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Rangers v Heart of Midlothian, 05/04/2015 (Match Rescheduled)

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The stewards don't get paid enough to deal with that sort of crap. The police, on the other hand, should be taking more responsibility for keeping the fans apart.

Rangers fans, without fail, always take anything that could be perceived as an opportunity to act like scum. The protest and abandonment was exactly that for them.

Glasgow will be a warzone on the day of the semi final. It's horrible to say but there's going to be deaths. Thank f**k none of my family or friends work in hospitals in Glasgow or as stewards.

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Totally agree. Stewards aren't there to physically restrain drugged up morons, would you for £6.50 an hour? The police are trained to deal with that shit, I would doubt stewards get more than half a days training.

I hope they kill each other at the semi final. As long as no one not involved is hurt then the more the merrier. I will sacrifice the huge cost to the tax payer and the strain on resources for this one.

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Judging the majority of the Sevco support by standards applicable to the rest of society is a waste of time. They're a fucking sub-species.

You might as well criticise chimps juniors' fans for throwing shite at each other.

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In fairness to the police, they might have been outside dealing with another load of idiots. They are always going to be outnumbered. Obviously I don't know but it's be unfair to suggest they were in having tea and biscuits. On another note, if these muppets continually behave like this they should be identified and banned by the club with aid of the police and prosecuted for whatever they get up to. Although I can't imagine rangers wanting to lose any money.

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The police dictate how to clubs how many officers are at games, my understanding is that if clubs refuse the games can't go ahead.

I've seen riot vans at Cowdenbeath-Falkirk, there is no excuse for a shortage of police at these games.

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Someone from the Rangers side of the fence had this to say about last night's events.


This post is directed at those who shamed our club tonight after the game was abandoned. The protest at the start and during the game is what we needed, and the atmosphere there was incredible.

I am only just in the house and have absolutely no interest in reading other threads so if something of this nature has already been posted then merge it.

I have read many topics posted in the Bears Den relating to "Rangers Class", "The Rangers Way" and "The Rangers Etiquette". These focused on a lot of things but mainly the repugnance of Ally choosing a tracksuit over a formal suit whilst in the dugout and the players social life.

Quite frankly, I think we should worry more about the mental state of our support, rather than what sauce Kyle Hutton had on his Nando's last weekend.

Tempers were obviously running high tonight for several reasons, even more so after the game was abandoned. But for God sake, seeing grown adults trying to portray the Govan hard man, pushing the plastic sheet divider in a way as though it was holding them back, and if it wasnt for that flimsy piece of tarpaulin then they would have had no hesitation in attacking the Hearts fans is cringe-worthy. There wasn't a Heart's fan near them in the Broomloan stand.

And it didn't stop there. As soon as I left the Sandy Jardine stand exit at the Rangers Ticket Centre, I seen two young lads, pissed out their delinquent brains, shouting "Where the f**k is that Hearts c**t". They joined in the other group of knuckle-dragging braindead's in singing songs and throwing ketchup from the Burger van towards the group of around dozen Hearts fans, women and children in the mix.

If your rational response to an opposition fan giving you the finger is to rush a barrier (which you know you are not even going to attempt to cross, because if you had any real conviction the 16 year old G4S schoolgirl wouldnt be a barrier to you), and signal that you are you to cause GBH to them outside, then you need your fucking head examined.

Why it is still a surprise to some of you that the media focus on our fans as hooligans is beyond me...just look at the state of this section of our support.

I am utterly disgusted. Talk about "Rangers Class, Etiquette and Tradition", look back at photos from the bygone days of yore, when our support would turn up and support the team in their best Saturday bunnet...not rush the toilets looking for a bog roll to toss at the away support.

YOU are the embarrassment. YOU are Scotland's Shame. Call yourself "Rangers Men"... don't make me laugh.

Needless to say, it didn't go down well, accusations of being a Sellick fan, etc.

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That game was ludicrous. It cost us thousands. There was something like 20 fans to every police officer. They had riot vans, CCTV vans and dog vans. I've never seen any bother at the fixtire in my life yet the police demanded it and the club had to fork out with no choice.

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I can only remember two of our games being stopped in this way. The game at Tannadice and last night. Both games live on TV. Anybody in the Govan area between 6pm-7pm last night knew this should never have gone ahead. The roads and especially the pavements were untreated. The amount of RTAs in and around Glasgow was horrendous.

As far as the trouble goes. A few Hearts fans walked by the demonstration before the game and started chanting at the Rangers fans. There was a scuffle and a few punches thrown. IMO they were lucky it wasnt far worse.

I saw the handbags at fulltime where daft wee boys from both sides were 'trying to get at each other'. Tbh we were just laughing at the young Hearts fan who managed to get past the stewards and had a clear run at the Rangers support. Poor wee lad didnt know what to do and looked relieved when a steward grabbed him.

I saw no trouble after game. IF bricks were thrown at buses then there is simply no defence for that. Been on many a bus that has been bricked and it is not a pleasant experience.

What i have found amusing if not unsurprising is the amount of posters who were nowhere near Ibrox wishing death on Rangers supporters and yet completely ignoring the fact that Hearts supporters were not entirely blameless here. From what i saw it was arseholes being arseholes from both sets of supporters. In fact the posters who have mentioned this are one or two Jamboz

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They are always going to be outnumbered by the amount of fans. I don't know how many police officers you think are available. I I am not saying they are managed efficiently as I am not in possession of the facts. There should be a distinction made between those officers on the ground and those deciding things at a senior level. Obviously some games are not going to have the same level of fans or animosity

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There's regularly over fifty police officers at Cowdenbeath-Raith games attended by barely a thousand people. The clubs foot the bill, so I wonder why a Rangers home match may be under policed?

