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Explosion in Paris


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There will never be another global war, or at least not any time soon.

As for right wing groups having a surge in membership or sympathy, that's a natural response of the uneducated to mainstream media induced panic, and isn't as severe as you make it sound.

Relax mate, you'll live longer.

I disagree but I guess we'll see.

I hope it isn't as severe as I've made it sound.

I'm perfectly relaxed, I need something to kill time in here and I fear if I have another w**k at my desk I'll get the sack.

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I disagree but I guess we'll see.

I hope it isn't as severe as I've made it sound.

I'm perfectly relaxed, I need something to kill time in here and I fear if I have another w**k at my desk I'll get the sack.

I'll make you a bet, if there's a world war in the next 100 years then I'll buy you a Coke. If, after 100 years from today, there has not been a world war, then you owe me £1m.

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So basically it's "us" and "them" according to you?

That kind of bigoted mindset will be the end of mankind.

It is us and them, until your like open your eyes and see that then it is the end. For us anyway.

Humanity is us and them, always has been and always will be, its in our nature.

We all want to live in your utopian fairyland dreamworld where everyone gets on and has flowers in their hair.

Its never going to happen though, so in the real world, I want to protect a way of life and culture that doesnt operate according to stone age set of rules and belief in a mythical God.

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Islam pisses off Alot of people. I'm not surprised now and again that sort of stuff happens. It's not exactly massacring 180 people or beheading aid workers kinda shit tho is it?

You were wrong and this is your way of squirming. :unsure:

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I'll make you a bet, if there's a world war in the next 100 years then I'll buy you a Coke. If, after 100 years from today, there has not been a world war, then you owe me £1m.

It would depend on your definition of a world war.

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It is us and them, until your like open your eyes and see that then it is the end. For us anyway.

Humanity is us and them, always has been and always will be, its in our nature.

We all want to live in your utopian fairyland dreamworld where everyone gets on and has flowers in their hair.

Its never going to happen though, so in the real world, I want to protect a way of life and culture that doesnt operate according to stone age set of rules and belief in a mythical God.

Depending who you are defining as 'us' and 'them' you could be spouting bollocks. If the 'us' is everyone with a common understanding of right and wrong, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist or whatever and 'them' being this relatively small group of radicalised nutters, fair enough then. However I doubt that's what you mean.

Most conflicts have never been clear cut but more alliances against common enemies. From world wars, regional battles and religious disputes, very few have been clear cut black and white.

All 'ways of life' have been defined by 'Stone Age set of rules'. Our own culture and way of life as much as any other is shaped by Christianity, which is another 'Stone Age set of rules'.

The only real waking up needed is the fact that all religion is bollocks. Although if someone chooses a faith that helps them through life and it doesn't impact me, why can't I accept it and get on with my life.

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We all want to live in your utopian fairyland dreamworld where everyone gets on and has flowers in their hair.

Its never going to happen though, so in the real world, I want to protect a way of life and culture that doesnt operate according to stone age set of rules and belief in a mythical God.

So, we all want to live in a utopian world but it won't happen because we don't all want a utopian world?

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Because humam nature wont allow it, everyone has individual thoughts and beliefs and these will invariably conflict with someone elses.

I know plenty of people with different beliefs and thoughts, it doesn't stop me from getting along with them though.

RawB is spot on with what he's saying.

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Depending who you are defining as 'us' and 'them' you could be spouting bollocks. If the 'us' is everyone with a common understanding of right and wrong, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist or whatever and 'them' being this relatively small group of radicalised nutters, fair enough then. However I doubt that's what you mean.

Most conflicts have never been clear cut but more alliances against common enemies. From world wars, regional battles and religious disputes, very few have been clear cut black and white.

All 'ways of life' have been defined by 'Stone Age set of rules'. Our own culture and way of life as much as any other is shaped by Christianity, which is another 'Stone Age set of rules'.

The only real waking up needed is the fact that all religion is bollocks. Although if someone chooses a faith that helps them through life and it doesn't impact me, why can't I accept it and get on with my life.

I cant disagree with the all religion being bollocks, because it is.

Christianity is not the force it once was, and will continue to diminish in the West.

The only religion I view as being a threat however to my way of life is Islam, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Rastafarians or whoever else are no direct threat to my way of life, I dont agree with their beliefs but as they arent a threat then I have no issue with them.

Christianity whilst causing some issues (Catholic/Protestant nonsense), is on the slide and doesnt have any impact on my life.

Islam however does, and will continue to have an impact accross all of Western Civilization until people wake up and admit that Islam will never integrate into modern Western societies.

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I know plenty of people with different beliefs and thoughts, it doesn't stop me from getting along with them though.

RawB is spot on with what he's saying.

Dosent stop me either, but I'm not the one following a lunatic ideology which makes it clear who its ok to get along with

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