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How has it been gakvanised? The vote the Tories got would probably be pretty accurate reflection on how much of a unionist population we actually have.

Not very much.

Try 55% of those who voted on the question to remain within the Union or not? That's the only benchmark you need.
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I haven't skipped anything, despite your protestations the SNP lost seats, you pretend it isn't a concern to you. Fair enough.

I am neither frothing or seething thanks, Unionism in Scotland has been galvanised over the last 2 years plus we now have an opposition that is at last in a position to challenge the SNP's record in Government, something the SLab party has sadly failed to do over the last 9 years to the point where their support is verging on collapse all together.

Nope the last couple of years have been pretty good, I'm fairly content at the moment my friend.

ETA, Did I mention that Rangers were promoted this season btw and are looking forward to the Scottish Cup Final a week on Saturday.

Aye, things are definitely looking up!😀😀

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Try 55% of those who voted on the question to remain within the Union or not? That's the only benchmark you need.


I think that is probably the high water mark for the union. It's not a tide mark though, more like the scummy ring left in a bath that has just had the plug pulled.

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Try 55% of those who voted on the question to remain within the Union or not? That's the only benchmark you need.

There's a difference between Unionists and No voters.

In fact if I called some of the No voters I know Unionists they'd tell me to gtf. They just weren't convinced, this time around. It seems pretty simple, get the currency issue set in stone, and it's guaranteed.

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I haven't skipped anything, despite your protestations the SNP lost seats, you pretend it isn't a concern to you. Fair enough.

I am neither frothing or seething thanks, Unionism in Scotland has been galvanised over the last 2 years plus we now have an opposition that is at last in a position to challenge the SNP's record in Government, something the SLab party has sadly failed to do over the last 9 years to the point where their support is verging on collapse all together.

Nope the last couple of years have been pretty good, I'm fairly content at the moment my friend.


Yes Rob, you DID skip it.  I replied to your nonsense about the SNP losing seats,. and you chose to ignore it because it didn't sit with your agenda.   This just a mere days after you "lost your shit" as the kids say these days over me not addressing a point you raised.


I don't "pretend" it's not a concern because it isn't.  You clearly aren't all that au fait with the AMS system.  It's not your fault to be fair.  Most Rangers fans vote how dear old QE2 would like them to vote without looking too deeply into the mechanics of it.

The only reason the SNP lost seats is because they did so well in the constituencies, so they picked up less seats in the lists.  The Holyrood voting system is designed this way to stop an outright majority.  The SNP garned almost 1/4 million more constituency votes than in 2011.  With me so far?


If you want to be content, good luck to you.  Just don't keep your head in the sand too long.

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Yes Rob, you DID skip it. I replied to your nonsense about the SNP losing seats,. and you chose to ignore it because it didn't sit with your agenda. This just a mere days after you "lost your shit" as the kids say these days over me not addressing a point you raised.

I don't "pretend" it's not a concern because it isn't. You clearly aren't all that au fait with the AMS system. It's not your fault to be fair. Most Rangers fans vote how dear old QE2 would like them to vote without looking too deeply into the mechanics of it.

The only reason the SNP lost seats is because they did so well in the constituencies, so they picked up less seats in the lists. The Holyrood voting system is designed this way to stop an outright majority. The SNP garned almost 1/4 million more constituency votes than in 2011. With me so far?

If you want to be content, good luck to you. Just don't keep your head in the sand too long.

Aye, I'm with you, Big Alex blaming the system of voting too, despite it all being part of the grand plan eh!? I'm not buying that you were not completely surprised by the outcome last Thursday.

In terms of 'losing my shit', yes my language may have been a little colourful in response to your 'Riddy' jibe, especially in light of your own embarrassing, red faced climb down. It seem so remarkably lacking in self awareness, that's all Fide.

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I think that is probably the high water mark for the union. It's not a tide mark though, more like the scummy ring left in a bath that has just had the plug pulled.

A predictable response and a clear view that you have of the majority of fellow Scots.

Jeez I just don't know why we aren't falling over ourselves to join the Nationalist ranks!?

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Aye, I'm with you, Big Alex blaming the system of voting too, despite it all being part of the grand plan eh!? I'm not buying that you were not completely surprised by the outcome last Thursday.

In terms of 'losing my shit', yes my language may have been a little colourful in response to your 'Riddy' jibe, especially in light of your own embarrassing, red faced climb down. It seem so remarkably lacking in self awareness, that's all Fide.


Lacking in self awareness like, for example, demanding I pick up on your point, then ignoring a point I made a few days later, you mean?


I was surprised at how many MSP's the Tories returned, yes, but that has no effect on the SNP.  It's business as usual and as you were for The Only Show In Town.  A historic third term, more constituency votes than 5 years ago, and 6 out of 7 cities going yellow.


If I were a Labour voter I would be concerned,  This is where the Tory vote has come from.  That much is abundantly clear.  Amoral voters who once voted Labour are somehow able to hold their nose and vote Tory.  Voters like you and your ill-educated Snake Mountain brethren.



