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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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Blues is absolutely not good enough for Championship level. Had a decent few games in the playoffs, in particular the first half of the Airdrie home game,  and that seems to have convinced Gus that he's worthy of keeping around. I'm sure the reactions above will tell you what everyone else thinks.

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3 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Big Gus realises he needs to take the heat off signing nonces so announces Blues.


Quick, start a poll:

What would you have preferred, another sex pest or Cameron Blues?

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I'm calling it now. Somehow, from somewhere, something will click for Blues this year. He's gonna be the new Allan Jenkins.

There is nothing I have seen from him that makes me think this. There is no reasoning behind it. Just a premonition. It's all coming up for Millhouse for Cameron this year.

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7 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

and in a recent interview showed no remorse or understanding of his crime, tried to admonish himself of any blame and painted himself as the victim.


Just adding more perspective

Perhaps you could add rather more perspective and let the forum know where we can hear, or read a transcript of, the recent interview to which you refer.

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😁 Soon as I saw the Club's announcement about Blues I nipped out for some popcorn, and sure enough some of the usual suspects haven't disappointed. 

All it needs now is for Muirhead to sign a two year deal and McGinty to come back 'Broadfoot' style and Dunning will spontaneously combust. 

It's great, this, keeping us all entertained till the Euros kick off. 



Edited to add - it took Methadone Mick precisely two minutes to sneak in with his customary wee rid dot.  Must be close to a record, even for him. 

Thank you, Virginton, from the heart of my bottom. 👍😁😁😁

Edited by Rudolph Hucker
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On 03/05/2021 at 16:26, virginton said:

I can see what would likely happen a mile off then. Due to the insane shortage of time available to it, the new regime will be obliged to smooth the transition and make certain compromises for the sake of keeping your beloved second tier status next summer as well. One of the most likely and logical ones being an extension to the current caretaker manager's contract so that first team affairs are not flying blind all the way through June - not to mention a reward for successfully maneuvering the club through the play-offs. So as a result, instead of having a clean break that is urgently required, we get 18 months of turgid Gusball under two different regimes and relegation with sub-900 home fans by March 2022. 

A play-off success would be a Pyrrhic victory of epic proportions then. 


On 05/05/2021 at 15:15, virginton said:

Why would we reappoint Gus McPherson as manager in the event of relegation? The only plausible scenario for making this short-sighted decision involves scraping survival in the play-offs and hoping to scrape 8th next season. Nothing about the club's outlook will change and so we'll make the same mistakes as we've done before.

For those playing along at home, you can now mark 'handing Cameron Blues a new deal' off the bingo card of dreadful yet utterly predictable decisions taking us down this track. 

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1 hour ago, Branch Ton said:

Perhaps you could add rather more perspective and let the forum know where we can hear, or read a transcript of, the recent interview to which you refer.


Fill yer boots. The lack of comments from him showing remorse or even mentioning the victims at all would be bad enough yet he goes further. He refers to a spree of sex crimes as "one bad thing". He tries to disassociate himself from his repeated sex crimes by claiming it was down to his mental health. He says people have no right to judge him when ye'd imagine anyone with true remorse for their crimes would be understanding of peoples' ill-ease as they would have it themself. 

He's not showing remorse, he's trying to paint himself as a victim and isn't even pretending to take ownership of his crimes and the potential harm it caused the women he targetted.

Now it could be that he is, genuinely, deeply remorseful, he might even have said so jn detail on that interview and the Record left it out, he might give half his wage to Women's Shelters. 

But we have no evidence of that. 

Knowing that he was chased away from the club before for his past the club decided to sign him up and hope no-one noticed rather than address the issue and that's all it needed. To address this pervert's past and assauge any fears fans might have about signing someone who has committed sexual crimes against women, in front of young children, by giving us even a token statement from him and the club about his remorse.

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1 hour ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

😁 Soon as I saw the Club's announcement about Blues I nipped out for some popcorn, and sure enough some of the usual suspects haven't disappointed. 

All it needs now is for Muirhead to sign a two year deal and McGinty to come back 'Broadfoot' style and Dunning will spontaneously combust. 

