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BBC leaders debate

bob the tank

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There were Conservative MPs in Scotland throughout the whole of Thatchers time as PM. Scotland returned 21 of them in 1984, 10 of them in 1987 then returned 11 in 1992 after her 'reign'.

Mea culpa, but they've had a maximum of 1 in the last 4 elections, and we've been run by that party for the last 5 years. How can England complain it's unfair if we have 50 odd MP's out of 650?

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P.S. Bit embarrassing how much better the English audience were at questioning the 3 stooges than the Scottish one questioning Sturgeon was.

Can't agree with this. Our rabble of concern trolls, attention seekers and Britnats shouting about completely irrelevant hypothetical situations that they've made up were nothing to be proud of - but the English version was certainly no better.

The 'questions' put to Cameron were a stream of people calling him evil (probably fair enough but it's not going to produce an interesting debate) and Miliband's attackers took it in turns to repeat the same laughable nonsense about how he wants to spend all da money. A more simplistic and vacuous political spectacle you'd struggle to ever find.

Whilst ours was shit at least it wasn't shit and 90% immigration hand-wringing.

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Can't agree with this. Our rabble of concern trolls, attention seekers and Britnats shouting about completely irrelevant hypothetical situations that they've made up were nothing to be proud of - but the English version was certainly no better.

The 'questions' put to Cameron were a stream of people calling him evil (probably fair enough but it's not going to produce an interesting debate) and Miliband's attackers took it in turns to repeat the same laughable nonsense about how he wants to spend all da money. A more simplistic and vacuous political spectacle you'd struggle to ever find.

Whilst ours was shit at least it wasn't shit and 90% immigration hand-wringing.

Cameron's going to the election refusing to say where the 12 Billion of welfare cuts are going to come from, Miliband's promising to balance the budget but refusing to say how, and Clegg's pretending to have principles but has a track record of selling them to whoever has the comehither eyes. They were all seriously questioned on these issues, Sturgeon got off scot free, as it were, by a bunch of loons. Must admit I wasn't totally alert by the time Sturgeon came on, so I might have missed a cutting question.

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Who cares, its all nationalist bollocks anyway.

You seem suspiciously more interested in grouping people together these days, perhaps a change of heart?

Nothing to do with my post, but thanks anyway.
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Mea culpa, but they've had a maximum of 1 in the last 4 elections, and we've been run by that party for the last 5 years. How can England complain it's unfair if we have 50 odd MP's out of 650?

I don't think they can. If people are happy to accept a United Kingdom then every constituency has to be equal. They cannot complain when one part of that United Kingdom votes in MPs they don't agree with.
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No it will not be Jim.

They will be elected MPs from Scotland. If Miliband ruled out doing any deal with them to put the Tories in to power he is effectively saying Scotland's choices do not matter and that he'd rather hand his biggest rivals the key to number 10, it would be absolutely suicidal

Ed had no choice but to come out with this statement, he is losing votes in england because of the conservatives constant attacks on a lab/snp deal and what effect it may have,by making this no deal comment he is trying to win these votes back and to sway any undecided voters that he wont risk the union.

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Most people expect a hung parliament, but check out the odds on overall majority:

Con: 13/2

Lab: between 25 - 66/1


Pretty irrelevant tbh.

Despite Murphy's pish, the largest party will not automatically form the next government; it's not how Westminster works.

What is more laughable is the MSM presentation of this saying it's not happened since the 1920s. So what? Just because it's not happened since then is no guide to when it will happen. Lazy journalism with flawed logic.

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Those numbers are for an overall majority. The SNP had no formal deal with the Tories at Holyrood from 2007 to 2011, but the parliament still functioned because issue by issue things got sorted out. Not sure that Milliband's statement amounts to much but Labour obviously think they need to say somthing to stop a third party squeeze of UKIP in the Tories favour.

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Had Miliband said last night that Labour were open to a coalition or an agreement with the SNP, where do people think Labours vote would increase? And what seats do you think Labour would win that they currently aren't expected to win?

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Ed had no choice but to come out with this statement, he is losing votes in england because of the conservatives constant attacks on a lab/snp deal and what effect it may have,by making this no deal comment he is trying to win these votes back and to sway any undecided voters that he wont risk the union.

Or he could, y'know, grow a pair?

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Had Miliband said last night that Labour were open to a coalition or an agreement with the SNP, where do people think Labours vote would increase? And what seats do you think Labour would win that they currently aren't expected to win?

As I've said before, he didn't have to say that. But equally he didn't have to say what he did: a cack-handed jumble of sentences that smack of political naivety. The guy's a liability.

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Had Miliband said last night that Labour were open to a coalition or an agreement with the SNP, where do people think Labours vote would increase? And what seats do you think Labour would win that they currently aren't expected to win?

I was thinking about that earlier. With the polls the way they are, Scotland looks a lost cause. There's marginals in England that still look winnable however, and the SNP 'coalition' seems to be one of the primary concerns of people in a lot of those constituencies.

It's a freebie for the SNP though - they've not even had to spin it at all. People in my work are already talking about it, people who are labour voters too, and they're not happy with what he said. I'd imagine there will be a lot of similar conversations in offices this morning.

Got to say, I think Ed blew it last night. I expected he'd have an easier time than the Tories/Lib Dems - he doesn't have a record to defend as such - but the line of questioning the crowd took up was probably more hostile than what Cameron or Clegg got. Then the poor fucker stumbled coming off the stage :(. When it's not going for you, it's just not going for you.

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kev is one of those guys that drinks in everything Labour says and believes it all and then accuses SNP supporters of doing the same.

I've noticed that a lot. Accusations of SNP supporters showing blind faith and refusing to criticise. From Labour supporters who show blind faith and refuse to criticise.

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Had Miliband said last night that Labour were open to a coalition or an agreement with the SNP, where do people think Labours vote would increase? And what seats do you think Labour would win that they currently aren't expected to win?

None.He needs to keep focus on the rest of the UK or there will be no Lab minority Govt and both Labour and the SNP will be stuck outside looking in the window of No 10 for five years which will make Rupert M very very happy.Sadly zealots of all persuasions tend to be closed shops to whats blindingly obvious.
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