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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Trump's old butler believes Obama should be killed. This is making worldwide headlines.

I get that Trump is a fud, but is there really any need for such a widespread smear campaign over, ultimately, irrelevant information? Trump has more than enough areas to attack without resorting to gutter journalism. And going by the primaries, the more negative press Trump gets, the more people vote for him...

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Looks like ol Billy Boy is still up to his old tricks.





Clinton charity arranged $2M pledge to firm owned by Bill’s â€˜friend’


And it looks like he was taking even more rides than previously known on pervert Jeffery Epstein's sex plane. Turns out there were 26 trips instead of 11, and he ditched his secret service detail for 5 of these previously unreported flights.


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Clinton won Nevada. The Sanders folks were trying to finagle delegates through backroom parliamentary procedures and the Democrat bigwigs shut them down by ignoring the official rules.


Side bar: Trump people had their delegates stolen in scores of states they actually won. No riots.


The Sanders people responded by causing a mini riot throwing chairs. The police had to shut down the convention because they couldn't guarantee safety. The Democrat Party buildings in Nevada are now shut down because of threats. The personal information of Democrat party officials have been posted online and they've been receiving death threats.


This is Bernie Sanders "democracy." We've witnessed it at the Trump rallies and now we witness it turned on the Democrat Party. I wonder what narrative the media will paint.

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Loved that NY Times hit piece on the women in Trumps life.


We learned that he was basically the only person to put women in charge of Manhattan building projects in the 1980s.

We learned that the NY Times misled Trump's ex-girlfriend about the nature of the story and took her quotes all out of context. She's all over tv today.

We learned that Trump expected beauty pageant contestants to actually do their job and stay in shape. "Oh, the humanity!!! What an asshole!"


The Republican Party chairman is saying that Clinton people put some of these beauty pageant contestants in touch with the NY Times. It just shows how out of touch they are. He expected these women to do their jobs and nothing else. Their job was to look hot. Nobody cares that he inspected their beauty or insisted that they stay in shape. The business depended on it.

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You mean that Sanders caucus bullies weren't able to change the result of the first poll?


The Sanders people responded by causing a mini riot throwing chairs. The police had to shut down the convention because they couldn't guarantee safety.


I've absolutely no love for these crybullies either. Still, Sanders was never going to nor will he get the nomination, bar a miracle beyond Clinton's / establishment control.


Loved that NY Times hit piece on the women in Trumps life.


Pathetic and transparent hit piece, shit's only going to get dirtier.


Also still waiting for anyone here to back up this incessant 'everyone knows!' claim that Trump is a misogynist.

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I really want Trump to win this just for the unparalleled seethe and meltdowns all over the internet :lol:


It's more the actual nuclear meltdowns all over the planet I'd be concerned about.


The only saving grace is that they guy has such a massive ego that'd he overstep his authority by some measure, doing something criminally stupid and getting himself impeached and punted a'la Tricky Dicky in the process.

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It's more the actual nuclear meltdowns all over the planet I'd be concerned about.


The only saving grace is that they guy has such a massive ego that'd he overstep his authority by some measure, doing something criminally stupid and getting himself impeached and punted a'la Tricky Dicky in the process.


I think Dicky jumped before he was pushed. 

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I think Dicky jumped before he was pushed.

No shit?

Trump wouldn't be as big a disaster as people think. Realistically what would he actually manage to do? He needs support of the House and Senate which he's never going to get when it comes to banning Muslims or building the wall.

It would cause internal tensions to rise in the population but let's not pretend racism isn't hugely prevalent in the USA anyway. Maybe the public reaction to the racists would help defeat the thing once and for all.

Clinton means the status quo which isn't good news either.

What a mess that country is.

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It's more the actual nuclear meltdowns all over the planet I'd be concerned about.


What makes you think a Trump presidency is going to produce "nuclear meltdowns all over the planet"?


Honestly, where is this shit coming from?

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I really want Trump to win this just for the unparalleled seethe and meltdowns all over the internet :lol:

I think you are stupid enough to genuinely mean that. You'd fit in well in the U.S.


No shit?

Trump wouldn't be as big a disaster as people think. Realistically what would he actually manage to do? He needs support of the House and Senate which he's never going to get when it comes to banning Muslims or building the wall.

It would cause internal tensions to rise in the population but let's not pretend racism isn't hugely prevalent in the USA anyway. Maybe the public reaction to the racists would help defeat the thing once and for all.

Clinton means the status quo which isn't good news either.

What a mess that country is.

I agree with both these sentiments. I believe we are faced with two 'evils' and Clinton is the lesser of the two.

I also think this primary race has shown just how polarised the U.S. is. Whoever wins the presidency there will be huge unhappiness in the country; it will be interesting to see how it manifests itself.

The only positive thing for me is there are large swathes of Democrats who have been willing to support Sanders. I don't think he's without his faults but he's argued on a platform that is more radical that anyone I can recall and has a huge amount of public support, particularly from younger Democrats.

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It's more the actual nuclear meltdowns all over the planet I'd be concerned about.


The only saving grace is that they guy has such a massive ego that'd he overstep his authority by some measure, doing something criminally stupid and getting himself impeached and punted a'la Tricky Dicky in the process.


If Trump wins, he will have to deal with Congress who will stop his crazy policies. That's the real saving grace. 

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No shit?

Trump wouldn't be as big a disaster as people think. Realistically what would he actually manage to do? He needs support of the House and Senate which he's never going to get when it comes to banning Muslims or building the wall.


Uh, what? You could get House Republicans to pass a bill repealing emancipation.

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No shit?

Trump wouldn't be as big a disaster as people think. Realistically what would he actually manage to do? He needs support of the House and Senate which he's never going to get when it comes to banning Muslims or building the wall.


What's this Congress thing? We live in Obama's America when it comes to immigration policy. :)


In all seriousness, I believe that the President has the legal authority to block anybody he wants from entering the country on national security grounds. He couldn't build the wall without Congressional approval, but he could order the military to the southern border in his role as commander in chief of the armed forces. The only way the Congress could stop that action is to cut off funding to the military completely. Legally the President has to obtain approval from Congress before attacking another country or within 60 days if America or Americans are under threat (again, lol at the law in Obama's America). The President also can't use the federal army within the US against Americans. The President is allowed to use the State National Guards in domestic law enforcement actions if the police can't handle the situation. It's the same as when Eisenhower used the Guard to integrate Southern schools. Immigration law is not currently being enforced by the proper agencies. You just order the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California National Guards to the border and fortify it militarily until Congress agrees to build the wall.

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