It's great, this, keeping us all entertained till the Euros kick off. 



Edited to add - it took Methadone Mick precisely two minutes to sneak in with his customary wee rid dot.  Must be close to a record, even for him. 

Thank you, Virginton, from the heart of my bottom. 👍😁😁😁

Hucker....you make me laugh...you honestly do.

Have another Reddie....you've earned it!.....🤣

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22 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:


Fill yer boots. The lack of comments from him showing remorse or even mentioning the victims at all would be bad enough yet he goes further. He refers to a spree of sex crimes as "one bad thing". He tries to disassociate himself from his repeated sex crimes by claiming it was down to his mental health. He says people have no right to judge him when ye'd imagine anyone with true remorse for their crimes would be understanding of peoples' ill-ease as they would have it themself. 

He's not showing remorse, he's trying to paint himself as a victim and isn't even pretending to take ownership of his crimes and the potential harm it caused the women he targetted.

Now it could be that he is, genuinely, deeply remorseful, he might even have said so jn detail on that interview and the Record left it out, he might give half his wage to Women's Shelters. 

But we have no evidence of that. 

Knowing that he was chased away from the club before for his past the club decided to sign him up and hope no-one noticed rather than address the issue and that's all it needed. To address this pervert's past and assauge any fears fans might have about signing someone who has committed sexual crimes against women, in front of young children, by giving us even a token statement from him and the club about his remorse.

Did he mention that “ as long as there is a law i will be a criminal” or is that just a tag for pompous and self righteous p***ks? 


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8 minutes ago, Branch Ton said:

Did he mention that “ as long as there is a law i will be a criminal” or is that just a tag for pompous and self righteous p***ks? 


To be fair to Arsim, he hasn’t been waving his wee self-righteous p***k about apart from on here.

…….or, if he has, no-one seems to have noticed.



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1 hour ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

😁 Soon as I saw the Club's announcement about Blues I nipped out for some popcorn, and sure enough some of the usual suspects haven't disappointed. 

All it needs now is for Muirhead to sign a two year deal and McGinty to come back 'Broadfoot' style and Dunning will spontaneously combust. 

It's great, this, keeping us all entertained till the Euros kick off. 



Edited to add - it took Methadone Mick precisely two minutes to sneak in with his customary wee rid dot.  Must be close to a record, even for him. 

Thank you, Virginton, from the heart of my bottom. 👍😁😁😁

It's really a sign of how rational and sensible you are to be delighted that the football club you support are signing shite players because some people on an internet forum will complain about it.

That's definitely an indication of someone who's not prone to getting wound up about unimportant issues, such as dots on a football website. It's definitely the people who'd like the team they support to sign good players who might manage to avoid a relegation battle, their motivation being wanting their team to do well rather than giving any thought to what people they've never met on a football forum might think, who are in danger of combusting here.

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48 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:


Fill yer boots. The lack of comments from him showing remorse or even mentioning the victims at all would be bad enough yet he goes further. He refers to a spree of sex crimes as "one bad thing". He tries to disassociate himself from his repeated sex crimes by claiming it was down to his mental health. He says people have no right to judge him when ye'd imagine anyone with true remorse for their crimes would be understanding of peoples' ill-ease as they would have it themself. 

He's not showing remorse, he's trying to paint himself as a victim and isn't even pretending to take ownership of his crimes and the potential harm it caused the women he targetted.

Now it could be that he is, genuinely, deeply remorseful, he might even have said so jn detail on that interview and the Record left it out, he might give half his wage to Women's Shelters. 

But we have no evidence of that. 

Knowing that he was chased away from the club before for his past the club decided to sign him up and hope no-one noticed rather than address the issue and that's all it needed. To address this pervert's past and assauge any fears fans might have about signing someone who has committed sexual crimes against women, in front of young children, by giving us even a token statement from him and the club about his remorse.

