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Years from now the usual crowd will still be desperately trying to prove the new club theory.

I pity the fools.

Do you really think this fraud trial will take years? One way or the other the fraud trial will settle the argument.

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Ignoring the 'recognised' seamless continuation is exactly what people like Ken and yourself are doing though, everyone of you ignores the official footballing authorities position with 'aye but what about this'

The only attempts that I have ever seen in dealing with this, is tin hat, laughable, conspiracy theory stuff when you all run out of ideas, some of you have actually convinced themselves that they are actually true :lol:

I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just not fully accepting it as correct.

Official bodies such as governments and judicial systems have reached decisions that are questionable in the past too. I'm not a great believer in infallibility.

I'm not relying on any kind of conspiracy theorising in enquiring about inconsistencies that others have highlighted, such as oldco voting on newco's fate.

Continuation is a guddly, muddy affair and no tin hat is needed to say so.

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at least the DA provides a credible argument instead of trying to just laugh over every fact which backs up the truth.

1) RFC will never depend on Europe money again as it's not guaranteed you receive it unless you qualify, CFC depend on qualifying for cash but we don't, we rely on Season Ticket money and income from SPFL, and euro money is a bonus. that will be the status quo in the premiership too.

2) yes we are on loans just now, but that is what King meant by overinvesting to get us out of the championship, which is happening, the loans will tide us over until we start receiving multi millions every season again (next season onwards) in prize money from SPFL and TV money, Euro money will be a bonus to that. It is a guaranteed fact that the multi millions which are going to pour into Rangers in the next 5 years from them, ST money, investments from the boards, listing on stock exchange again in a couple years too etc, will be more than enough to pay off the soft loans. and will pay them off. and we will have been took to the top of Scottish Football again with no debt and fully sustainable.

You're missing the point. If you're pragmatic enough to discount any European income until it is earned, then the only extra money, these multi millions, is that extra 3 or 4 million which we seem to agree isn't enough to tip the balance in the company's favour.

Season ticket money might increase, it might not, but your salary bill is going to increase significantly, especially if you're making a serious attempt on Europe - you'll have to invest that money months before seeing any returns.

I'd forgotten about paying off the Ashley loan.

It's the fans' expectations that will be the death of this incarnation.

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no it's not mate, this current RFC team are on a budget of 6mil a season (very sustainable, players like Law, Shiels, Clark etc will probably leaveat end of their contract this season and they are on generous contracts) and the full RFC team have exceeded every RFC fan's expectations. Our budget is 1/3 of CFC's humongous oversized budget, which will have to be downsized if CFC keep missing CL or if RFC win the league twice in a row which will happen.It's not about the size of budget but how well you use it eg CFC wasting at least half a mil per season on players like Scott Allan and a few other players like that's wages while they don't even make the bench for CFC. Also wasting lots of millions on flop transfers.

The main point is, it's not for fans to discuss the finances, RFC are definitely going to receive more money in the next 10 years than they owe out, and more than we need to pay out ongoing during the time up until then too so it's certain we will be debt free before 2024.There's no point the rest of Scottish Football trying to assess our finances when they don''t know. By that time Murray Park will have been fully developed by W&W, and we can rely on that for a ot of talent too, instead of having to try and make every signing yourself lke CFC (even more sustainability for the future). of course, i expect RFC to be premiership champions before 2019 100%.Unless you somehow have concrete proof that RFC can't afford to pay the loans don't try and say they can't and waste your time and effort.

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Time will tell, MRF.

I think you're putting too much faith in the board of the company. There's nothing wrong with trusting people - not until they either shaft you or don't deliver on their promises.

And, if they're really good at spinning things, you might not even realise you've been shafted.

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Time will tell, MRF.

I think you're putting too much faith in the board of the company. There's nothing wrong with trusting people - not until they either shaft you or don't deliver on their promises.

And, if they're really good at spinning things, you might not even realise you've been shafted.

Is that the same board who had King on it before? If so, he's already shafted you once. "Fool me once..."

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Did densboy ever provide proof of his claim that the RST was paying the players wages?

Good point well done Bennett, he didn't provide proof but that just proves people will claim anything about RFC finances to make them look bad without knowing the facts.

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Good point well done Bennett, he didn't provide proof but that just proves people will claim anything about RFC finances to make them look bad without knowing the facts.

Usually you get "Phul said so" and there can be no arguing with them.

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Wake up to fukk mate.

Your club died because of sychophantic lickspittle subserviant supporters like yourself.

Your new club will go the same way if yous dont open your eyes soon.

