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RISE - The "Scottish Syriza"


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Quite an honest piece, that, from the RISE perspective. The commetns below the article are brutal, this one being my favourite:


Tommy Ball 2 mins ago


The problem is, Andrew, that Rise don’t have any authentic working class voices either, which is a huge part of the reason why working class voters soundly and definitively rejected them last week.

Their star candidate was an upper middle-class property owner from the West End whose mother is a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (hardly coming out of the fields and up from the mines to storm Parliament).

On other lists, their candidates were university and college lecturers, one parliamentarian, teachers and university students. Only one person top of their list wasn’t a graduate.

Their party and their candidates reflected themselves, the chattering-class Merchant City socialists with no real life experience.

They certainly didn’t reflect society as a whole, and they couldn’t have been further away from representing the working class if they’d tried. They didn’t even manage to represent the romanticised, Kesian, working class they imagine in their minds.

This election wasn’t a close thing for Rise. It was a disaster, with the wrong tactics, the wrong candidates, the wrong message, and the wrong campaign.

The moment they gave the atrocious behaviour of the Young Team (sic) their official seal of approval, they gave tacit approval for those people to abuse, often in violent and aggressive terms, potential voters.

Apart from all that, they did quite well.




Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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RISE spokesman gives his reaction to the election


The thing I don't get is why the SSP didn't just go it alone again this election. They gained relatively positive and widespread coverage during the referendum campaign and added however many members (sure 3k was suggested?). Was their best chance in years to get a respectable vote. Instead they were swallowed by a brand new collective with a daft name that was out-greened by the Greens, out indyed by the SNP and out-socialisted by solidarity and TUSC.

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The thing I don't get is why the SSP didn't just go it alone again this election. They gained relatively positive and widespread coverage during the referendum campaign and added however many members (sure 3k was suggested?). Was their best chance in years to get a respectable vote. Instead they were swallowed by a brand new collective with a daft name that was out-greened by the Greens, out indyed by the SNP and out-socialisted by solidarity and TUSC.


Because Sheridan has irreparably damaged the name of the SSP.


It's honestly conceivable that Sherdian was an invention of the Murdock empire. That's how catastrophically he's fucked grassroots socialism in Scotland.

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Because Sheridan has irreparably damaged the name of the SSP.

It's honestly conceivable that Sherdian was an invention of the Murdock empire. That's how catastrophically he's fucked grassroots socialism in Scotland.

I don't completely disagree but he was ably abetted by others. He should have just been expelled from the SSP and everyone move on but the SWP, quite comfortable with all sorts of misogyny from name-calling to rape, saw a chance to ride along on the Tommy name and knife other groups in the back along the way.

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I don't completely disagree but he was ably abetted by others. He should have just been expelled from the SSP and everyone move on but the SWP, quite comfortable with all sorts of misogyny from name-calling to rape, saw a chance to ride along on the Tommy name and knife other groups in the back along the way.


Well, quite. The SWP is just Sheridan writ large without the sex appeal. Game of Thrones has nothing on British socialism. Except perhaps dragons.

Edited by Thumper
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Well, quite. The SWP is just Sheridan writ large without the sex appeal. Game of Thrones has nothing on British socialism. Except perhaps dragons.


No, the SWP is just an excuse for little shits to commit thuggery under a thin veneer of self-righteous political activity, who have done more to give socialism a bad name than in all the stupidity of past Labour governments & "loony left" councils put together.

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If the SWP didn't exist MI5 would have to invent them.


A shambles of an organisation who have been consistently wrong on everything. Astonishing in some ways that they have survived, on paper at least, the very dubious sexual shenanigans of "Comrade Delta" a couple of years ago.

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If the SWP didn't exist MI5 would have to invent them.


A shambles of an organisation who have been consistently wrong on everything. Astonishing in some ways that they have survived, on paper at least, the very dubious sexual shenanigans of "Comrade Delta" a couple of years ago.


The SWP were long protected by Paul Foot's involvement, who milked his upper class connections behind the scenes for all they were worth to stop a lot of investigations into its activities. Certainly it was little short of scandalous that the Workers Revolutionary Party and the International Marxist Group had the police breathing down their necks all the time, meanwhile the SWP's leaders enjoyed a charmed life - even after the mysterious vanishing of millions of pounds raised for the Anti-Nazi League (which collapsed without warning in March 1979), whose major functionaries were exclusively members of the SWP's elite.


Much of Britain's far left and far right are heavily dependent on Britain's security services for survival, who use them as an initial nursery for training future intelligence operatives in their first experiences of covert survellence and infiltration techniques. Certainly it was no coincidence that Andy Carmichael coming clean to The Times (aided by a shocked Rupert Allason MP) hastened Stella Remington's "retirement"; but the Tim Hepple, Andy Carmichael & David Shayler affairs of the 1990s were nothing really new, and deep down most of these groups know they are heavily dependent on the state they so despise for survival.

