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FIFA officials arrested.

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What's the extradition rules in Europe, for instance a French citizen in France can't be extradited by the Yanks but a British citizen in Britain can?

Is it only France or other countries that has this law in Europe?

In case of serious crimes, a French person would be tried in France and serve the sentence in France rather than getting deported to USA (provided they are in France at the time)

Switzerland isn't a member of the EU

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What's the extradition rules in Europe, for instance a French citizen in France can't be extradited by the Yanks but a British citizen in Britain can?

Is it only France or other countries that has this law in Europe?

In case of serious crimes, a French person would be tried in France and serve the sentence in France rather than getting deported to USA (provided they are in France at the time)

Yip, what I was meaning say it was a Frenchman arrested in a hotel in France, the Frenchman wouldn't be extradited to the USA but other nationalities would?

Are you sure about that? There is an EU-US extradition agreement but Member States can have additional bilateral agreements. Article 4 below appears to contradict you.

"1. An offence shall be an extraditable offence if it is punishable under the laws of the requesting and requested States by deprivation of liberty for a maximum period of more than one year or by a more severe penalty. An offence shall also be an extraditable offence if it consists of an attempt or conspiracy to commit, or participation in the commission of, an extraditable offence. Where the request is for enforcement of the sentence of a person convicted of an extraditable offence, the deprivation of liberty remaining to be served must be at least four months."

IIRC Britain has a more powerful bilateral extradition treaty with the US which is biased in the Americans' favour.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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The US AG getting tore in now,

"The US attorney general Loretta Lynch said the indictment alleged “corruption that is rampant, systemic and deep-rooted both abroad and here in the United States” and that it “spans at least two generations of soccer officials who, as alleged, have abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks”."

This might actually get interesting as it's not just the usual no mark journalists trying to hold fifa to account.

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Are you sure about that? There is an EU-US extradition agreement but Member States can have additional bilateral agreements. Article 4 below appears to contradict you.

Well look at the case of Roman Polanski:

"In recent years he has lived in France, which prohibits the extradition of French citizens to the US"


If he came to Britain, the Yanks would almost definitely extradite him. As long as he remains in France, he will not be extradited over there, but if he visits other countries (recently his home nation of Poland) the Yanks are after him. He has dual Polish / French nationality.

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Well look at the case of Roman Polanski:

"In recent years he has lived in France, which prohibits the extradition of French citizens to the US"


If he came to Britain, the Yanks would almost definitely extradite him. As long as he remains in France, he will not be extradited over there, but if he visits other countries (recently his home nation of Poland) the Yanks are after him. He has dual Polish / French nationality.

This could be another example of the French just ignoring EU law when it suits them.

Edited to put the thread back on track.

How quickly could a new bidding process be held if the Russians and Qataris lose their World Cups following the Swiss corruption investigation?

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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Have you bothered to read any of the articles or coverage in the online media? The US investigation relates to tournaments in North, Central and South America.

A former FIFA Vice-President (Jack Warner) and a current Vice-President are among those arrested. Eduardo Li who was due to join the FIFA Exec Committee on Friday has also been detained.

Jeffrey Webb, Head of Concacaf was arrested too. Chuck Blazer, former FIFA Exec member and Head of Concacaf, is the insider who co-operated with the US authorities. He carried a wire tap in meetings and has already pleaded guilty.

Hardly minor officials from Africa or Asia!

I was suggesting that some small fry will take the rap but the big boys will wriggle out of it, as often happens.

We will see what transpires. I hope it goes all the way to the top.

If Blatter claims to know nothing about it then he hasn't been doing his job properly, IMO.

Go Team America!

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This could be another example of the French just ignoring EU law when it suits them.

Edited to put the thread back on track.

How quickly could a new bidding process be held if the Russians and Qataris lose their World Cups following the Swiss corruption investigation?

According to the report I saw, these competitions don't come into it. Things could change.............

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I was suggesting that some small fry will take the rap but the big boys will wriggle out of it, as often happens.

We will see what transpires. I hope it goes all the way to the top.

If Blatter claims to know nothing about it then he hasn't been doing his job properly, IMO.

Go Team America!

The Americans will not allow the big boys to wriggle out. It would be a massive international humiliation.

The Swiss investigation could catch even bigger fry. The big issue is whether Russia and Qatar will lose their World Cups. Putin would also regard it as a massive humiliation.

This is a big fight and it's going to get very bloody.

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This would be the same FIFA who refused to publish Michael Garcias enquiry, before publishing their own version of his report that found them to be free of any wrongdoing. Garcia has since stated, that his finding completely contradict FIFA's report.

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According to the report I saw, these competitions don't come into it. Things could change.............

That what the Swiss investigation, announced today, is about.

"The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) has opened criminal proceedings against persons unknown on suspicion of criminal mismanagement and of money laundering in connection with the allocation of the 2018 and 2022 Football World Cups. In the course of said proceedings, electronic data and documents were seized today at FIFA’s head office in Zurich."

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This would be the same FIFA who refused to publish Michael Garcias enquiry, before publishing their own version of his report that found them to be free of any wrongdoing. Garcia has since stated, that his finding completely contradict FIFA's report.

Very true but it's now a criminal matter for the Attorney General of Switzerland.

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I wonder why it's the United States that have finally decided to actually do something about FIFA's nonsense? I imagine they will have an eye on hosting a World Cup in the next two decades, so it could prove costly for them to get on the wrong side of Blatter and Co.

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Thanks. I had not realised that Jack Warner's son had pleaded guilty.

"On July 15, 2013, the defendant Daryll Warner, son of defendant Jack Warner and a former FIFA development officer, waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging him with wire fraud and the structuring of financial transactions.

"On Oct. 25, 2013, the defendant Daryan Warner waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a three-count information charging him with wire fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and the structuring of financial transactions. Daryan Warner forfeited over $1.1 million around the time of his plea and has agreed to pay a second forfeiture money judgment at the time of sentencing."


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