You are a bigot. Your hatred and bias against Rangers has blinded you to the point where, you come on to this forum every day spouting negative bile about rangers, completely oblivious to and ignoring the true facts which prove you wrong on most of your claims. My 'new' club is never going to die again, why don't you start to actually support a team .. instead of only trying to slate RFC online every day when you have no proof, only a bunch of insults like 'your clubs dead' every time someone proves your points wrong.

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You are a bigot. Your hatred and bias against Rangers has blinded you to the point where, you come on to this forum every day spouting negative bile about rangers, completely oblivious to and ignoring the true facts which prove you wrong on most of your claims. My 'new' club is never going to die again, why don't you start to actually support a team .. instead of only trying to slate RFC online every day when you have no proof, only a bunch of insults like 'your clubs dead' every time someone proves your points wrong.

You might be funnier than snafu.
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You are a bigot. Your hatred and bias against Rangers has blinded you to the point where, you come on to this forum every day spouting negative bile about rangers, completely oblivious to and ignoring the true facts which prove you wrong on most of your claims. My 'new' club is never going to die again, why don't you start to actually support a team .. instead of only trying to slate RFC online every day when you have no proof, only a bunch of insults like 'your clubs dead' every time someone proves your points wrong.

Meltdown imminent.

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The Scottish Football authorities being the ones who gave out all the trophies decide mate, they have already been questioned many times and not only by a few twisted and bitter scottish football fans with life long grudges, organisations like ASA and the ECA who have absolutely no axe to grind have asked the question and accepted professional opinion, UEFA were also asked and gave the same answer, nothing muddy, just a crystal clear 'Rangers are the same club'

Might be easier if you just jump on the 'corruption' 'establishment' choo choo train....ah, but you already have.

Rangers are in liquidation.

The SFA have a vested interest in allowing people like you to pretend otherwise.

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The Scottish Football authorities being the ones who gave out all the trophies decide mate, they have already been questioned many times and not only by a few twisted and bitter scottish football fans with life long grudges, organisations like ASA and the ECA who have absolutely no axe to grind have asked the question and accepted professional opinion, UEFA were also asked and gave the same answer, nothing muddy, just a crystal clear 'Rangers are the same club'

Might be easier if you just jump on the 'corruption' 'establishment' choo choo train....ah, but you already have.

It was the **** who started calling the SFA corrupt in 2012, even paying for them to be taken to court.

Now, all of a sudden, their word is to be trusted?

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no we're not, I would rather be in this situation than the one we were in before admin you bigot, we are far stronger now and will be far stronger than we were before admin, you just continually post nonsense which completely flouts and ignores the true facts, because your hatred of rangres has clouded your vision and ability to accept true facts about RFC. Next season we'll be back at the top of Scottish Football almost fully debt free, with our youth academy, philosophy, team and full club and manager and board revitalised. Ha ha it worked out well for us

Do you know the 'true facts' about the Rangers? If so, you're very itk. Beyond big mikes cohorts and glib and shameless' minions I doubt very much anyone knows the true facts. Mibbe chick young but that's for another day.

You are one deluded mo'fo'.

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The Scottish Football authorities being the ones who gave out all the trophies decide mate, they have already been questioned many times and not only by a few twisted and bitter scottish football fans with life long grudges, organisations like ASA and the ECA who have absolutely no axe to grind have asked the question and accepted professional opinion, UEFA were also asked and gave the same answer, nothing muddy, just a crystal clear 'Rangers are the same club'

Might be easier if you just jump on the 'corruption' 'establishment' choo choo train....ah, but you already have.

Och Ted, we've done this before.

As I've said, I'm not going to say that this is an establishment thing. That suggests that I think this owes something to Protestant, unionist credentials. It doesn't. Exactly the same twisted efforts would have been made on Celtic's behalf.

As you say, the SFA made the initial decision which others followed. Given Regan's Armageddon talk and his organisation's attempts to bully SFL 1 clubs, I think we can safely say that they did have an axe to grind.

So did the ECA by the way, a body established to protect the interests of the biggest clubs in each country, a successor to the vile G14, that did so much to screw up the modern game.

Your 'belief' that this is exactly the same is pig headedly stupid - a willingness to let heart rule head.

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You are a bigot. Your hatred and bias against Rangers has blinded you to the point where, you come on to this forum every day spouting negative bile about rangers, completely oblivious to and ignoring the true facts which prove you wrong on most of your claims. My 'new' club is never going to die again, why don't you start to actually support a team .. instead of only trying to slate RFC online every day when you have no proof, only a bunch of insults like 'your clubs dead' every time someone proves your points wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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