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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Quite clearly, people get more stupid as they get older.

Put it this way, at 55 and over, your youngest percentiles in that group had their first vote in 78-79, pre-Thatcher. Their formative experiences of the UK state formed prior to that fairly seismic social, political and economic event. No doubt, there is a certain caution in older generations, a much lower exposure to yes friendly information streams outside of print media and the practical issues surrounding pensions, but for me, the fact that they all grew up in and experienced a UK prior to the demolition of the post war consensus colours their view of what the UK is for.

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Put it this way, at 55 and over, your youngest percentiles in that group had their first vote in 78-79, pre-Thatcher. Their formative experiences of the UK state formed prior to that fairly seismic social, political and economic event. No doubt, there is a certain caution in older generations, a much lower exposure to yes friendly information streams outside of print media and the practical issues surrounding pensions, but for me, the fact that they all grew up in and experienced a UK prior to the demolition of the post war consensus colours their view of what the UK is for.

Either that or they feel/ believed it when they were told that change will risk their pension/ savings.

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Either that or they feel/ believed it when they were told that change will risk their pension/ savings.

Well yeah, and I did mention that as well - but then they actually have savings, which again points to a disconnect between how they were able to live and how successive generations have.

Baby boomers, the only generation to piss off their parents, and their kids.

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Well yeah, and I did mention that as well - but then they actually have savings, which again points to a disconnect between how they were able to live and how successive generations have.

Baby boomers, the only generation to piss off their parents, and their kids.

Even my in laws, both in their 60s, say that there is no more selfish generation than the baby boomer.

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I think this Tory majority really has made people look at things from a different perspective. Whether that'll be enough to carry yes over the line - bearing in mind there's the seething brit nat element as well as quite a few other unshakeable demographics in the core no vote - remains to be seen. I certainly know of a few no voters who seem to now be on the yes side.

Saying all that, I'd really rather the SNP focussed on improving their record in government rather than continuing the independence debate for now. Plenty of the unionist stooges in the three former main parties constantly bring it up, but their record in government is a much bigger concern to me than independence at the moment.

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I think this Tory majority really has made people look at things from a different perspective. Whether that'll be enough to carry yes over the line - bearing in mind there's the seething brit nat element as well as quite a few other unshakeable demographics in the core no vote - remains to be seen. I certainly know of a few no voters who seem to now be on the yes side.

Saying all that, I'd really rather the SNP focussed on improving their record in government rather than continuing the independence debate for now. Plenty of the unionist stooges in the three former main parties constantly bring it up, but their record in government is a much bigger concern to me than independence at the moment.

Well, the principle core elements of the No vote are amongst 55+ voters and other UK born groups. Without seeing the demographic breakdown (only got age groups at the minute) we can't tell but I'd bet that this hasn't moved. Given the Edinburgh Uni voting behaviour survey what's striking is that there is no big change in behaviour of groups, it's simply that in the last couple of polls, Yes has increased it's lead in groups it was already in front in.

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Even my in laws, both in their 60s, say that there is no more selfish generation than the baby boomer.

My yes voting mum born in 1946 agrees totally.

As she herself says they've had the birth of the NHS and welfare state, followed by an economic boom in the 50s. Full employment and womans lib in the 60s. Affordable mortgages at two and a half times salary (paid off and now worth ?????) Or council houses virtually given away for free under right to buy. They had the cash to load up on shares under various privitisations and cracking pensions when they packed in. If they went to college of university it was, of course, free and with a grant too.

Do youngsters have any of that now? Do they f**k. My mother benefited from a great deal of that list but looks to the future for me and her two grandchildren.

No voting baby boomers are more greedy b*****ds than full of fear imo.

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Just as an aside i'm not desputing there was an element of fear with older folk though. But when Tory c***s like failed Tory candidate Jason Rust were cutting about telling low info OAPs that "your pension will stop. You will have no money to live on" as one tearful pensioner told my mother on a yes stall at Edinburgh Pentlands, is it any surprise.

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10yrs too long. 2021

This. Very much this.

Just as an aside i'm not desputing there was an element of fear with older folk though. But when Tory c***s like failed Tory candidate Jason Rust were cutting about telling low info OAPs that "your pension will stop. You will have no money to live on" as one tearful pensioner told my mother on a yes stall at Edinburgh Pentlands, is it any surprise.

I truly believe the No campaign would have been fucked without Project Fear. Lying to pensioners pushed them over the line.

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This. Very much this.

I truly believe the No campaign would have been fucked without Project Fear. Lying to pensioners pushed them over the line.

Perhaps you should blame your own side for not persuading enough people to vote yes rather than looking for excuses.

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Perhaps you should blame your own side for not persuading enough people to vote yes rather than looking for excuses.

Excuses. :lol:

The establishment panic when that Yougov poll was released showing Yes in the lead was not a work of fiction, Kevin, no matter how much you wish it was.

The ONLY reason No won (remember, all it needed was a swing of 200,000 voters) was Project Fear.

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That wud do. Just want scotland to show guts... Boris Johnson 2020 will certainly help

Absolutely no chance of that. Johnson does not have the necessary Parliamentary support to get on the members ballot. He has p*ssed off a lot of them with his arrogance and sense of entitlement.

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