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First World Problems

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Hang on let's quash that now before it grows legs. I don't wear a cardigan! Never have done never will do.


Guess what's on my Christmas present list type post.

Swarls I dunno about growing legs but you've deffo got 1 arm in it now.


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I'll accept that - it's a proper poncey, midlife crisis effort. Owned a big chunky cardy once before but used/destroyed it when my car was stuck in snow. Not to keep warm, but to jam under the tyres to gain traction. It saved my life (or at least saved me walking the last few hundred yards home).

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I'll accept that - it's a proper poncey, midlife crisis effort. Owned a big chunky cardy once before but used/destroyed it when my car was stuck in snow. Not to keep warm, but to jam under the tyres to gain traction. It saved my life (or at least saved me walking the last few hundred yards home).

Your category, Shands is called the "closet cardy wearer", you'll be able to come out in it soon. Then you'll notice that you are not alone & feel snug about yourself.

I have a friend who told me all about it.


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Glorious here in my wee sunny corner of Edinburgh. Plus someone has already brought me a nice bottle of wine and some shortbread this morning. They'd probably take it back off me if I let on about the cardigan stuff.

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There is a level above or below, whichever way you look at it for cardigan wearers and that is the sleeveless variety, guys that strut about in this clobber need to have a word with themselves.


Zen is that you?

Whether it is or not I do declare that you have located the biggest 1st World Problem ever, this thread may as we'll be closed off.


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Zen is that you?

Whether it is or not I do declare that you have located the biggest 1st World Problem ever, this thread may as we'll be closed off.


Does a zipper make a cardigan less of a First World Problem?
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I was thinking more of summer/fashion cardigans but I also have this winter warmer tucked away at home.


Oh no the cardy factions of buttons opposed to the zipper.

If I were a cardy wearer (obviously I am not but do have a friend in this category of humans). I like to appear as a traditionalist in most aspects of my life, therefore I conclude I would be in the buttons brigade.

I doubt there's been many A&E admittances from button cardy related incidents but I imagine quite a few via the zipper variation.

I s'pose it comes down to living dangerously?


Edited by Grim O'Grady
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Ran out of nescafe azera so will have to have millicano instead. It's just not as nice

Good news. Popped down to asda, they're selling azera at 3 notes. Bought two tins, sadly no intenso (fml) so had to get espresso. I'll live, but a bit sad tbh

Edited by madwullie
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