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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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How is it not working?

Ask any police officer, it has been an absolute disaster. What they've essentially done is put all the existing forces under Glasgow control. The Stirling crash scandal is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Ask any police officer, it has been an absolute disaster. What they've essentially done is put all the existing forces under Glasgow control. The Stirling crash scandal is just the tip of the iceberg.

I have a relative who is a police officer (Borders) and the re-organisation isn't the issue as far as he is concerned, the budget cuts are his biggest concern. The fact that they went hand in hand perhaps obfuscates the issues.

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Ask any police officer, it has been an absolute disaster. What they've essentially done is put all the existing forces under Glasgow control. The Stirling crash scandal is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah, I've heard plenty people say it's bad. It's mostly just been "but centralisation" type arguments. I'd be interested in actual reasons why policing is worse than it was before.

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Yeah, I've heard plenty people say it's bad. It's mostly just been "but centralisation" type arguments. I'd be interested in actual reasons why policing is worse than it was before.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was "centralised" on the same day as Police Scotland, but never gets the same level of criticism thrown at it? If you are hypothesising that amalgamating equates to a “ruined” service, then surely merging all 8 fire services should have resulted in Scotland burning to the ground by now.

HMRC should give both SFRS and Police Scotland VAT exemption – the money reclaimed would be extremely useful to both services.

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Again, I've heard lots of people say things like this. I've yet to hear a specific, backed up criticism.

The thing is though, with a public service with the police. It doesn't matter what the specifics are.... it's all about opinions. Even if Police Scotland provided all the stats telling us it's a big improvement. If people believe they are doing a poor job, its hard to change that.

I do think if Stephen House went, that would be a good start

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There are regular complains in the local papers in Edinburgh about the Strathclydeification of Police Scotland. Lothian and Borders has always benefited from a lighter touch, and that's been done away with. It's also quite obvious that the heavier touch benefits those groups in the polis who are, well, fucking crooks - see the attempted protection racket on the Arches, which has knocked out a serious cultural hub for the sake of some PCs getting a bit of extra overtime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Failed Tory Candidate for Perth & North Perthshire Alexander Stewart to stand for election in Clackmannanshire & Dumblane for the Tories.

So by my count that'll be 2 rejections in a row.

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Failed Tory Candidate for Perth & North Perthshire Alexander Stewart to stand for election in Clackmannanshire & Dumblane for the Tories.

So by my count that'll be 2 rejections in a row.

Yup. If it looks like a Tory and smells like a Tory...


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The mans an arse, told me I was wasting my vote for the SNP and was clearly a young man with no brains.

I would like to see where that attitude gets him in Clackmannanshire. Probably the nearest hospital

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The mans an arse, told me I was wasting my vote for the SNP and was clearly a young man with no brains.

I would like to see where that attitude gets him in Clackmannanshire. Probably the nearest hospital

Is that what he said to you?


f**k him, he deserves to remain in the political wilderness.

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I see Adam Tomkins wants to stand for parliament next year.

He wants to see Ruth as FM and doesn't believe the SNP "deserve" to be in power, they are a protest party.

Looking forward to the tears when he fails to get elected

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