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Most Hilarious Rangers/Sevco Moment So Far

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King's confusing the club with the company. It's the company that has to have the Nomad.

Is it the club, the company, the AIM listing or the Rangers planetary orbiter that needs the Nomad? Someone call Neil Doncaster for a decisive ruling.

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that was brilliant !!! was there not a really blatant and obvious dive by " Elbows " in that game.... anyhow , well played Albion...Think your manager was away to a wedding that day...Surely Keiren Prior the Biggest IQ in modern history must have a future role in the latest saga..Might even work out some contracts for free,., :lol:

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Bit of a felching fest at the Evening Times yesterday. Chris Jack doing his best Nick Witchell, a sense of hushed tones, majesty, pomp and circumstance as the Annointed One ascends the Marble Staircase to the strains of Elgar's Nimrod from the Enigma Variations.

Edited by Dr Koop
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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1425693289.351401.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1425693317.868596.jpg

Have a gentle dig at Ibrox on the day they celebrated 140 years of "continuous" history - with that break in the middle of course.

'The Interregnum'?

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The Paul Murray interview on radio Scotland just now is pretty funny. Standard bbc though why they not ask big questions like what are your plans if sfa disqualify you or you say club shouldn't have been sold to Craig whyte, you were on the board then what was your role?

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Bit of a felching fest at the Evening Times yesterday. Chris Jack doing his best Nick Witchell, a sense of hushed tones, majesty, pomp and circumstance as the Annointed One ascends the Marble Staircase to the strains of Elgar's Nimrod from the Enigma Variations.

My mate is a student journo doing a placement the now, said they were all having a laugh at that idiot, thought his account was a parody at first :lol:

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A grown man.

Some teddy bears.

A Felix the Cat soft toy.

A scarf, annuals and framed photograph.

A child's toy keyboard.


Well he can scratch the picking up silver and needs to come up with something as they have disproved the "dont do walking away" bit as well or is it only attend when they are winning each game due to paying money for players they dont have.

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My mate is a student journo doing a placement the now, said they were all having a laugh at that idiot, thought his account was a parody at first :lol:

Little wonder. Apropos nowt, I would imagine your mate is being used to replace a working journalist. It's the Newsquest way. A wee word of advice to him/her. Chuck the degree and consider a career in retail. There's a better living. Jack is angling for a job at Rangers.

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