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Explosion in Paris


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Certainly on this side of the Atlantic, there were plenty of half-wits desperate to believe it. Even as the Bush Administration's claims got ever more ridiculous. "We couldn't find them because he hid them before we got there," morphed into "Well, we found stuff that suggest he could have made WMDs" and finally, "He was a very bad man." Years on, there are still people claiming we found them but the liberal media are refusing to report it.

Add those to the cretins who think we invaded Iraq because they attacked us on 9/11 and the war, which Bush had planned even before he was elected, was a shoe-in.

Vaguely remember seeing a poll a year or two back that implied a slim majority of Americans still thought Iraq had WMDs, and that Saddam had been responsible for the World Trade Center attack.

Don't want to get into the "Americans are thick" thing, but WTF? Dubya could personally announce it was all a scam and it surely wouldn't make a difference at this point :wacko:

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What are Saudi Arabia's military defences like, just out of curiosity?

Not planning on starting up a coup or anything I SAID I'M NOT PLEASE NOT GUANTANAMO

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Vaguely remember seeing a poll a year or two back that implied a slim majority of Americans still thought Iraq had WMDs, and that Saddam had been responsible for the World Trade Center attack.

Don't want to get into the "Americans are thick" thing, but WTF? Dubya could personally announce it was all a scam and it surely wouldn't make a difference at this point :wacko:

Let's just go with "American Republicans are thick" and leave it at that.

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I doubt we'll see the phrase "monotheistic Wahhabism" used on P&B again.

What a time to be alive.

I can see it being adapted to 'monotheistic WAHHH-ism' next time someone's on the Verge of Tears :P

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If there is to be a military solution in Syria then it has to be in coordination with the government, as well as Russia and Iran etc. Government and military officials in both Iraq and Syria have been saying for the past year that the US coalition against ISIS isn't serious, and however much you want to believe the Russians have been hitting ISIS or not, what they have done in just a few weeks is shore up the Syrian army which can only be a good thing for the stability of the country in the near term.

If the US were to swallow its pride and accept the offer to share intelligence and work with Russia for what is allegedly a common goal, then maybe we'd see some real progress. If this involved troops on the ground, legitimately at Assad's request, then so be it.

I'd prefer to see it resolved without a military escalation though. I refuse to believe that the combined intelligence services don't know which states are supporting IS in the provision of weapons and finance, including the purchase of all the oil we're told is a major source of income. Crippling financial sanctions and political isolation levelled against these nations, as well as appropriate criminal proceedings against individuals would be the correct thing to do, but it seems the bigger picture of geopolitical alliances takes precedence over any desire to eradicate terrorism.

Surely if we trace the weapons they're using we'll only find out that it was us that sold them to the bad guys!

So the saudis are the key to the whole ball game? They're bankrolling isis off the back of their 'special' relationship with the west?

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Was it them that did 'The Story Of The Blues'?

Interesting glimpse into your musical tastes there, Zen :P

Or is it just this aspect that you're interested in? :whistle


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Surely if we trace the weapons they're using we'll only find out that it was us that sold them to the bad guys!

So the saudis are the key to the whole ball game? They're bankrolling isis off the back of their 'special' relationship with the west?

Depends what you mean by the Saudis. If you mean the Saudi state then probably not. Individual wealthy Saudis? Quite possibly.

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So much wrong with this I'm not sure where to begin.

Nobody has been attacked by a state. ISIS are not a state, they are a terrorist group just as Al Qaeda are. Just because they call themselves a state doesn't make them one.

Sending troops to Iraq and Syria (both sovereign nations)? Great idea. It's worked out well before in Iraq and Afghanistan (which was not a success, contrary to your jibberish). "Installing democracy"? Pray tell how one goes about "installing" democracy?

Re: refugees. You think that us sending in troops, and engaging in a ground war, would result in less refugees? Please read some books.

Innocent civilians from the Islamic State? Again, you do realise that "Islamic State" is a terrorist group, yes? You cannot be an innocent civilian from a terrorist group. Innocent civilians are innocent civilians.

They're a state. That's why they're ISIS. That's not a word they picked out their arse. It's the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

You install democracy by massacring these terrorist c***s and allowing the good people in ISIS to elect their own leaders.

If the refugees lived in a country safe and democratic then there would be no need for them to row to Greece.

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They're a state. That's why they're ISIS. That's not a word they picked out their arse. It's the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

You install democracy by massacring these terrorist c***s and allowing the good people in ISIS to elect their own leaders.

If the refugees lived in a country safe and democratic then there would be no need for them to row to Greece.

Good people in Isis???

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