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Aye, looked a stonewaller to me. But, it was 0-4 (5 even?) by that point and I'd basically given up caring. I've no idea how Collum contrived to give a corner. It was either a penalty or a goal kick.

Couldn't agree more but it was one of those days, hopefully bounce back next week.

Mr Aitken has some work on his hands to turn this around!!

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Highlights...welll, goals on the BBC


Whilst not conclusive, it looks like Baird probably ran from an onside position for his third

Paused it from when the camera came into play for Bairds third and he seemed level with defender on the right hand side, whereas like many in the Falkirk end felt Baird was at least 2-3 yards offside, well played lino, whereas the other one was clueless.

There was part of me this season Thot Mark Brown would've been an ok signing for us but I think that's gone now, ok his defence let him down badly on Saturday but as a goalkeeper, you look for him to rescue his defence of which he didn't

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There seems to be some sort of agreement on here from Sons fans that had Andy Graham been playing we wouldn't have lost that game 5-0 and I'm a bit baffled by the assertion that he is somehow the answer to our problems. As much as I love the guy, we're rewriting history if we're now saying he could organise a defence. Aye, he shouted a lot and talked players through the game but we weren't exactly organised were we? We lost a barrel load of goals, goals not to dissimilar to Saturday and on a far more regular basis. That's the first game we've been properly humped, much of that was down to individual errors and if Gibson or Fleming had taken their chances in the first half I think it could've been a different story.

Some of the shit I've read/heard about Aitken is frankly outrageous. I'm starting to wish we hadn't won against Hibs and St Mirren in the opening games, perhaps people's expectations would be a bit more realistic. It seems a lot of us are struggling to learn from our last few seasons. A win against Morton next week and this is forgotten about and hopefully the folk ridiculously saying Aitken should go/never have been given the job can be locked away in a padded room.

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There seems to be some sort of agreement on here from Sons fans that had Andy Graham been playing we wouldn't have lost that game 5-0 and I'm a bit baffled by the assertion that he is somehow the answer to our problems. As much as I love the guy, we're rewriting history if we're now saying he could organise a defence. Aye, he shouted a lot and talked players through the game but we weren't exactly organised were we? We lost a barrel load of goals, goals not to dissimilar to Saturday and on a far more regular basis. That's the first game we've been properly humped, much of that was down to individual errors and if Gibson or Fleming had taken their chances in the first half I think it could've been a different story.

Some of the shit I've read/heard about Aitken is frankly outrageous. I'm starting to wish we hadn't won against Hibs and St Mirren in the opening games, perhaps people's expectations would be a bit more realistic. It seems a lot of us are struggling to learn from our last few seasons. A win against Morton next week and this is forgotten about and hopefully the folk ridiculously saying Aitken should go/never have been given the job can be locked away in a padded room.

I think Mr Dust's post above makes interesting reading; Stevie Aitken has assembled a decent-looking squad (at no little cost) but some guys cannot, or at least should not, be happy with their level of performance thus far.

But Moonster is correct, we need to move on from navel-gazing about Andy Graham. Falkirk were gifted a series of ridiculous goals on Saturday - we may still have lost the game anyway - but what is crucial for me is that we see a reaction this weekend against Morton.

And I repeat, we need to establish a solid spine thro the team; if that means that some marque signings are rested then so be it.

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There seems to be some sort of agreement on here from Sons fans that had Andy Graham been playing we wouldn't have lost that game 5-0 and I'm a bit baffled by the assertion that he is somehow the answer to our problems. As much as I love the guy, we're rewriting history if we're now saying he could organise a defence. Aye, he shouted a lot and talked players through the game but we weren't exactly organised were we? We lost a barrel load of goals, goals not to dissimilar to Saturday and on a far more regular basis. That's the first game we've been properly humped, much of that was down to individual errors and if Gibson or Fleming had taken their chances in the first half I think it could've been a different story.

