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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Tommy Sheridan is an irrelevance

Met him a few times pre his shagging revelations.

Always thought he was the front man for the wider elements in Militant.

I knew it would end badly.

All those trots, left wing wummin and petty jealousies.

Here's this working class guy fae Pollok with a tan from Woolworths.

Talking politics like a trained monkey.

Sad it ended so badly.

Not for Tommy and his trot pals.

But for a section of the Scottish Working Class that needed somebody to shout and scream for them.

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The Greens have always had a credibility problem in working class areas; they can come across as preachy do-gooders.

The election has come far too early for RISE, who are clearly just putting down a marker for 2021 and beyond. There is some sympathy for their message but it is still early days for them. Solidarity- can't see them even getting Tommy in on the list, which the cynic would suggest is the whole reason for Solidarity existing in the first place.

I know someone who left the SNP for the greens after the referendum, excellent campaigner on the doorsteps, dedicated, knowledgeable and hard working. The greens threw her out for some minor breach of rules following something she posted in Twitter.

Their loss.

As for Rise, I wish them well but you are correct, they need to organise a bit better and the election has come too soon. I feel I'm going to be disappointed, but the charlatan shagger is going to get back in on the back of the hope over fear stuff.

The left mystifies me at times.

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Maybe the SNP leadership/parliamentarians would 'find it useful' but as an individual member I would be glad of credible critiquing of policy.

Even when Labour have relevant points to make at Holyrood they are ineffective as they have lost all credibility. The Tories in turn are a complete irrelevance.

It certainly isn't healthy having such a political vacuum when it comes to alternatives to the SNP.

There will be large number of voters voting with no great enthusiasm for their chosen party.

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The Greens need to do well next year. By "well" we mean around 7-8 seats. If they fail to hit that target then there is, genuinely, an issue of credibility.

For each of the last two Holyrood elections a Green "surge" has been predicted, and on each occasion little more than a gust of damp wind has resulted.

Harvie is a very effective and widely liked politician, but he needs a few more bodies in there alongside him. The difference for the Greens now, compared to previous elections, is that they have far more motivated members willing to go out and chap doors- they simply didn't have the infrastructure in 2007 or 2011, to compete. I think there is also a bit of a deficit with the Greens in the working class demographic; whilst their message is appealing to students and the middle classes, the Greens have always had a credibility problem in working class areas; they can come across as preachy do-gooders.

The election has come far too early for RISE, who are clearly just putting down a marker for 2021 and beyond. There is some sympathy for their message but it is still early days for them. Solidarity- can't see them even getting Tommy in on the list, which the cynic would suggest is the whole reason for Solidarity existing in the first place.

I will wait and see who the first past the post candidates are, it's not like the SNP need my vote round here. I am certainly voting for "someone else" on the list, not sure who yet.

I will be surprised if the Greens do as poorly as 3 MSPs, I would expect them to get double that. Anything less must be seen as a failure.

I think the Greens also suffer from a reputation (deserved or not?) as being humourless killjoys.

Not an issue for me - my problem with the Greens is much more fundamental - they are still, despite all the rhetoric, unreconstructed Malthusians.

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I think the Greens also suffer from a reputation (deserved or not?) as being humourless killjoys.

Not an issue for me - my problem with the Greens is much more fundamental - they are still, despite all the rhetoric, unreconstructed Malthusians.

Humourless killjoys? What the f**k are people looking for in politicians?

Greens second vote for me, with no hesitation. I definitely want the snp being kept on their toes and if that can be done from the left then win win.

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Greens will pick up a Glasgow and Edinburgh seat and hopefully Highland too as I want to see finnie reelected. That could be it though.

The unfortunate thing for the greens is the highland list is the one where the snp should take a seat as the lib dems will hold one of the island seats.

Rise and Tommy will do nothing. The tiny fraction of left wing independence supporters who haven't moved to the snp will have their vote split. Both will finish behind the busted flush and ukip on every list.

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I'm sure I read somewhere that the Greens fielded less BME candidates in the 2015 election than UKIP. I'm not really for a party that is overwhelmingly represented by privileged, white, middle class members but this election especially doesn't really have much else to offer.

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I'm sure I read somewhere that the Greens fielded less BME candidates in the 2015 election than UKIP. I'm not really for a party that is overwhelmingly represented by privileged, white, middle class members but this election especially doesn't really have much else to offer.

Ukip go out to intentionally get a few bme candidates to ward off the justified attacks of racism.

The greens genuinely only care about policies and could in no way be tainted with that kind of slur. That's a very strange reason to decide not to vote for a party.

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Ukip go out to intentionally get a few bme candidates to ward off the justified attacks of racism.

The greens genuinely only care about policies and could in no way be tainted with that kind of slur. That's a very strange reason to decide not to vote for a party.

I'm still voting Green, Patrick Harvie is standing in my constituency and I've said before that I rate him. I'm just saying its easy to attach that tag to the Greens.

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Ruth Davidson on Off the ball

She is "Bed blocking" Glasgow for young and upcoming Tories, that is why is she switching to Edinburgh..... and the traveling

Never quite sure who the Tories aim at.

Ruth is openly gay and the elderly lady lawyer before her ???

The blue rinse brigade and the Orange Ludge types seem out of kilter with Ruth and the gay scene.

English voters living in Scotland maybe.

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