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Anyone with a nouse of intelligence should be able to see Williams acted like a twat. Angry as she may have been, you can’t publicly blow up, especially in a slam final. Ramos was within his rights and within the rules to do what he did. There’s no wrong on his part at all, she’s just used to getting her own way for too long.

It raises an interesting question, say that was a female umpire what would the reaction or even outcome have been?

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1 minute ago, Widge said:

It raises an interesting question, say that was a female umpire what would the reaction or even outcome have been?

Depends how far gone she is on her feminist victimhood indoctrination about the Patriarchy Oppressing Womyn.

She either wouldn't have spiralled so far into the tantrum, or would've been angry with the umpire for her 'Internalized Misogyny' (women who apparently hate women, because they disagree with feminist dogma) / 'Betraying the Sisterhood'. Perhaps the race card would've been pulled (Feminism is currently railing on white women).

Either way, for sure is that it would show Just How Far We Still Have To Go for the Oppressed Womyn of the west to Achieve Gender Equality.

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Serena Williams was obviously out of order, lost the plot and showed absolutely no class. Unfairly accusing the umpire of sexism is very poor as well.
She’s still an icon though, a top professional, one of the greatest players of all time and an absolute wid. 
She's a more effective seal-clubber than her sister tbf.
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Cartoons depicting black people should be passed through a 'Progressive' Committee  of trusted Commissars. As people who see racism in everything, 'Progressives' can be trusted to make sound judgments that will in no way infantilise black people imo.


"Racist!" "Racism!" "Racism!" "Racist!" "Racism!"....  :1eye

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