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Stenhousemuir FC - The League 2 Champions - The 2024/25 Thread

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39 minutes ago, Burnsythebinman said:

Lol, you mean the goalie that was released, the defender that was released, and the winger that was released are all considering signing for a new club? Oh the shock.

WARCHEST. Who are these duds then?

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What a load of whataboutery that was. Players are coming in and players are leaving. Thanks for that revelation.

With all due respect if 3 or 4 of our released players go to Cowdenbeath it means jack shit to us. 

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Isn't this just the way of it in any football team?

And to think Ross Dunlop and Ross Meechan, just miraculously walked into deals with Forfar and East Fife after the way they were treated on the Tuesday after the Peterhead game, or because they heard we were signing a new centre half. It works both ways. They had been negotiating these deals for a period of time before the end of the season.

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3 hours ago, Moonglum25 said:

They were also aware that another centre half was being signed as they were travelling to Peterhead which put all the current centre backs futures in doubt and it is to  their credit that they performed the way they did.

Absolutely howling at some of this nonsense reading it back.

Every club in Scotland will have players lined up before the end of the season. I don't think this is going to hurt any players feelings. 

Although I do remember Big Mick pulling out of a 50/50 against Russell McLean whilst thinking "they b*****ds have signed Morgyn Neill behind my back". Legit happened.

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4 hours ago, Moonglum25 said:

They were also aware that another centre half was being signed as they were travelling to Peterhead which put all the current centre backs futures in doubt and it is to  their credit that they performed the way they did.

One was told that he was not being offered terms at this time but if nothing better came along then he may be resigned.  

Another was offered terms, the same as last season,  but they were going to be reduced, by about a third, if he were injured during the season - a great incentive for a player to burst a gut or go into 50/50 challenges. Needless to say he did not sign.

Players were also told that despite being promoted they would only be offered contracts based on second division wages and as far as my contact has told em this has not changed.

What a load of nonsense this is.

First of all, Stenhousemuir secured a play-off spot on the final day of the season. Finishing 4th in League Two and failing to win 21 of your league matches is not exactly breathtaking stuff, even if it did lead to promotion.

Morgyn Neill would have been out of contract at Stranraer, so any club was able to speak to him about terms for 18/19. Any Stenny player shocked at a football club recruiting players before the summer is either hopelessly naive or trying to save face.

Stenny had some pretty serious financial issues very recently so it makes sense for them to be cutting their cloth and ensuring they don't go down the same path again.

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What a load of shite.

People I’ve spoken to around the club have said that Mick has been offered terms and is yet to respond, if what Moonglum is reporting is true then surely Mick would have been released?

As far as I’m aware the players have an automatic contract extension in the event of us making the playoffs.

If I’m being really wide the players spoke to Bomber on the Thursday and not the Tuesday. 

Recruitment has been difficult but our budget is based on finishing bottom, so we avoid ending up in the same position we were in a couple of years back. It was always going to be a difficult season but recruitment so far has been decent. 


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It is tough for us trying to survive on our gates and compete in a market where some players get offered hundreds of pounds per week at League 1 level, we go in to this year with no shire rent (personally I wouldn’t throw in my lot with FFC and Falkirk council but that is there look out). The players are off course quite entitled to move for more money and tie up a deal for themselves, if I knew I was being possibly released in a few weeks I would be speaking to people.  The one year contracts is a double edged sword but sadly when you are not assured of which league you will be in and given our recent troubles are a necessity for at least a percentage of the players. Re the comment on Bomber and how he handles the players I guess only the individuals truly know, and I am sure he did not want it to come out that he had signed another centre half on the way to Peterhead but he has to look to next season the same as Meeks etc did. Ultimately  i expect him to be working on the following seasons squad at the same time as every other club.  I would imagine if Mick had been offered a deal Ross may have stayed, no word of Marshy but sadly with the number of suspensions he gets he couldn’t be first choice for me. 

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Marsh is away. He dug us out of a hole in his first season when we were struggling to get a team on the park but struggled to get into the side last season. No surprise he is away as I suppose we couldn’t guarantee a regular game.

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remember that when the team bus was trundling up to Peterhead the season had ended for most other clubs, ie those that didnt make the play offs. so Bomber either started talks or got left behind. not a bad bit of business done so far. the budget wont be the biggst with the gates round 400 odd

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I remember looking at the financial figures given out at the AGM a few years ago (probably 4 or 5) and gate receipts were only 13% of turnover. I guess turnover has reduced quite a bit in the time though.

What I'm getting at is unless your crowds are significantly higher than the rest, say Raith Rovers with 1400ish(?) crowds probably don't make as big a difference to a budget as you might expect. We're clearly still paying the penalty for financial shambles of a couple of years back. If/when that is fully rectified i'd presume we'd be back to a sort of mid table League 1 budget (Corrigan/Irons era) should we be in that league at the time.

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Agree on the small percentage of revenue from gate receipts, but it is the bit that is variable. More numbers through means more spend in the ground, 50/50, pie stall, even wee bar takings. Also more likelihood of selling advertising with a bigger reach and potentially persuading people to take corporate hospitality which must be the golden goose, £65 for the day with a £6-10 cost meal and drink which even going well you would struggle to down more than £15-20 cost, so over £40 per head profit.

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5 hours ago, YoungWarrior said:

Agree on the small percentage of revenue from gate receipts, but it is the bit that is variable. More numbers through means more spend in the ground, 50/50, pie stall, even wee bar takings. Also more likelihood of selling advertising with a bigger reach and potentially persuading people to take corporate hospitality which must be the golden goose, £65 for the day with a £6-10 cost meal and drink which even going well you would struggle to down more than £15-20 cost, so over £40 per head profit.

£65 is that gross or net of VAT?

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Apparently Alan Reid just about didn't sign in the end as he heard we had also offered a deal to another right back and this hurt his feelings.

Says a lot for him to sign under these circumstances.

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