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Harestanes Afc


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Listen you moron. For a start i have my own place, I haven't lived with my mother for over 15 years.

Secondly your absolute clown of a keeper because he was shown up decided to message me and threaten me at our next game. I stood my ground and told him i will see him at our next game and have no problem telling him what i think of him, he never replied back by the way but sure he read it.

I go to the Roy games around five to ten amateur games a season and around ten senior games where i go to Celtic park. The last thing i do is sit behind a keyboard, everyone at the Roy knows me, I have been pulled up for my comments on here at games, I am perfectly accountable for my comments.

When i want advice from someone who knows nothing about me and from a guy who's own fans and players make right idiots of themselves then i will ask for it.

If being proud of a amateur team from my part of kirky and having a bit of fun with it is to much for some then it's their problem not mine!

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So how many games have u been to this season to sit and criticise other teams?? ... Guy is a bellend who just sits behind keyboard.

I am absolutely delighted for hares. I played with them and Colstie and crew are the hardest working guys in the amateur game and deserve it....but RRG doesn't have a clue. He gets involved in every other teams chat. Slags everyone else but can't take the criticism of his own team when it is aimed at them.

He sits there and criticises everyone else until someone sends him a private message and he shits himself.

Grow up, pick a team to watch and learn to stop trying to wind everyone else up from your mums spare bed room.

Post decent posts, about your team and use the forum for what it is mean to be for....

Well said!

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Listen you moron. For a start i have my own place, I haven't lived with my mother for over 15 years.

Secondly your absolute clown of a keeper because he was shown up decided to message me and threaten me at our next game. I stood my ground

Aye right Danny Dyer

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To be fair rob Roy guy seems like he's proud of his local side doing well . I really don't see the problem , too many on here take things far too personal

He Follows a team in Cumbernauld what's local about that

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I wonder what excuse Rob Roy will come out with! when people said Craigshill players were tired due to there ridic game schedule he said "excuses" so i wonder what he will crop up with after his precious Harestanes were beaten by Postal a team who is relegated

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I wonder what excuse Rob Roy will come out with! when people said Craigshill players were tired due to there ridic game schedule he said "excuses" so i wonder what he will crop up with after his precious Harestanes were beaten by Postal a team who is relegated

Haha rob Roy guy is a goat

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Explain Einstein and just for the record its a mile minute surely

10 miles 10 minutes

Behave a minute mile . Maybe on the m8 but back roads are a little different . If the guy is from Kirkintilloch and supports rob Roy and likes to see harestanes (a Kirkintilloch based amateur team) do well then what's the problem ? Tuck your neck in and get a grip . I'm from pollok but moved away a few years ago , I dare not speak about any teams from pollok or face being forever condemned by some tit on the amateur forum ??

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Lol were not talking about Harestanes you indbred pollok mutant and if i had wanted your opinion i would have asked for it and for your information there is a motorway that separates Kirkintilloch and Cumbernauld where Rob Roy Goon watches his beloved homeless team hence the 1 mile a minute comment equalling 10 miles not very Local Imo now fu*k off and bury your head in between your sisters legs you absolute nugget

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Lol were not talking about Harestanes you indbred pollok mutant and if i had wanted your opinion i would have asked for it and for your information there is a motorway that separates Kirkintilloch and Cumbernauld where Rob Roy Goon watches his beloved homeless team hence the 1 mile a minute comment equalling 10 miles not very Local Imo now fu*k off and bury your head in between your sisters legs you absolute nugget

The forum is headlined harestanes you fukkin cretin . So that's exactly what we're talking about . Keyboard hardman I see .... Love spouting yer shite on all the forums knowing nothing can happen . Real men deal with it face to face ... To which I have absolutely no problems doing

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Like all threads on this forum they deviate and when I'm talking to rob roy goon about his homeless shit pile of a team do i need to contact you first or not go off topic when answering back and I'm easy to contact pm me working all weekend so will be in the same place your welcome to pop along infact give me an early Christmas present by doing so...

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Having had time to rethink ive decided meeting strange men isn't my thing and would like to withdraw my offer i don't want to come across homophobic or ignorant whatever u do in your free time is upto you and your kind but its not for me.

Rob Roy Goon is still a follower of a homeless squad eh dug sh!te tho

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Brilliant season from harestanes whole place will be buzzing for some time yet i suspect ! 19 wins out of 22 in the top amateur league is unreal .

More of the same next season please !!

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