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Explosion in Paris


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America should accept Russia's offer of assistance to destroy ISIS. Britian will then follow and they'll together eradicate these goat fuckers.

So, destroy the ludge? Fine.

You are a simpleton.

Anyway, the best way to limit IS being able to send fighters to the rest of the world is ensure that the shit is being continually kicked out of them in the Middle East. Fighting for every inch of territory = fewer free volunteers to go elsewhere, though some will still make attempts for the propaganda boost.

Time to stop half-arsed mewling about backing useless democratic opposition forces and simply combine with the other powers with the ability to crush their state. Namely Assad, Russia and anyone else with an interest in preserving established states in the region.

^^first in line for recruitment ?

You are a SimpleTon.

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The IRA were equally despised during their mainland bombing campaign.

The IRA were. The entire Irish community wasn't. Which is somewhat different to the marginalised, but still bizarrely legitimized view of 'Muslims' being the problem here.

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Think it's safe to say the human race has made an arse of it!

Major rant here so hats off to you if you can read it till the end...

There's a potential world war 3 waiting to happen and hardly anybody seems to even have a clue about what's going on in the world. Sounds extreme but even without the bother in the Middle East, tensions just now are sky high with America & NATO against Russia and also now sky high between America and China as well. The majority of people on here probably don't realise or even care for that matter. Everybody is wrapped up in a bubble world, portraying fake lifestyles on social media to people they don't know whilst idolising celebrities like the Kardashians who couldn't give two shits about you back or even know you exist!

What's happened last night in Paris is an absolute joke, innocent and defenceless people out enjoying themselves on a Friday night targeted and killed by total scum. It just shows how much of a shitebag these people are that they never try storm a government building or military base to get their revenge, they would rather shoot a completely innocent group of people off guard with no way of defending themselves against some nutjob with grenades and an automatic rifle. Unfortunately this sort of stuff happens almost daily in the Middle East where thousands of civilians are killed including children. Same happens in Africa but people here couldn't care less coz it's miles away from them and somehow Muslim civilian casualties are just accepted as aw well it happens. It happens in Europe though and everybody comes out the woodwork to condemn it and rightly so but we can't pick and choose when to show morality. That's part of the problem. The media here are controlled by the rich and through the media they tell you who is to blame for all the problems in the world and nobody questions anything they just accept what they are told as if what the media and our government tells us is gospel. Even though they get caught out lying all the time but still nobody questions it.

I'd yet to see anywhere reporting last night who was to blame for the attack, but it was good to see so many people from Glasgow have cracked the case already and discovered it was the recent migrants who moved to France and carried out the attacks. Nothing like a good bit of western media brainwashing taking its toll on people.

I'm not saying that we should open up our borders and let every Tom Dick and Harry in, but people need to take a step back and look at the root cause of all of this and it's definitely not just came about from the recent migrant crisis and closing our borders completely won't suddenly stop terrorism unfortunately.

The Middle East is completely on it's arse. There is absolutely no denying this is largely due to a short sighted American and UK foreign policy of invading and bombing just about every country in the region. Destroying homes & workplaces left right and centre and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands seriously injured on top of that. Leaving millions more displaced in places with no water or electricity supplies. Hence the reason millions of people are then forced out of their homes in the first place and forced to flee to other countries. This all stems from 9/11 when not one of the attackers was actually from Afghanistan or Iraq. Out of the 19 attackers on 9/11, 15 of them were Saudi Arabians who we are funnily enough good allies with even though they have one of the worst human rights records in the world and who have beheaded more people than Isis have in the last year. We don't bat an eyelid at Saudi Arabia though, or towards Israel who have basically left Palestinians living in a complete hell hole with little water or food supplies. And we allow them to murder children with zero consequence while our government continues to support them. So again we pick and choose when to show morality.

We instead invaded Afghanistan after 9/11 then a couple of years later we invaded Iraq who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. So we used the excuse of them building nuclear bombs which years later we finally admitted was a lot of shit. Don't forget 2 million people also marched in London before the Iraq war in a protest to oppose it but somehow the will of the people doesn't matter in a democracy so our government decided to invade them anyway and in the process cost 100s of British soldiers their lives fighting an illegal war.

All the chat we used to hear off George Bush and Tony Blair was that they were doing this so to stop terrorism coming to our own doorstep. Well fast forward another couple of years and we have terrorism on our doorstep with people now not knowing where the next attack will come from. Say what you like and agree or disagree with what I've said, but the fact of the matter is the Middle East is in a far worst state now than what it was before we got involved. That's an undeniable fact. Now as a direct result we have to deal with terrorism on our doorstep. Would ISIS even be a thing if we hadn't invaded Iraq? Probably not. Even the scumbag Tony Blair recently admitted that.

A bunch of posh boys in suits making the decisions to bomb Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Syria are largely to blame for the creation of the breeding ground where terrorists can now easily radicalise more young men. Unfortunately it's the people who make these decisions that get away with it and still get to sleep safely at night in their mansions in the countryside. It's the British soldiers sent to fight their wars who it affects and the average joe in the street who now has to worry about being caught up in a terror attack.

It's went on that long now and the damage is so deep rooted that I don't have a clue how we can even attempt to try and fix any of the mess we are now in. So many people here now hate Muslims and so many young Muslims now hate the west. It's never ending.

The money men at the top of the tree want a perpetual state of war and while no one holds them to account over this it will continue to happen and they will continue to line their pockets. Out of the last 236 years, America has been at war for 214 of those years. Britain has been continuously involved in some kind of conflict since 1914 right until the present day. Surely something here isn't right??

