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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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The Clintons have first hand experience of right wing shock jocks hijacking legal proceedings to try to create a show trial to smear and discredit them. Why they would be reluctant to engage these bampots for as long as Hillary is running for or in the White House is blatantly obvious to anyone as it would completely undermine her ability to govern.

By the time they leave the White House, any defamation claim would probably in any case be time barred, and the sting of the false allegations would long since have been lost.

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I could see an independent like Michael Bloomberg coming in and romping it, given the unpopularity of both candidates.


This has been the media's wet dream for years. The truth is Bloomberg is only slightly more electable than Mitt Romney, and he'd be immediately identified as the establishment right-wing candidate and thus lose both all Democrats with a functional brain cell and all Republicans without.


Incidentally, could someone explain why some random nugget is using a football forum as his Donald Trump fan blog?

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The possibly apocryphal story goes that LBJ wanted to accuse a rival of bestiality.

When told by an aide that he couldn't say things that were blatantly not true, LBJ replied, "Of course it's not true - but let's make the b*****d deny it."

Trump's just using age old methods to play on Clinton's perceived personality issues. The trouble is, Trump's casual racism and misogyny is lack even in focus, so none of it sticks. A bit like the email gate issue.

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This has been the media's wet dream for years. The truth is Bloomberg is only slightly more electable than Mitt Romney, and he'd be immediately identified as the establishment right-wing candidate and thus lose both all Democrats with a functional brain cell and all Republicans without.

Incidentally, could someone explain why some random nugget is using a football forum as his Donald Trump fan blog?

Did Bloomberg not get a fair bit of Democratic support in New York as an efficient technocratic, despite his background? Don't know much about him tbh.

P.S Vikington posted his suspicions that the random nugget is undercover Swampy. Wouldn't surprise me.

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Yes, because you're implying that if someone doesn't sue someone for defamation it necessarily means that either what is said is true or that they've got something to hide. That's not how justice works champ.

I can't envisage any British politician being called a rapist in that way and not suing.

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Icke used to accuse people of turning into reptiles. If that's your example it's an irrelevant one.

This shows how little you understand American politics and how little you know about Roger Stone.

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All I know about him was his appearance in the Simpsons treehouse of horror episode. An absolute classic at that


He is probably best known for always referring to himself in the third person.


Also, Dole has been on the losing ticket twice - once as Gerald Ford's VP pick in '76 & also at top of ticket in '96. He is the only person to ever lose an election, both as VP nominee & presidential nominee.

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The last thing a Hillary White House bid needs is her husband suing a bunch of cranks writing conspiracy theory books and hooring them out on shock jock talk shows.

There's nothing to sue for. Media members are allowed to report on allegations made against public figures. In order to prove libel you'd have to prove that the claim was a lie and that the person reporting on the claim knew it was a lie.

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This has been the media's wet dream for years. The truth is Bloomberg is only slightly more electable than Mitt Romney, and he'd be immediately identified as the establishment right-wing candidate and thus lose both all Democrats with a functional brain cell and all Republicans without.


Incidentally, could someone explain why some random nugget is using a football forum as his Donald Trump fan blog?

Bloomberg is less electable than Mitt Romney because of his extreme stance on guns which is to the left of most Democrats. No Republican can win the White House without turning out gun owners to vote. In a three way race that includes a far left Democrat like Bernie Sanders he might have a chance, but he'd have to heavily rely on centrist Democrats to have any chance at winning.

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Trump said today that tax raises on the rich will be on the table in negotiations with the Congress and he'd support these raises in exchange for corporate and middle income tax cuts.

He also came out in favor of a higher minimum wage.


Along with his recent viscous attacks on Hillary and saying nice things about Bernie you can see his general election strategy taking shape. He's going to heavily target the 30-35% of blue collar whites who vote Democrat along with turning out those who generally stay home, try to slice off as much working black support as possible, and depress turnout amongst the college educated young activist/feminist left by linking Hillary's past actions as opposed to their modern "college campus" sexual ethics (always believe the accuser, no such thing as consensual sex if it involves alcohol or power differences, lower standards of proof for rape/sexual harassment rather than hiding behind legal technicalities, rich white males are the no.1 sexual predators in our society).  .


I think it's a great strategy. I hope someone lets him know that an increase in the earned income tax credit is a far more useful tool to help the working poor than a minimum wage rise. It has all the good effects of a minimum wage rise (decreased inequality, a fair paycheck for those willing to work) with none of the downsides (help to the 50% of minimum wage workers who live in above average households, labor market distortions, increased unemployment for the young and unskilled, hurts lower middle income people working for companies with lots of low wage workers who will see their benefits and compensation slashed as a result, unfair burdens on industries which employ low skilled employees).

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Sarah Palin has announced that she's supporting Paul Nehlen in his bid to oust Paul Ryan in the Republican primary and will be traveling to campaign for him. I'm not sure how it happened but Sarah Palin has somehow become one of the most politically powerful Republicans in the country without holding office. She goes around the country finding upstarts who want to take on the establishment Republican candidate, brings attention to their campaign, and as often as not they end up winning. Most of the Tea Partiers in the Congress owe their election to her. I"m sure John McCain and all the other bigwigs are kicking themselves for bringing her to the country's attention.

I find it strange someone with republican leaning mid west views would refer to themselves as a yankee...

1. I'm from, and currently live in, Appalachia, but I have lived all over the country except the East Coast.

2. Yank is obviously a general term for all Americans to foreign folks, or do you use it only for WASP New Englanders?

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I was thinking more a Donnie Arbuthnott with some serious effort put in.

It's far too eloquent for him, surely?

Swampy is a good shout. The real test will be if Northern Aggressor Michael suddenly starts abusing people for no reason, even if they are agreeing with him.

The Yank thing is a bit of a give away though.

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