I’ve just read it. It’s a football interview looking at the guy’s life and hard times in the game, from the difficulty in getting a gig after the offence to working his way through the divisions from bottom to top. What’s printed hardly touches on the offences or the court’s judgement. Could be Lithgow didn’t want to say much about it, could be he said a lot and the reporter left it out, could be the reporter wasn’t interested and didn’t ask much about it.  None of us know; to use your own phrase we have no evidence either way  - but rather than view the piece objectively you choose to slant it entirely against the player.  That’s a very strange way to “add perspective”.

You’ve made your mind up about it and it’s obvious that nothing is gonna change your opinion. Fine, my opinion on your opinion won’t be changing either. If yours were on paper it would be papped straight into the round file.


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24 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

It's really a sign of how rational and sensible you are to be delighted that the football club you support are signing shite players because some people on an internet forum will complain about it.

That's definitely an indication of someone who's not prone to getting wound up about unimportant issues, such as dots on a football website. It's definitely the people who'd like the team they support to sign good players who might manage to avoid a relegation battle, their motivation being wanting their team to do well rather than giving any thought to what people they've never met on a football forum might think, who are in danger of combusting here.

Where did I say I was delighted?  Oh wait, I didn’t.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Blues is very good, but from what I’ve seen he isn’t as bad as some of the hysterical nonsense posted by some on here would have folk believe. He’s been signed for another year, which merited a shrug of the shoulders and a “meh” from me, but yes I knew that the reactions of you and others would probably be worth having a chuckle or three over, and boy was I right.

To make it clear - I can afford to laugh at the posts of some of the little nest of vipers that talk about Morton on Pie and Bovril, because I know that what that small number have to say will have no bearing at all on anything outwith this wee forum or on what actually happens at Cappielow.  Some of you guys are so full of your own importance that you can’t see that.

Bump yer gums on here as much as you want, pontificate about everything from the quality of player being signed or whether they should change the club badge or even what should be on sale at the pie stalls, but don’t kid yourselves on that it’ll make a blind bit of difference to anything. Talk all you like, but don’t expect anyone outside this forum to give a toss. The real decisions aren’t made on here and never will be. 

Don’t ever question my support for the club though. Supporting Morton and laughing at some wee fannies on the internet are two entirely different things.


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2 hours ago, Branch Ton said:

Did he mention that “ as long as there is a law i will be a criminal” or is that just a tag for pompous and self righteous p***ks? 

If posting lyrics to a song  I like on a signature on a football forum makes me a pompous and self righteous p***k I dare say your standards of what constitutes being pompous and self righteous are pretty low.

If you think wanting to hear any sort of remorse or acceptance from a player for heinous sex crimes committed before accepting my club's decision to employ them without complaint is pompous or self righteous then, once again, those standards are pretty low

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1 hour ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

I’ve just read it. It’s a football interview looking at the guy’s life and hard times in the game, from the difficulty in getting a gig after the offence to working his way through the divisions from bottom to top. What’s printed hardly touches on the offences or the court’s judgement. Could be Lithgow didn’t want to say much about it, could be he said a lot and the reporter left it out, could be the reporter wasn’t interested and didn’t ask much about it.  None of us know; to use your own phrase we have no evidence either way  - but rather than view the piece objectively you choose to slant it entirely against the player.  That’s a very strange way to “add perspective”.

You’ve made your mind up about it and it’s obvious that nothing is gonna change your opinion. Fine, my opinion on your opinion won’t be changing either. If yours were on paper it would be papped straight into the round file.


No. Unsurprisingly from you that's all wrong.

It's not just a football interview is it? He discusses doing 'a bad thing'. He's not referring to signing for Clyde there is he? He is touching on his crimes of a sexual nature carried directly out on vulnerable women in trapped environments. 

You are right that what is printed barely touches on the crimes (would ruin the little puff piece if the journalist asked him if he knew what age the children that were present when he exposed himself were) but that's on the Record. Not Lithgow. What is on Lithgow is his silence.

But due to the entire lack of any other discussion or mention of his crimes from.him anywhere else we have very litle to go on. If Lithgow had came out and spoke of remorse I would give him the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't. 

If the club had came out and made mention of past crimes and proclaimed remorse and rehabilitation on his behalf I would even be inclined to accept it.

But neither has happened. 

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