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Question Time


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Right, Peter Hain. How does some-one who was born in Kenya, raised in South Africa, and spent most of their life in Britain end up with an Australian accent?

What Australian accent? :huh:

English Sudefrika mix more accurate IMO.

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Peter Hain is a c**t.......

And he coming across the best on the panel...

Haven't seen a face like Villiers since Star Wars III.....those skinny robot brainless fucks that shot bullets they didn't understand.

And Dodds is needed back in 1969

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Right, Peter Hain. How does some-one who was born in Kenya, raised in South Africa, and spent most of their life in Britain end up with an Australian accent?

And was set up for an armed robbery gig in London by agents of the apartheid state.

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They keep making jokes and its not remotely funny.

Why is she shaking so much.

What is their TV like ?

They are very weird.

Thank f**k, NI is out the way, see you in 2025

Edited by G-MAN
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Guy on QT extra on 5live being patronisingly ripped to shreads because he said people chose to be gay.

He's likely coming from a religious viewpoint. His religion obviously, being a matter of choice.

Someone being ripped because they claim being gay is a choice?

Where's the problem?

ps. I'm an atheist.

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Once again I didn't watch it, but from the comments on this thread it would appear that QT from the failed statelet was every bit the car crash I thought it would be.

Dreadful accent, dreadful region.

Something slightly surreal about audience members talking as though there isn't some big giant political elephant in the room.

A place apart right enough.

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