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Explosion in Paris


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Not all of them just the ones that hide in civilian areas to launch rocket attacks knowing Israel will hit back.

Does the average Palestinian not vote Hamas into power?

So those that happen to be near to the guys hiding in civilian areas, do they deserve to be killed?

And wrt Israelis, by your standards are they all innocent, or are the ones that vote in successive right-wing controlling parties, who have turned a blind eye to many illegal settlements, thus perpetuating the violence.... are they okay for Hamas to attack?

I just need to understand where the lines are. Thanks champ.

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Terry Tibbs is a c**t

Yes he is. Sadly there will be many other c***s trying to link Syrian refugees to this situation. It will be one of the most divisive positions and one that will undoubtedly cause an immediate response and reaction among the simple minded and uniformed.

BTW those who choose to suggest that organised religion and its adherents don't bear much, if not most, of the blame for problems behind these attacks are not living in the real world.

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It does. I suggest you actually look into both books before throwing ignorant accusations like that about.

Yeah, I agree. But if their religions are based on books that tell me to kill people, stone them based on their sexuality or indeed just promote violence around the world then I have the right to hate their religion.

f**k right off, you complete moron. Never, ever reproduce.

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Not welcoming them would have led to an even greater loss of life. But presumably people being killed outside of Europe, or drowning in the Mediterranean doesn't count?

Regardless, there is no link between the two anyway, if you think this attack was down to accepting migrants into Europe then you are an idiot.

They weren't being killed in the refugee camps.By extending an open invite it resulted in more people trying to get here and therefore drowning in the Med.

It's clearly in part down to us accepting migrants in Europe. The majority of those involved will be the offspring of migrants.

Here's an analogy that maybe even you will understand. If i burned down your house, killing your family, then invited you to come and stay with me would you be a good houseguest? No, first chance you'd get you'd seek revenge.

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It's not that religion makes anyone do anything, as already pointed out many have used statism and various other supposed causes to justify atrocity.


I would boldly suggest that the sort of person that is prepared to believe, to put true faith, into something without a burden of proof, is likely to be more persuadable to do something horrible.

It's simplistic as anything, but there it is. Either you're rational or you're not. If you're not rational, who knows what you'll do; you might not want your child to marry someone of a different faith. You might not believe that gay people should have equal rights. You might go bomb some folk for your bullshit cause. You might just be a decent upstanding person.

There's no direct cause and effect here, but believing in anything without proof is frankly odd. I don't really care if it's alien abduction, Elvis being alive, or some bearded all-powerful diety. Whichever the case, I can't really take you seriously. You don't deserve to be.

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What an arse. You believe everything Britain First posts. :lol:

Now run along you sad little racist.

Couldn't care less about Britain First and anyone on here who knows me personally knows that.

So you've read the book for yourself aye?

I have not. But a couple of years ago when I had a good look into a few of the main religions I realised that there are a lot of crazy quotes. Ones which I've seen on various websites and have been interperated in many ways. My interpretation is telling people that if they're gay then

"KJV: (King James Version, 1611): If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. LB: (Living Bible, 1971): The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties."

Is an idiotic thing to believe in.

I know you looked at my football team and just assumed I'm a racist bigot or whatever but once again, please even just Google the phrase 'controversial bible/quran verses' and save us both some time and people being stupidly aggressive to me because of their own ignorance.

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That almost looks like you're somehow validating some of the worst mass murderers and genocides in history because they didn't do it for religiously motivated reasons...

No, he's just saying that implying that any inference that atheism was a particular factor in the same way that religion has been is erroneous.

There is a debate to be had vis a vis China's persecution of religious folks over the years of course. You could argue it was in the name of the State and Communism, but equally you could say that as they perceived certain religions to have the potential to undermine those desired paradigms, then atheism was a driving force.

Either way, we're back to c***s finding an excuse to be so.

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I have not.

Well if you can't be arsed reading them for yourself, don't have a pop at others and claim they are ignorant

No idea why you mentioned why clumpany you support

Paranoid much?

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No, he's just saying that implying that any inference that atheism was a particular factor in the same way that religion has been is erroneous.

There is a debate to be had vis a vis China's persecution of religious folks over the years of course. You could argue it was in the name of the State and Communism, but equally you could say that as they perceived certain religions to have the potential to undermine those desired paradigms, then atheism was a driving force.

Either way, we're back to c***s finding an excuse to be so.

Fair enough. I've misinterpreted what Bateman was getting at. Easy to pick up the wrong end of the stick on it to be fair!

You're right though. A murderer is a murderer regardless of their motives for doing so. The people who carried out the atrocities of last night are no more or less evil than the lunatic who bursts into a school an exacts revenge. The problem is that in the cases such as last night, the media latch onto the religious motives whereas in the cases of a lone-shooter going mental in a US town, they are invariably just a lone madman if they are white, black, east asian or latin.

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Well if you can't be arsed reading them for yourself, don't have a pop at others and claim they are ignorant

No idea why you mentioned why clumpany you support

Paranoid much?

I made some fact based comments in regards to verses in both the bible and the quran inciting violence and hatred. Which, by the way, if anyone would think about the fact that both religions have been responsible for millions of deaths, is not actually a controversial statement. Since I did that I'm getting accusations of bigot, thick, Britain First, mouth-breather etc etc by people who sound like they haven't even done the small amount of research I've done. So either people are ignorant in regards to stupid and ridiculous passages in both books, or they were quick to jump down my throat and make assumptions based on my team. Or both. Either way, I can't really bebothered convincing people of something I know to be true when their responses have just been aggressive. Enjoy your thread lads.

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I've read most of the Quran. It's pretty much what you'd expect for a book that was written by a man who went out into the desert and came back telling everyone that he'd spent the last few weeks taking dictation from an angel.

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