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The Airdrieonians Off Season Thread 2015

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So Parry has had his appeal against the red card rejected. The club would surely in anticipation of such an event have been looking at an emergency loan as cover. Any ideas who is available, and decent?

So they done him with serious foul play which means the referee was of the opinion that he intentionally took the Peterhead player out. When I spoke to one of the guys at the club, they told me they were certain that it would be overturned. I believe they got an ex grade 1 referee to look at the video as well. That's a 2 game ban and a £1000 fine I believe. I could be mistaken but doesn't that now rule Parry out of the cup tie with it being a straight red?

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So they done him with serious foul play which means the referee was of the opinion that he intentionally took the Peterhead player out. When I spoke to one of the guys at the club, they told me they were certain that it would be overturned. I believe they got an ex grade 1 referee to look at the video as well. That's a 2 game ban and a £1000 fine I believe. I could be mistaken but doesn't that now rule Parry out of the cup tie with it being a straight red?

Cup game and the Forfar game.
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Rohan is very highly rated at the club and I rate him highly myself having seen him play in the 20s. However, based on the Peterhead game, I just don't feel as though he is ready to step into a Scottish Cup game against Dundee Utd. If he does play on Saturday, who do we have to take his place on the bench?

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Seriously though, Rohan will play. He's very highly rated at the club and they'll have no qualms throwing him in. Plus, Dundee Utd are pish.

I wasn't impressed with him at all from his suspect performance earlier this season. There is a big difference between the level of the under 20's and senior football. I'll be very disappointed if we don't bring in an emergency replacement for our next two games.

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He didn't react quick enough for the 3rd and was in no mans land for the 4th.

Sorry, that's not correct. I analysed the defending on the game fred. Have another look. Crighton, Bain and Lithgow are the only ones to blame at 3rd and 4th goals. If we're talkig about goalie errors in that game and slow reactions what did Parry do at the sending off when he clearly fouled the striker when he was too slow coming out? And dont talk about Crighton and Slothgow's part in that one.

Blaming and stigmatising a 17 y/o goalie is just wrong.

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Can't see there being any emergency loan moves tbh, if the club are serious about bringing through youngsters then they need to give them the opportunity when it presents itself, no point having great prospects or highly rated youth players if we just bring in an emergency loan so they can't play. Also can we get off this kids back, he is what 18/19? Inexperience will mean he will make mistakes now and then but blaming him for a defeat where we basically invited Peterhead to shoot on site by having everyone behind the ball 20 yards from goal is just ridiculous, I would seriously doubt Parry would have done any better in the same situation.

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Rohan was not at fault in that game. Our defence was a joke.

And therein lies our problem. A highly rated young keeper playing with a dodgy defence in front of him. As can be seen from posts on here people are very quick to blame the keeper and we end up badly damaging his confidence. I'm not sure it's worth the risk at the moment.

I'd happily play him if there was a chance of our fickle support not leaping to blame him if anything goes wrong but we all know that will never happen.

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As I have said, I rate Rohan highly having watched him play for the 20s. The defence is a shambles and that has to be taken into consideration but in my opinion, and it is just my opinion, he could have done better with the 2 goals. He should get his chance and will get his chance, I just think it's a bit soon.

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And what if we signed a Rab Douglas or an emergency loan and they had a stinker?

Football is littered with goalkeepers who have made their name after coming in to a big game and playing a blinder. David Marshall v Barcelona and Paul Robinson v Lazio spring to mind.

Get behind the lad and give him some encouragement - the club definitely see him as being our first choice keeper one day.

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As I have said, I rate Rohan highly having watched him play for the 20s. The defence is a shambles and that has to be taken into consideration but in my opinion, and it is just my opinion, he could have done better with the 2 goals. He should get his chance and will get his chance, I just think it's a bit soon.

Still disagree about that peterhead display, he's totally not to blame, but you're right that it's way too soon for him. Pumpkinheid's squad building this year left a lot to be desired.

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