereign state I might actually cry.

Again, there's a very likely chance they never will HAVE to end up working with them, so there's absolutely no need to state it here.

Salmond is generally a smart and careful man, this is not a smart and careful move in my view.

I'm wondering if he's lost his head since the referendum result, can happen to the best of them.

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No, you're a Nazi.

How's that?

Are you implying foreign is an insult or in some way derogatory?

If war is so necessary and justified - go and fight and die in one.

No, because I'm not a fucking pleb.

These soldiers aren't being conscripted, they're joining the armed forces of their own free will. They absolutely know what they risk when they join up.

No, I don't consider myself to be the root. I do consider delusional pacificsts who think that their own individual country never going to war will bring about world peace and prosperity to be part of an extremely problematic root system spread throughout the developed world though.

War happens and always will, pacifist countries/tribes etc. have a history of getting brutally raped by neighbors who came up with the genius idea of NOT being pacifist when the pacifist country/tribe wouldn't do exactly what they demanded of them.

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