Some of the shit I've read/heard about Aitken is frankly outrageous. I'm starting to wish we hadn't won against Hibs and St Mirren in the opening games, perhaps people's expectations would be a bit more realistic. It seems a lot of us are struggling to learn from our last few seasons. A win against Morton next week and this is forgotten about and hopefully the folk ridiculously saying Aitken should go/never have been given the job can be locked away in a padded room.

far too early for any talk about Aitken

he will however need to sort out a defence that has looked pretty solid up until the Hibs game....now it looks anything but

despite the scoreline, there didnt seem to be a huge gulf between the teams, but if you defend like schoolboys....you will get well pumped. Difficult to know if this was a bad day at the office, or whether or not there is a more serious problem

up front, we created several good chances, but we dont have a proven goalscorer, and in reality, we wouldnt be able to attract a striker the calibre of Baird here, as he will always have more attractive options from the bigger teams in the league

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Here's a thought for Dumbarton fans.

Less than a decade ago the chat amongst Falkirk fans was Barr would be our 1st million pound sale.

What a haddie he has turned out.

I'm failing to see how Falkirk fans over-rating a player they had nearly 10 years ago should come into the mind of any Dumbarton fan to be honest. He's had one bad game for us, far from finished at this level.

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It's not just one bad game though, I'd argue he's been our weakest defender this season.

Don't just throw stats back or a comparison to last season - he's surrounded by better players than we had last season. Buchanan has carried him in games, albeit not on Saturday.

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It's not just one bad game though, I'd argue he's been our weakest defender this season.

Don't just throw stats back or a comparison to last season - he's surrounded by better players than we had last season. Buchanan has carried him in games, albeit not on Saturday.

:rolleyes: Let's look at his competition - Buchanan has been standout, our best player. Absolutely no question. Taggart, Saunders, Wright and even Docherty have only played a handful of games. So he's been the weakest out of the two centre half's...

Just watched the highlights on FFCTV - would it be helpful to Dumbarton if my gran popped round during the week to explain the offside rule?

Would be helpful if you're Gran could just play in defence tbqh

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Here's a thought for Dumbarton fans.

Less than a decade ago the chat amongst Falkirk fans was Barr would be our 1st million pound sale.

What a haddie he has turned out.

Never fully rated Barr, great first season then flattered to deceive there onwards bar the final months after admitting he was going to Hearts

Correct in stating he started at centre half, then moved to right back at Dumbarton, this seems to be the case at all his clubs post Falkirk. I Thot he played well at right back at the TFS, tho had mixed reviews his time there with us.

The story I heard was that he was on the radar of a few clubs down south but they were concerned of his height and build but if he could perform at right back, they may come in with a money offer.

I'm sure Dumbarton won't have such a bad day in the centre of defence like Saturday for a while, really handed us 5-0 as many Ffc fans agreed, we weren't particularly outstanding or had to give 100% for it

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It's not just one bad game though, I'd argue he's been our weakest defender this season.

Don't just throw stats back or a comparison to last season - he's surrounded by better players than we had last season. Buchanan has carried him in games, albeit not on Saturday.

"Don't use any of the obvious stats which blow my argument out of the water, just believe my opinion that Barr is shite cause he doesn't speak to his defenders"

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Agree that he's had more than one bad game but wouldn't say he's been the weakest as such.

I didn't rate him at all, until about 20 minutes into the game away at falkirk, last two games have me feeling the way I did at first with him.

When he lost his man (Fontaine) for the goal at Easter road, Buchanan was clearly raging and Barr didn't look arsed and actually had a go at buchy, no into that. I agree that players don't need to show passion for the club like some previous players but you want them to look like they give a shit about the result at least.

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They're all big boys and I'm sure they'll shout at each other a lot. It's an indicator of hee-haw and we're reading far too much things here. Why would Barr not give a shit? He's 30 years old and came here to play games and get his career going again. Walking about costing us goals and not giving a f**k doesn't do anything to get his career back on track, it finishes it.

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Barr was an excellent sweeper but never had the pace to play right back. When played as a sweeper alongside a big physical centrehalf he was excellent for us and fully deserved his Scotland cap at the time. However, since leaving TFS he's been played at right back and as a holding midfielder neither of which really suit him.

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Although he's pulled off some massive saves for us this season I was disappointed with Mark Brown on Saturday. He's very reluctant to come out of his area and didn't get anything on any of Baird's three one-on-ones. His kick for the 2nd was poor also.

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