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Explosion in Paris


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Only Iranian burd I've ever met had no qualms about having her period all over her bed then not washing her sheets for weeks.

Nuke the middle east into a sheet of glass imo


Did it in the blood sheets.

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Kay Burley has sent twitter off on one this morning.

Posting a picture of an old looking labrador and the strapline "sadness in his eyes"

She's desperate to keep her title of most cringeworthy news "celebrity"

Is she suggesting the labrador is sad because of what happened in Paris?

It probably saw the footage of her asking the guy in the blood queue why he was giving blood and now wants to kill itself.

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So ISIS can successfully terrorise a big city like Paris, but could they do it on a wet windy Tuesday night at Stoke?

If every Western leader was meeting in Stoke, even the terrorists wouldn't want to go because it is that bad.

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Kay Burley has sent twitter off on one this morning.

Posting a picture of an old looking labrador and the strapline "sadness in his eyes"

She's desperate to keep her title of most cringeworthy news "celebrity"

At times like these you realise how bad journalism is in this country. It's like watching Drop the Dead Donkey


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Not really the point, they could go to a rural town and wipe the lot out and leave before a suitable police and army presence arrived . I hope they (IS) aren't reading this right now but if they are I would suggest Campbeltown , an absolute shit hole

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