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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Labour MP for Exter, yes EXETER, up to help Labour canvas in Glasgow:

  1. Lovely evening for knocking up for @kevwodonnell one of our great Glasgow by-election candidates & dedicated team

    10 retweets 5 favorites
  2. Back out with @cathcartlabour in today's Glasgow Langside by-election with great candidate Eileen Dinning & top team

    What's that word again? Oh yes -
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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You also have to wonder why Ruthie is moving. The Tory vote had a slight increase in each seat according to her tweets.

I don't think the Tories will lose their seat in Glasgow. To put it plainly, the SNP will win all 9 first past the post seats and one list seat, the other six list seats will likely be 4 Labour, 1 Tory. 1 Green. It's possible a second Green could get in but it would probably be at the expense of the SNP as a sizeable number of SNP voters would need to switch allegiance.

The only way the Tories are likely to lose their Glasgow seat would be if there's some kind of Lib Dem revival or if they get outpolled by the Socialists or UKIP.

I have a feeling that internal politics has something to do with this more than Ruth being scared. Perhaps she is trying to shoehorn a close ally in to the Glasgow seat? Remember that the Tories have two seats in the Lothians right now, assuming Ruth goes to the top of the list and long serving Gavin Brown goes second, that runs the risk of Brown being ousted. I don't think that will happen, though, but it does mean they'd have to oust the sitting MSP who replaced Dave McLetchie

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Must be a great time to be a labour activist in Scotland.

A lot of them I have met haven't a clue why they are being chased away from doors, all of them haven't a clue what to do about it.

I told a guy during the indy ref he was selling his soul,he laughed and said defeat was the end of the nats.I made sure to say a big hello at a hustings before the elections he didnt say hello back
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Superb series of tweets by STV's Stephen Daisley last night. I'll post them in list order for those who don't have Twitter..:

Labour folk who keep telling me their leadership candidate can "win back Scotland" should take a look at tonight's by-election results.

The truth is none of them can win back Scotland. The SNP didn't "win" Scotland in May, it cemented its place as the dominant party.

It didn't happen overnight. SNP spent decades getting to where they are now, a national party. For left & right, rich & poor, urban & rural.

And over the same time period, Labour became sluggish and neglectful. It took Scotland for granted. It sent its best talent to Westminster.

And because it dominated Scottish politics so comprehensively, it had little need for a robust party operation with an army of activists.

The Labour votes were just weighed, not counted. And so the party became hollowed out, which outsiders finally saw during the referendum.

And now that the SNP has dislodged it -- for a lot of reasons, not just referendum-related -- Labour finds itself with no way to fight back.

What's worse for Labour: Even if it had the best organisation and ground game in Western politics, Scotland isn't listening anymore.

Scottish voters aren't rejecting Labour; they're not even hearing them in the first place. That is the scale of the challenge Labour faces.

So the UK party leadership hopefuls should drop the pretence that they can solve this problem. I doubt if they even understand it.

Scottish Labour has to make its own way back, if it can make its way back. UK Labour has to find a way to win without Scotland.

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Across all 5 results, the SNP got 9637 votes last night. The Lib Dems got 328, including a paltry 18 in Calton, below the Tories, UKIP, Greens and even the independent candidate.

Totally and utterly finished.


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They'll just be embittered Britnats. That's all they have left now.

They have some elderly people who don't follow politics/don't like change as well to be fair.

Edit: AND tactical voting Tories.

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They have some elderly people who don't follow politics/don't like change as well to be fair.

Edit: AND tactical voting Tories.

Pointless tactical voting these days

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I voted SNP/Green previously but after a bit of digging into Green agenda, their funding and some of the "characters" they have put forward for list votes, that'll be SNP/SNP for me. Harvie seems a goodish guy but some of other leading lights are dubious to say the least.

"Some digging" == "Stuart Campbell tells me who to vote for". A word to the wise: when he starts shitting the bed at criticism he's getting, it is inevitably true. Also highly amusing that he's tearing strips off the Scottish Greens for daring to have put in their own FOI here, while heaping praise on STV for using him as a source when the reason for that is because he's best buddies with Stephen fucking Daisley, whose job is to post cat pictures on their website and encourage people to vote for Liz Kendall.

You also have to wonder why Ruthie is moving. The Tory vote had a slight increase in each seat according to her tweets.

The Tories are practically guaranteed to get a Glasgow seat, especially given the completely disproportionate media coverage they get. They only needed 12k votes last time. I don't think she's running scared, even if I do think she's somewhat less enamoured with honesty than she's popularly perceived to be.

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My constituency is Kelvin and we have Sandra White as the incumbent MSP. SNP have a majority of around 900 as things stand, so you would imagine she will romp home in normal circumstances.

However, there is quite a decent sized student population in this constituency and Patrick Harvie is standing here. My concern is that he is going to split the SNP/Green/Pro-indendence vote and labour (who are starting from around 10,000 votes) will end up sneaking into the constituency seat.

I appreciate their numbers will have dropped significantly, but Green didn't even stand a candidate in this seat last time round. In 2007, with a much lower profile candidate, they took just under 3000 votes. The Anderston ward vote last night gave the Greens approximately a quarter of what the SNP managed at first preference stage.

Appreciate the turn out (which was only 39% last time) will be increased and a lot of that will back the SNP.

The best thing for all concerned would be for the SNP to take the constituency as I think they're unlikely to do very well on the list, and for the SNP to lend their list votes to Patrick Harvie and the greens so they hopefully gain from that. That may also convince some of the green leaning voters to follow that idea to maximise the pro-indy vote.

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My concern is that he is going to split the SNP/Green/Pro-indendence vote and labour (who are starting from around 10,000 votes) will end up sneaking into the constituency seat.

Labour are going to get absolutely fucking massacred in Glasgow Kelvin. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they finished third.

Did they?

Yes. They all got responded to the same day. Ross Greer made a bit of an arse of presenting the evidence due to all the redacting he did (which is only prudent given what has historically happened when Stu's mob gets hold of a name or an email address), but it was indeed presented.

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