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The SWP were long protected by Paul Foot's involvement, who milked his upper class connections behind the scenes for all they were worth to stop a lot of investigations into its activities. Certainly it was little short of scandalous that the Workers Revolutionary Party and the International Marxist Group had the police breathing down their necks all the time, meanwhile the SWP's leaders enjoyed a charmed life - even after the mysterious vanishing of millions of pounds raised for the Anti-Nazi League (which collapsed without warning in March 1979), whose major functionaries were exclusively members of the SWP's elite.

Much of Britain's far left and far right are heavily dependent on Britain's security services for survival, who use them as an initial nursery for training future intelligence operatives in their first experiences of covert survellence and infiltration techniques. Certainly it was no coincidence that Andy Carmichael coming clean to The Times (aided by a shocked Rupert Allason MP) hastened Stella Remington's "retirement"; but the Tim Hepple, Andy Carmichael & David Shayler affairs of the 1990s were nothing really new, and deep down most of these groups know they are heavily dependent on the state they so despise for survival.

At university I always wondered why the SWSS seemed so well resourced

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Quite an honest piece, that, from the RISE perspective. The commetns below the article are brutal, this one being my favourite:


Tommy Ball 2 mins ago


The problem is, Andrew, that Rise don’t have any authentic working class voices either, which is a huge part of the reason why working class voters soundly and definitively rejected them last week.

Their star candidate was an upper middle-class property owner from the West End whose mother is a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (hardly coming out of the fields and up from the mines to storm Parliament).

On other lists, their candidates were university and college lecturers, one parliamentarian, teachers and university students. Only one person top of their list wasn’t a graduate.

Their party and their candidates reflected themselves, the chattering-class Merchant City socialists with no real life experience.

They certainly didn’t reflect society as a whole, and they couldn’t have been further away from representing the working class if they’d tried. They didn’t even manage to represent the romanticised, Kesian, working class they imagine in their minds.

This election wasn’t a close thing for Rise. It was a disaster, with the wrong tactics, the wrong candidates, the wrong message, and the wrong campaign.

The moment they gave the atrocious behaviour of the Young Team (sic) their official seal of approval, they gave tacit approval for those people to abuse, often in violent and aggressive terms, potential voters.

Apart from all that, they did quite well.




Tommy Ball has been expelled from both the SNP and the SSP for being an abusive piece of shit, he spends his days writing abusive blogs about RISE and its activists from Ireland, while pretending that he has some sort of credibility. He's been convicted for his abuse of an SNP candidate previously and it wouldnt shock me if further litigation was to happen. f**k him, yet another un-needed abusive Tommy on the left

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  • 1 month later...

What's the latest news with regards to RISE?? Everything seems to have gone quite on that front.


The SSP recently announced that they were going to continue working relations with the movement however there has been no news updates from anywhere that I know of or anything on their website. I have now cancelled my subscription to RISE, No point giving your hard earned cash towards something that's really nothing.


A fantastic idea that has bombed in my honest opinion.

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Think if you're going to be an active socialist you are better off being independent from the Heinz 57 varieties of failed Trot groupuscules, and Soviet veterans' clubs.


Work at a local level and get things done by working with as many left minded people as you can, and then after that people might start listening about socialism and class politics.


They won't listen when all the strategy consists of it tressle tables containing shouty petitions, trying to flog a paper no one wants to read, being shouted at through a megaphone, and written at once a week by Cat Boyd. As RISE proved.


I have much more admiration for guys like this who have their beliefs and put them into action. He just retired and is poorly so I hope he recovers to enjoy a well earned rest.

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Think if you're going to be an active socialist you are better off being independent from the Heinz 57 varieties of failed Trot groupuscules, and Soviet veterans' clubs.

Work at a local level and get things done by working with as many left minded people as you can, and then after that people might start listening about socialism and class politics.

They won't listen when all the strategy consists of it tressle tables containing shouty petitions, trying to flog a paper no one wants to read, being shouted at through a megaphone, and written at once a week by Cat Boyd. As RISE proved.

I have much more admiration for guys like this who have their beliefs and put them into action. He just retired and is poorly so I hope he recovers to enjoy a well earned rest.

Absolutely spot on analysis there, I've thought something similar for a while. Don't know much about him but I believe Jim Bollan the SSP councillors in West Dunbartonshire is another good guy with a loyal following because he's genuinely for his constituents.

On the wider issue, what's the point in sticking out glossy manifesto's every 5 years about what you'd do in power when nobody outside a few Facebook groups has even any awareness of you? In fact I actually think the good, genuine people on the left would almost be as well throwing themselves into voter registration drives in the poorest areas and trying to convince folk just to vote. Then the mainstream parties would have to take a bit of notice. All conjecture and wishful thinking I know.

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