Not even just America and Britain but all over the world it's people killing people constantly and usually it's for money and power. It's absolutely mental. Part of the problem in my opinion is all of us because we just sit back and let the government do as they please when it comes to war and foreign policy.

All in all the human race has fucked it!

This is from my mate on fb...

Just a little thing about Palestine and Isreal caught my attention there, Palestine have made it hell for themselves because they run into isreali towns/cities and blow themselves up or launch rocket attacks from civilian areas to provoke an attack from Israel. Palestinians are the bad guys here.

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The IRA were. The entire Irish community wasn't. Which is somewhat different to the marginalised, but still bizarrely legitimized view of 'Muslims' being the problem here.


Which mainland bombing campaign are you referring to?

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Just a little thing about Palestine and Isreal caught my attention there, Palestine have made it hell for themselves because they run into isreali towns/cities and blow themselves up or launch rocket attacks from civilian areas to provoke an attack from Israel. Palestinians are the bad guys here.

All of them?
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Why do these suicide bombers always carry their passports about with them? Not very clever, are they?

Probably because if they get stopped by the cops for a random check, they have to prove their identity or get taken to the station. They wouldn't want to jeopardise their mission. I know a French woman who was stopped when a teenager. She didn't have her ID card and spent the night in the cells. For the record, she is white and a Christian.

However, you are correct in saying they are not very clever.

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Just a little thing about Palestine and Isreal caught my attention there, Palestine have made it hell for themselves because they run into isreali towns/cities and blow themselves up or launch rocket attacks from civilian areas to provoke an attack from Israel. Palestinians are the bad guys here.

Hamas perhaps.....I think the average Palestinian getting the shite bombed out of him by and large hasn't done too much wrong.

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The IRA were. The entire Irish community wasn't. Which is somewhat different to the marginalised, but still bizarrely legitimized view of 'Muslims' being the problem here.

There were many incidents of prejudice shown towards Irish people living on the mainland especially around the time of mainland bombing campaigns,

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ISIS need smashed in the places where they flourish. Inaction isn't really and option now, whatever our part in helping to create them. You can't have a power vacuum for them to work in.

All that said, I don't think reporting every bombing raid, revealing every one of their statements and making 'celebrities' out of people like 'Jihadi John' helps either. 24 hour news is a c**t.

IS really has morphed. For the most part, all of its elite tacticians and military units were at the vanguard of the uprising. What's left (in Iraq particularly but also Syria) is now a number of militias fighting each other. The declaration of the Caliphate was evidence of that. Crushing IS has already happened. What has since happened the cells have become integrated in civil societies and slipped under the radar. Which is something that can't be solved by military might. In many ways, it's far harder to combat, and comes as a result of religious extremism - which already existed anyway - as well as short sighted foreign policy... As well as incompetent regional leaders, unfair wealth distribution of wealth and, yes, climate change.

The popular media-driven narrative is of a unified Islamic State, but it really doesn't exist like that. Like Al Qaeda, it took such a beating on the battlefield that it changed into something else before it died altogether. Islamic State as a fighting unit is pretty much gone.

As a general rule: anyone that blames this on oil has no idea what they are talking about. Neither does anyone who claims the US trained or funded IS. Two very obvious signs of trolls and blowhards. There are at least four distinct interest groups in this. It's not possible to reduce it to good vs evil without losing half the picture.

The West's position is that Syria is now a failed state but Iraq is not. Their current diplomatic missions have bypassed Assad and shown a blind eye to other rampantly corrupt governments, and that serves only to cause more tensions. Political realism trumps anything else, particularly in the Middle East.

And then you have the genuine problem of immigration, which simply cannot continue at present levels. This is where current mechanism are manifestly outdated. The battlefields are predictable.

Jihadi John was killed months ago, for what it's worth.

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There were many incidents of prejudice shown towards Irish people living on the mainland especially around the time of mainland bombing campaigns,

Riiiiight - are you genuinely trying to compare this "anti-Irish prejudice" with the current situation, or are we simply dealing with Old Firm-esque whataboutery?

Were the Irish community as a whole subject to huge public and press vilification?

Were Irish communities that actually, erm, funded terrorist organisations from Boston and New York, targeted with drone strikes, confined to house arrest, detained in Guantanamo Bay?

Not, for the record, that I'm saying that the latter measures are always a huge injustice, but any attempt to equate the current anti-Islam currents and scattered anti-Irish sentiment in the 1980s is absolutely laughable, victim-seeking nonsense.

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The IRA were equally despised during their mainland bombing campaign.

The IRA were. The entire Irish community wasn't. Which is somewhat different to the marginalised, but still bizarrely legitimized view of 'Muslims' being the problem here.

I didn't refer to a "mainland bombing campaign", you drink-addled cretin. Try again; or better still, don't bother.

Ooops, there goes another rubber tree plant...

SimpleTon indeed.....

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See, I can understand this one:

BREAKING NEWS: France international Lassana Diarra confirms his cousin was killed in Paris terrorist attacks #SSNHQ

But what the f**k is this? An alibi?

BREAKING NEWS: Diarra was playing for France against Germany in Stade De France at time of attacks #SSNHQ

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Anyway, the best way to limit IS being able to send fighters to the rest of the world is ensure that the shit is being continually kicked out of them in the Middle East. Fighting for every inch of territory = fewer free volunteers to go elsewhere, though some will still make attempts for the propaganda boost.

Time to stop half-arsed mewling about backing useless democratic opposition forces and simply combine with the other powers with the ability to crush their state. Namely Assad, Russia and anyone else with an interest in preserving established states in the region.


But the West (and indeed Russia) hasn't been able to find suitable alternatives to lead these countries. They've all actually given up on Syria continuing to exist in its current state.

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