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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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I'm not suggesting it would be perfect, but faced with the option of cooperation with the west or a protracted bombing campaign from NATO allegiances would undoubtedly swing at least somewhat in the West's direction.

Wow what a humanitarian you are, bomb the shit out them till they agree to install a military dictator we can control, that's your solution? You see why I say you are an inherently disgusting and vile human being without a moral bone in your body? Because you are.

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I blame Big Brother for all this, the celebrity culture has gone totally insane if this moron gets elected. Someone with zero experience of government getting the most powerful job on the planet?

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I blame Big Brother for all this, the celebrity culture has gone totally insane if this moron gets elected. Someone with zero experience of government getting the most powerful job on the planet?

That's the question I've been dying for a reporter to ask Trump, would you appoint someone with zero business experience to lead your largest company? If not why should anyone vote for you to be President?

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Anyone who isn't concerned at the possibility of this guy being president is incapable of rational thought.

Imagine wanting Clinton to win. :(

To return to the character mentioned before; if the ghost of Richard Nixon were to somehow make it onto the ballot paper, he'd be the rational American's vote.

Clinton II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump. And most Americans know that. All of the numbers suggest a rout.

And, for the love of God, President Trump? The horror, the horror!

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To return to the character mentioned before; if the ghost of Richard Nixon were to somehow make it onto the ballot paper, he'd be the rational American's vote.

Clinton II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump. And most Americans know that. All of the numbers suggest a rout.

And, for the love of God, President Trump? The horror, the horror!

Yeah but it's a bit like having the choice between Boris Johnstone and Nigel Farage as PM.

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I don't get all the Hillary is lying monster thing. Only thing I remember was her telling an anecdote about being under fire abroad which was slightly exaggerated as memories often are.

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Yeah but it's a bit like having the choice between Boris Johnstone and Nigel Farage as PM.

Were that ever a possibility, it would also be one of the most one sided elections in history. Every single rational person would vote Bo-Jo. They wouldn't like it, but they would do it willingly.

People may not like Hillary, but if it's a matter of her or Trump, well, it's an easy choice.

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Yeah but it's a bit like having the choice between Boris Johnstone and Nigel Farage as PM.

Catshit sandwich sir?

No way!

What's the alternative delights on your menu?

Only dogshit or catshit sir.

f**k it, I'm voting Hilary!

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Were that ever a possibility, it would also be one of the most one sided elections in history. Every single rational person would vote Bo-Jo. They wouldn't like it, but they would do it willingly.

People may not like Hillary, but if it's a matter of her or Trump, well, it's an easy choice.

You've never been in Mississippi!

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Without the Trump factor the numbers are still stacked against the Republicans.

In the last 6 US elections they only have 9 states that they have always won opposed to the 19 for the Democrats - that's 107 electoral college votes for the GOP to 246 electoral college votes for the Democrats. Florida is (not surprisingly) now swinging heavily towards Clinton giving her the majority she needs - even without the other states.

I suspect other states with a high Latino and/or black vote will also go heavily against Trump.

It's going to be a rout.

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The devil in me really wants to see what life would be like under president Trump :lol:

Same. I'd particularly like to see him trying to get Mexico to pay for a massive wall. That, and practically everything else he's promised, would end up being an absolute minter for him.

The fear of an imminent nuclear apocalypse wouldn't be worth the scenes though.

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Nice to see Trump is now getting the exact same fear mongering Reagan received when he was running for president. Trump has plenty of ammunition he can use against Hilary, something which Sanders was too feckless to use. More importantly, Hillary will crumble in a head to head debate against Trump. 

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