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Explosion in Paris


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So they completely left the Metal out of the band's name?

Some of the on the spot journalism has been awful from people you would expect to have or get some facts. The band were being described as heavy metal all night and they seemed to be surprised that some kind of football match was being played in a stadium.
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It was 7 years later. Maybe you lost 2 in a drunken haze.

It was more to do with the fact that it was a sensationalist comment. The Euros (which aren't just in Paris) won't be attacked.

The fact I was two years out shows it wasn't in the same timeframe.

You're making a very bold prediction there shitey, very bold.

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The fact I was two years out shows it wasn't in the same timeframe.

You're making a very bold prediction there shitey, very bold.

I'm predicting an event won't be terrorist attacked, how is that bold?

The Euros will be guarded, the intelligence will be shared amongst all countries and especially after this attack, the security will be magnified enormously.

Very bold indeed.

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I'm predicting an event won't be terrorist attacked, how is that bold?

The Euros will be guarded, the intelligence will be shared amongst all countries and especially after this attack, the security will be magnified enormously.

Very bold indeed.

I'm sure the information is already shared, and after Charlie Hebdo Paris would still have had high levels of security.

It is bold to say "won't" as opposed to saying "I don't think".

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I'm thinking the G20 summit in turkey might be cancelled / moved now...

Bold as f**k to fly all the leaders into there now.

No chance, Turkey is probably safer than France.

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Big thanks to everyone who contributed the news updates as to what has happened after I went to my pit allowing me to catch up this morning. One of the best things about this forum and am running a bit late for work now tbh.

What a disgrace Sergeant Wilson and Zen Archer have been. Men of such little self esteem that they couldn't help themselves from doing their usual shite routine on a thread of this magnitude and once challenged didn't even have the grace to stfu, responding badly to every post made about them.

I'm glad you found the repetition, speculation, hand wrining, predictable religion blaming and racism useful.
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I'm sure the information is already shared, and after Charlie Hebdo Paris would still have had high levels of security.

It is bold to say "won't" as opposed to saying "I don't think".

I'm sure the information is already shared, and after Charlie Hebdo Paris would still have had high levels of security.

It is bold to say "won't" as opposed to saying "I don't think".

Yes, you're missing the point. This was a Friday night in the middle of November, the Euros are going have a far bigger security presence and will be expecting trouble.

If you're still alive next year and there's an attack. I'll come on and say you were right to go all Helen Lovejoy.

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Radio Five Live has just broadcasted the sounds of the gunshots coming from inside the concert hall. I'm not quite sure what the point of that was. Odd production decision.

Five live have been a sensationalist disgrace all night. Eagles of Death at every mention and the most inane vaccous questions to witnesses. Very grubby reporting from them

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I'm glad you found the repetition, speculation, hand wrining, predictable religion blaming and racism useful.

I think everyone found something to be angry or disgusted by in this thread and in the end that's all that matters. It's the reason we all love Scottish football, we can all come together and have a thoroughly miserable time and hate the people sharing the experience with us.

God/Allah bless every one of us.

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Yes, you're missing the point. This was a Friday night in the middle of November, the Euros are going have a far bigger security presence and will be expecting trouble.

If you're still alive next year and there's an attack. I'll come on and say you were right to go all Helen Lovejoy.

Who the fuckity is Helen Lovejoy?

So, on one hand you are saying that the security forces for the Euro's will be expecting trouble , yet on the other you are predicting there won't be?

I'll go with the experts over you....

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Who the fuckity is Helen Lovejoy?

So, on one hand you are saying that the security forces for the Euro's will be expecting trouble , yet on the other you are predicting there won't be?

I'll go with the experts over you....

What experts are these? Your fellow paranoid Jakeballs down the park?

Yes they'll be expecting trouble, like all security does and no I don't think there'd be any.

Why don't they cancel all live events in France from now on just to be sure?

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What experts are these? Your fellow paranoid Jakeballs down the park?

Yes they'll be expecting trouble, like all security does and no I don't think there'd be any.

Why don't they cancel all live events in France from now on just to be sure?

'Experts'.... I'm sure the security forces won't rely on amateur dram Queens like yourself.

Edit. .

Aaaand , now you have gone from "won't" to "don't think".

All over the place boaby.

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