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Explosion in Paris


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After 9/11 if the west did absolutely nothing would the attacks on London Madrid and Paris have happened? By responding with aggression and destabilising countries thousands more have died. Let's stop the hypocrisy and double standards. Stop voting for the fuckers that backed the illegal wars.

Probably yes

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How come nobody bats an eye when there are suicide bombs in Beirut, Libya, Iraq or Syria?

Possibly because they feel they have less in common with people in those places so find it harder to relate.

Do you think people who live near those places bat more eyelids in response to a suicide attack in Beirut than in Paris? My guess is that they do

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How come nobody bats an eye when there are suicide bombs in Beirut, Libya, Iraq or Syria?

Because very few people here have ever been to Beirut, Libya, Iraq or Syria.

You're just making the same "look-at-me" post which is popping up on Facebook at the moment. There's not a racial angle here, people have friends in Paris. Of course the reaction's going to be different.

And of course, there was a million strong protest against the war in Iraq.

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Reports coming through that the Syrian passports found on the attackers were fake.

I really hope this is true for the sake of all refugees. All it takes is one disaster to realise how many racists you actually associate with. Spent most if the last few days pushing the delete/unfollow buttons on social media.

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In terms of the reaction to 9/11, something had to be done. Was Iraq the right place to target? Probably not. Afghanistan was and the Afghanistan war has been largely successful at weeding out Al Qaeda.

In terms of how the West can get revenge for these attacks by Islamic State the correct solution would be to attack the Islamic State itself. The good news is that we've been attacked by a state itself rather than an Al Qaeda esque group.

I think we should be sending the troops into to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria with the intention of killing as many ISIS militants as possible and installing democracy. The corollary to this would be that Southern European countries wouldn't be burdened with hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Islamic State turning up on fishing boats every day and risking their lives to reach safety.

The only downside would be innocent casualties but it's preferable for our soldiers to accidentally kill a few innocent civilians from the Islamic State than for IS militants to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians both in the West and in the Islamic State itself.

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How come nobody bats an eye when there are suicide bombs in Beirut, Libya, Iraq or Syria?

Most of these attacks are inner factions from the same Country/Region engaged in power struggles, some nut slaughtering people in Paris is simply an atrocity and has nothing to do with achieving an end.

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Gulf #1 was legit in as much as it was a response to the annexation of a small sovereign state by its neighbour - unfortunately it was the one that directly led to 9/11 and so on, as despite the coalition forces being invited into Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Bin Laden and mostly Saudi hijackers had sand in their vaseline about Crusaders being based on Muslim holy ground or some such pish.

Can't justify the next couple of interventions however; Afghanistan was just the States lashing out at the most Muslimy-looking country they could find post 9/11, and Gulf #2 was obviously led by a cartel of business interests who had thought they were getting their hands on Iraq's resources first time around and convinced the idiot son to finish what his daddy started.

The West have a track record of backing the wrong horse in this region though - more and more it's clear that much of the terrorism is planned and funded from Saudi, while it's emerging that while they're far from poster children for human rights etc., Iran are probably the "good guys" regionally.

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Well obviously I'd learn how to shoot/operate the thing first. I'd probably just have a pop at any terrorist looking blokes I seen tbh.

Suicide is never the answer

My wife has said she doesn't want to use the underground trains in Glasgow next week, just in case "something happens". Words fail me.

Tbf, that Inner Circle is always suspended

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How many would then sit down to wipe?

They would be the first to lose their noggins and with good reason. The fucking deviants. Mohamed has written that if a man sits down to wipe, like a woman, he should be shunned and probably jolly well beheaded.

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