St Johnstone "casuals" kicked off in Kirkcaldy about ten years ago so when we had them in the Cup last year there were police and riot vans everywhere for a lunchtime kick off. Given Rangers fans kick off every week, and Hearts have their share of morons as well, on a Friday night, in a big match, with Rangers supporters foaming at the mouth regarding the board... if that's not "high risk" I don't know what is.

You can't blame the police for morons on both sides, but you can blame them for being underprepared.

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As far as the trouble goes. A few Hearts fans walked by the demonstration before the game and started chanting at the Rangers fans. There was a scuffle and a few punches thrown. IMO they were lucky it wasnt far worse.

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Thank you Waffen, there are some absolute belters in there. Skets response seems popular:

The problem with you and the rest of the wee poofs we have amongot our fanbase now is you are all too quick to stuck the boot in to a club you claim to love all in the name of a few likes on facebook portraying yourself as a fucking moral high ground c**t. Who needs enemies when we have 'fans' like you chomping to stick our own in at every opportunity. You are a fucking scum c**t, I'm glad there is none of you're ilk associated with our proud RSC, you wouldn't last 1 fucking trip on our bus you scab b*****d.

I can only remember two of our games being stopped in this way. The game at Tannadice and last night. Both games live on TV. Anybody in the Govan area between 6pm-7pm last night knew this should never have gone ahead. The roads and especially the pavements were untreated. The amount of RTAs in and around Glasgow was horrendous.

As far as the trouble goes. A few Hearts fans walked by the demonstration before the game and started chanting at the Rangers fans. There was a scuffle and a few punches thrown. IMO they were lucky it wasnt far worse.

I saw the handbags at fulltime where daft wee boys from both sides were 'trying to get at each other'. Tbh we were just laughing at the young Hearts fan who managed to get past the stewards and had a clear run at the Rangers support. Poor wee lad didnt know what to do and looked relieved when a steward grabbed him.

I saw no trouble after game. IF bricks were thrown at buses then there is simply no defence for that. Been on many a bus that has been bricked and it is not a pleasant experience.

What i have found amusing if not unsurprising is the amount of posters who were nowhere near Ibrox wishing death on Rangers supporters and yet completely ignoring the fact that Hearts supporters were not entirely blameless here. From what i saw it was arseholes being arseholes from both sets of supporters. In fact the posters who have mentioned this are one or two Jamboz

If you'd brushed the snow off the pitch, which would only have required a bit of effort, no drama. And as for the fan trouble, you're right it does take 2 to tango as they say, but lets compare the away fan experience for all supporters visiting Ibrox. Any common themes here or are we all going there looking for trouble?

Clean yer big house of these cretins or suffer alongside them IMO.

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I can only remember two of our games being stopped in this way. The game at Tannadice and last night. Both games live on TV. Anybody in the Govan area between 6pm-7pm last night knew this should never have gone ahead. The roads and especially the pavements were untreated. The amount of RTAs in and around Glasgow was horrendous.

As far as the trouble goes. A few Hearts fans walked by the demonstration before the game and started chanting at the Rangers fans. There was a scuffle and a few punches thrown. IMO they were lucky it wasnt far worse.

I saw the handbags at fulltime where daft wee boys from both sides were 'trying to get at each other'. Tbh we were just laughing at the young Hearts fan who managed to get past the stewards and had a clear run at the Rangers support. Poor wee lad didnt know what to do and looked relieved when a steward grabbed him.

I saw no trouble after game. IF bricks were thrown at buses then there is simply no defence for that. Been on many a bus that has been bricked and it is not a pleasant experience.

What i have found amusing if not unsurprising is the amount of posters who were nowhere near Ibrox wishing death on Rangers supporters and yet completely ignoring the fact that Hearts supporters were not entirely blameless here. From what i saw it was arseholes being arseholes from both sets of supporters. In fact the posters who have mentioned this are one or two Jamboz

Good for you no seeing bother post match. There was plenty, most of it unprovoked attacks by groups of Rangers fans on Hearts fans. Inside the ground was back and forth but the more serious stuff was all Rangers fans.
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There's regularly over fifty police officers at Cowdenbeath-Raith games attended by barely a thousand people. The clubs foot the bill, so I wonder why a Rangers home match may be under policed?

St Johnstone "casuals" kicked off in Kirkcaldy about ten years ago so when we had them in the Cup last year there were police and riot vans everywhere for a lunchtime kick off. Given Rangers fans kick off every week, and Hearts have their share of morons as well, on a Friday night, in a big match, with Rangers supporters foaming at the mouth regarding the board... if that's not "high risk" I don't know what is.

You can't blame the police for morons on both sides, but you can blame them for being underprepared.

there were plenty of police on duty. The problem was that when the game was abandoned they just let everyone out at the same time and hadn't prepared a cordon or delayed exit for us as they usually do, and the police were all protecting the main stand from attack. . Given the most hardcore of the Rangers support is right next to the away end and they were foaming at b the mouth before all the nonsense with the game, it was only going to go badly.
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I've heart the bigoted chants from Hearts fans (yes a very small minority) I've been attached outside Tynecastle, Only one ground of fans outside Ibrox I know that celebrate child abuse, oh and only one other club who have a "loyalist" element

So yes, from my perspective Hearts and Rangers are more alike than they are different.

Erm, I doubt that most Hearts supporters would deny we have some moronic fans who join in with sectarian nonsense. Tarring an entire fan base with the same brush on that basis is just pathetic, though.

The difference is, we acknowledge we actually do have this problem and slowly but surely it is being stamped out.

As a club and support what we certainly don't do is sweep it under the carpet with whataboutery pish like the Old Firm do.

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The cretin right up at the segregation giving it the w****r sign with his arm around his son (presumably).

That simply sums them up. Very sad.

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