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Independence & the current Tory Government


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Just to check, and I want you to make a very clear and unambigious statement on this, when the papers went into meltdown with "Independence support falls to 23%" headlines, you are firstly saying that this never happened?

And secondly, and most importantly, since we have already proven that you are speaking bollocks on the first point, can you clearly and unambigiously state that not a single poster on here gleefully posted the headlines and claimed that independence support was at 23%?

Any time you like.

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Thats because, as you know, it has. Plenty of weaseling nonetheless from you though. I note you couldnt give a clear statement. Would you like another go?

If you pony up some evidence to support your claim we can discuss it.

As it is, as usual, you have made claims and have nothing to back them up with.

I thought you might have upped your game after your forced departure. Appears not.

Feel free to find these posts you claim were made.

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If you pony up some evidence to support your claim we can discuss it.

As it is, as usual, you have made claims and have nothing to back them up with.

I thought you might have upped your game after your forced departure. Appears not.

Feel free to find these posts you claim were made.

Actually, you are the one making claims.

First, you said that there were no headlines of 23%. I found them.

Then you dismissed any claim that posters on here made hay with that 23% headline. Something you seem to be curiously reluctant to repeat.

Now you are claiming that the p&b thread from the time of that 23% headline was not deleted. Do you stand by that claim?

This is not a hard question.

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Actually, you are the one making claims.

First, you said that there were no headlines of 23%. n.

Where did I say that? Please quote the post.

Even by your standards you are looking very foolish here.

Just to see if I can redeem myself after guessing wrong last time, im guessing this time youll say you dont need to find the post (because it of course doesn't exist which is awkward for you) because its on the thread.

This is your usual MO when you make something up. Relying then on the clown collective types to rally round and provide covering fire.

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Sigh. Ill try again then. Having already established the first ones, lets try one at a time.

Actually, you are the one making claims.

First, you said that there were no headlines of 23%. I found them.

Then you dismissed any claim that posters on here made hay with that 23% headline. Something you seem to be curiously reluctant to repeat.

Now you are claiming that the p&b thread from the time of that 23% headline was not deleted. Do you stand by that claim?

This is not a hard question.

Have another go. You are claiming that the p&b thread from the time of that 23% headline was not deleted. Do you stand by that claim? Or did I misread you, and you agree with me that it has been deleted.

There are only two answers here. Yes it has been deleted, or no it hasnt. Which is it to be?

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Ah.. its the other one.

Pretend that your earlier claim didn't happen. A nice touch.

But lets not just pretend that.

`First you said there were no 23% headlines`

Where, exactly, did I say that?

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You are claiming that the p&b thread from the time of that 23% headline was not deleted. Do you stand by that claim? e?

Then, just perhaps, you can provide this post too.

Just for an encore. Two posts to find, shouldn't be too hard?

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Ah.. its the other one.

Pretend that your earlier claim didn't happen. A nice touch.

But lets not just pretend that.

`First you said there were no 23% headlines`

Where, exactly, did I say that?

Oh Im sorry, you DO want to answer a question? I'm sorry, you had your chances. Try again. Ill answer your question once you've answered mine. Can't say fairer than that.

So, was the thread deleted? Yes or no? Once you've answered that, you may ask me a question.

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Oh dear.

What a mess. I take it you are just going to pretend your claims havent actually happened.

Minter. Still, entertainment on a Wednesday morning.

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Oh dear.

What a mess. I take it you are just going to pretend your claims havent actually happened.

Minter. Still, entertainment on a Wednesday morning.

As I said, I promised to answer a question of yours as soon as you answered my thread deletion comment. Makes people wonder why you can't answer a simple question.

Because Ive already agreed to answer your question as soon as you answer mine. Funny to see you run away though.

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Yes, again another from your back catalogue.

Make false claims, create strawmen, demand answers but provide none.

Make claims posters have said something.. run away squealing when asked to produce these posts.

Amusing, in a laughing at you kind of way.

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Yes, again another from your back catalogue.

Make false claims, create strawmen, demand answers but provide none.

Make claims posters have said something.. run away squealing when asked to produce these posts.

Amusing, in a laughing at you kind of way.

So thats yet another post where you can't give a simple yes/no answer to a VERY simple question. Even an "I dont know" would be adequate.

And then immediately upon your answer I will happily answer a question of yours. Im actually impatient to answer. I even gave you a deliberately easy question.

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Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Ill have one more attempt. Please provide the posts which you have claimed ive made.

One more chance not to bottle it.

Then I'll give up on you.

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Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Ill have one more attempt. Please provide the posts which you have claimed ive made.

One more chance not to bottle it.

Then I'll give up on you.

Thats not the way it works. First you answer, then you get to ask, then I answer.

Lets face it, you stepped right into it the moment you insinuated that the thread from the time of the 23% (typo edited here) claim was not deleted. Now, rather than admit you got it wrong, its just weave after weave.

And the answer by the way, is either you were mistaken, or you lied. Since you had ample opportunity to say you were unsure or mistaken, we can only conclude that your insinuation was knowingly dishonest.

Would you like some supporting evidence for this? I can happily provide.

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Quality trolling of the I.T. failure from XBL here.

Aww.. its cute. The little tribute act wants to play.

A bit like watching the Bootleg Beatles try and join McCartney on the stage.


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