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The highlight was that little baldy man getting himself in a right state and claiming that anyone who stabs another person should be 'exterminated', leading to some fairly quality audience grumbling and muttering.

A sign of how shit the show has become when that was the best bit. If it was a horse they'd have 'exterminated' it ages ago.

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Remarkable difference between Peterson and the politicians - attentive, listening, concerned with developing thorough diagnoses before proposing  solutions, well read, thoughtful.

Received general support across the panel, and won the overall clapometer by a fair distance (audience gerrymandered to have dozens of Nazis, obviously).

Wrapped it up nicely regarding the dangers of / problems with the totalitarian 'Progressive' snowflakes' crusade against Wrongspeech/Wrongthink, though drowned out by Abbot's victimhood screeching and cut short on a rebuttal by the clock. Chap in the fermer jacket raised a similar point earlier on a Brexit revote - be careful what you wish for.

The Tory dude has less character than May, fuckers are in trouble if he's a leadership candidate :lol:

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The announcer before it started warned us of "strong language" and there were several examples but the guy wanting to exterminate a certain breed was in a class of his own. There also appeared to be some disjointed links so I wonder if something else happened. It was not as bad as recent weeks so I will tune in again. As said if someone thinks Kwasi is a contender for leadership ,the other Tories must be hoping wee Ruth rides to the rescue on her buffalo. Petersen was quite calm and measured in his psychology approaches so there were no real clashes. Diane is another lost cause. 

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3 minutes ago, speedframe said:
16 hours ago, SweeperDee said:
Jordan Peterson was actually...quite decent. Compared to what I’ve seen before anyway.

Diane Abbott was a fucking shambles, was she pished?


She didn't look well, slow speech and shaky hands.

I did notice that hand shaking but don't know if it is related to Diabetes? 

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1 hour ago, SweeperDee said:

For what it’s worth, Peterson isn’t really “liked” on both sides of the political spectrum.

At the extremes, yes, and in the rabid brainwashed 'Progressive' echo chamber.

He's gained plenty of traction all over the spectrum other than that, partly because his core messages aren't political.

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