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A predictable response and a clear view that you have of the majority of fellow Scots.

Jeez I just don't know why we aren't falling over ourselves to join the Nationalist ranks!?

Cause you and many of your ilk are already Nationalists. Just a different sort.

Edited by Antiochas III
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A predictable response and a clear view that you have of the majority of fellow Scots.

Jeez I just don't know why we aren't falling over ourselves to join the Nationalist ranks!?

You wouldn't turn your back on the Union Jack if Nicola Sturgeon starting queefing shale gas.

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It's both tbh.

Kezia was right (I know, I don't believe it either!) - the policy itself is excellent, but isn't being delivered in a way that ordinary people understand. As usual, the media and the Tories have taken that and blown it out of proportion to make it look like every child will have a specific person who is given permission to abuse them.

That's not what I understand about it. Every child will have a named person to help in any problems they may have whether it's abuse or whatever. My problem is that it is not targetting the problem areas and it is basically saying every child is at risk so treating every parent as guilty and in need of the state to look after their kids.

It seems that as usual the SNP want to control everyone because of a minority causing problems.

Same as their alcohol pricing and offensive behaviour at football act. It strikes me as too authoritarian.

Of course most of my little info on the subject is gathered from the SNP hating media so I am not that well informed but you'd think that the SNP could put out better information to counter the scare stories.

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That's not what I understand about it. Every child will have a named person to help in any problems they may have whether it's abuse or whatever. My problem is that it is not targetting the problem areas and it is basically saying every child is at risk so treating every parent as guilty and in need of the state to look after their kids.

It seems that as usual the SNP want to control everyone because of a minority causing problems.

Same as their alcohol pricing and offensive behaviour at football act. It strikes me as too authoritarian.

Of course most of my little info on the subject is gathered from the SNP hating media so I am not that well informed but you'd think that the SNP could put out better information to counter the scare stories.

Every child will have a named person that much is correct. However the vast majority of kids will never know the person in that capacity. If there is no danger to that child there is no problem. 


The named person will act as a single point of contact for the child or the parents, instead of the child being directed to pillar and post, which is some cases stop's preventative measures coming in until they're too late. The parents(unless there's conclusive proof of harm) are in no way obliged to accept the advice the named person gives them.


The argument that it is unworkable is also nonsense. I work in the Highlands and the scheme has been rolled out here for the last 6 years with good results. It is because of the success of the scheme in places like the Highlands that it is being rolled out nation wide.


It is good legislation imo. There may be an element of truth that the SNP have failed to explain it properly but on these matters I think it's important to do your own reading anyway and no I don't mean reading the newspapers.

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That's not what I understand about it. Every child will have a named person to help in any problems they may have whether it's abuse or whatever. My problem is that it is not targetting the problem areas and it is basically saying every child is at risk so treating every parent as guilty and in need of the state to look after their kids.

It seems that as usual the SNP want to control everyone because of a minority causing problems.

Same as their alcohol pricing and offensive behaviour at football act. It strikes me as too authoritarian.

Of course most of my little info on the subject is gathered from the SNP hating media so I am not that well informed but you'd think that the SNP could put out better information to counter the scare stories.

Every child IS at risk and a failsafe means of identifying those that will be harmed before the harm is inflicted has not yet been invented.  I bet the parents of those abused by BBC staff in the 70s were entirely innocent but unfortunetly this is not the same as saying that the child is not at risk.

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A point on the Tories scaremongering on NPS.

It's emerged today that the only Tory led council in Scotland(south Ayrshire) has said that implementation of the scheme in their area has been "generally positive" and "good practice".

So not only did Ruth Davidson and co not oppose the legislation in Parliament, now their only council is saying it's working well. Yet we have political scare stories like Mundell's rambling's last night.

I think it is pretty sick really that you would use a scheme that has child protection at it's heart as a political football. Things like this really do have potential negative effect's for child care moving forward.

Edited by Londonwell
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No one on the Panel managed to explain it properly either last night, but it's Ok, the P&B Nats have got it all sussed, anyone else who has the audacity to question how this SNP policy will work in practice is just thick!

On a separate note, what an absolute c*nt Hamza Yousaf is, a mouthy professional politician and the epitome of a bitter seething Scottish Nationalist.

He couldn't manage one single answer last night without an attack on the UK/UK Government, nothing else matters, his judgement is completely blinded by a naked hatred for all things British.

Who needs enemies with friends like that etc..

Sounds to me like you're the one displaying naked hatred.

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I find it strange that it's always the unionist parties bringing up the subject of another referendum.

Can they not move on from it?

No, their strategists have obviously planned this out.

I guarantee you, 100% cast iron guarantee, Davidson is being told mention a second referendum every single chance you get, talk about it all the time bring it up every day. Same with Dugdale and Rennie.

That way they can make people sick of talk of a second referendum, which the SNP literally never mention at all unless asked about it, then their next move will be to quell that once enough people are sick of hearing about it.

They bring it up repeatedly deliberately for that purpose, they want people to get fed up of discussing another one.

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