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Most if not all the Goverment top positions, especially since the shit hit the fan, are held by Alawis, who make up about 10% of the Syrian population....

I'm familiar with the spin that the BBC and co normally put on things. The reality is that Assad would not have been able to hang in there for five years if all he had was Alawi support. Crazy concept maybe but many people from a Sunni background in the larger cities like Damascus and Aleppo prefer to be able to drink a beer and engage in a bit of extra-marital hanky panky without the risk of a public flogging or being stoned to death. Assad's real crime in the eyes of the west and the Gulf Arab states was blocking a Qatar to EU gas pipeline, and the risk of that being built if a pro-Saudi islamic nutter state emerged also explains why Russia feels a need to intervene so forcefully.

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Damned MSM and their fiendish schemes to deceive us all eh. :lol: Sure, Assad and his Dad had significant support from non Alawis, especially those who prospered in or had good government jobs, but that was backed up by a horrendously brutal security apparatus. They even had Alois Brunner, Eichmann's assistant and sentenced to death in France for war crimes, training them in torture and interrogation techniques. He lived happily and protected in Damascus till 2010. A revolt in Hama in 1982 was put down by his Uncle Riffat by random shelling and bombing killing between 10 and 40,000 mainly innocent civilians. After all the crimes and brutality committed by all sides in this civil war I don't see any chance of the old shaky status quo being resurrected, the Assad regime is finished unless they declare an independent state in Latakia or something.


P.S. Accidentally gave you a red dot, I'll compensate you with a greenie on another post.

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A Trump presidency would be interesting to watch as well as being massively destabilizing because he wouldn't go along with the normal US global Empire building consensus on foreign policy, and just might start to point out that Zionism was bonkers and doesn't have to be propped up by the American taxpayer and that the Assads are far from the only morally dubious regime in the Middle East given Saudi Arabia and the gulf states are family run kleptocracies, but hey that's fine as long as the petrodollar cycle keeps circulating.

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Trump will likely wade into Syria and turn it into one massive golf resort meaning ISIS will turn into a huge members only golf club.

They're practically half way there anyway with their hatred of women.


Just watch that big sand trap at the 9th. It's 200,000 sq miles.

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Some mental pictures from this.

All the nutters are out for Trump. Proper Nazi salutes all over the shop.


I read a decent point that the right don't want the Trump rally to be disrupted but applauded the capture of the federal building in Oregon by a bunch of militia.

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Some mental pictures from this.

All the nutters are out for Trump. Proper Nazi salutes all over the shop.


I read a decent point that the right don't want the Trump rally to be disrupted but applauded the capture of the federal building in Oregon by a bunch of militia.


The Republican Convention could be like Chicago 68. Cleveland is 65% Black or Hispanic and the cops have put an order for 2000 extra sets of riot gear.

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Trumps foreign policy if he were president would be broadly the same as Obama, Dubya, Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carters. They were variations on the same theme. Carter started the intervention in Aghanistan and sent armed forces into Iran built up US weapons such as the B1B, B2 and F117 stealth aircraft, cruise and Pershing missiles and most of the other weapons that the "left" opposed during Reagans years. 


Trump is no more some kind of radical change to that than Hillary or others would be. Clinton put more of a humanitarian face on it that others but that is about as far as the differences went. 

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Looks like Churchill had it bang on. 




Trump, Birmingham Alabama 21/11




 "Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing."


Trump, Cedar Rapids Iowa 1/2




"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees."


Trump, Las Vegas 22/2



"I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks."


Trump, Warren Michigan 4/3



"Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do I'll defend you in court,"

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Looks like Churchill had it bang on.


Love this dystopian future you guys conjure up of people being oppressed and persecuted by a tyranny of political correctness. Being flogged for homophobia or whatever.

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Trumps foreign policy if he were president would be broadly the same as Obama, Dubya, Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carters. They were variations on the same theme. Carter started the intervention in Aghanistan and sent armed forces into Iran built up US weapons such as the B1B, B2 and F117 stealth aircraft, cruise and Pershing missiles and most of the other weapons that the "left" opposed during Reagans years.

Trump is no more some kind of radical change to that than Hillary or others would be. Clinton put more of a humanitarian face on it that others but that is about as far as the differences went.

Less a humanitarian face and more a gif, emoji or something us millennials love.

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If Bernie Sanders had any balls he would tell the Democratic Party to either ditch the impact of super delegates or he will run as an independent.

That would be outstanding.

I'd actually love Trump to do the same if the gop bottle his candidacy.

Can you imagine an election with all 4 as potential winners. Democracy would explode into one of the least democratic political systems on the planet. Heads would be flying off in the mainstream meedya.

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Trump, Birmingham Alabama 21/11



Trump, Cedar Rapids Iowa 1/2



Trump, Las Vegas 22/2



Trump, Warren Michigan 4/3

I don't deny Trump has said any of that, but they need to be put into context. Trump has already admitted that he's damned if he does; damned if he doesn't, as when he's been courteous in relation to removing protesters and saboteurs. He's been accused of being "weak". I still stand by my fundamental point that I don't see any difference between the protesters and the people they claim to be against.   


You lifted this straight off the Britain First facebook page, didn't you?

I google imaged it so I can't be accused of that, and even if what you're saying was true. Your guilt by association tactics wouldn't invalid the quote.

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I don't deny Trump has said any of that, but they need to be put into context. Trump has already admitted that he's damned if he does; damned if he doesn't, as when he's been courteous in relation to removing protesters and saboteurs. He's been accused of being "weak". I still stand by my fundamental point that I don't see any difference between the protesters and the people they claim to be against.   


The people who he encouraged his fans to beat up were at the most heckling, most were just standing with a message on a t-shirt. Not one was being violent. When has Trump ever been courteous, and even more amazingly told off for it? He has no thought out policies other than stirring up racial hatred. Do you actually admire this man?

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The people who he encouraged his fans to beat up were at the most heckling, most were just standing with a message on a t-shirt. Not one was being violent. When has Trump ever been courteous, and even more amazingly told off for it? He has no thought out policies other than stirring up racial hatred. Do you actually admire this man?

I don't like Trump, and I consider him as someone who represents all that's wrong with baby boomer politics. Nor do I like any of the five candidates who have any realistic chance of winning the presidency. Mainly because they're all fundamentally big government types and that we're still going to largely see the same continuations in foreign policy. However, I consider Trump the lesser evil at this point. Sure I can understand people on here who want Sanders to win, but his chances are all but gone now. However, wanting wanting Hilary or Cruz to win at the expense of Trump is pretty low once you've actually researched into their past. There's a reason why MSM (who are 93% leftist authoritarian types), big business and special interest groups (who are reliant on government handouts and monopoly force) and the political class (who want someone whose subservient to them. So they can continue to push their globalist and NWO agenda) hate him. I admire Trump in the sense that he's fearless and doesn't give a f**k. These are qualities that destroy people and groups who are reliant of political correctness and shaming tactics to get their way.

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