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Economic sanctions aren't the same as capitalism though, are they? In fact, they're a specific derogation from a basic tenet of capitalism, the free movement of goods and services.

Very disingenuous post.

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I asked someone from Leipzig, they said it was fine.


That's okay then. Was that someone a Communist Party official with the privileges that went with such a post? Nice house and pad in the country? All in the name of "equality" and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Here's an interesting piece from the Gruaniad - http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2014/sep/11/is-leipzig-the-new-berlin.


"In November 1989, three days before the fall of the Berlin Wall, East German television screened a documentary called [Is there hope for Leipzig?]. The revelations were explosive: contrary to what the GDR regime had been claiming, the film showed Saxony’s largest city crumbling to pieces. Saving it would require so much time and money, some of the architects interviewed reckoned, that it would make be more sense to flatten the historic quarters altogether."

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I'd love to live in a communist society but we have never had one, nor even a close approximation, and I don't think we ever will.

What I believe is achievable is a society that makes the most of entrepreneurial flair whilst protecting the most vulnerable and not allowing global capital to do just what the f**k it wants.


I sometimes wonder if communism might work if the guy in charge wasn't a complete arsehole.

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:lol: Communism is an imperialist ideology. 


My grandmother was a CPGB party activist back in the 1930s. She saw it as being the way to end the evils of imperialism and combat the rise of Fascism and definitely was not motivated by the idea of creating some sort of North Korean style global totalitarian dictatorship. The actual core ideology and the utopian from each according to their ability to each according to their need dream people from an earlier generation believed in is very different from the way things ultimately often wound up under the messed up Marxist-Leninist approach that was adopted to try to implement it. The mistake they made was to be hopelessly optimistic about human nature and exactly what could happen when power was handed over to a revolutionary vanguard if an evil psychopath like Pol Pot or Stalin was at the helm rather than a Dubcek or a Tito.

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What I believe is achievable is a society that makes the most of entrepreneurial flair whilst protecting the most vulnerable and not allowing global capital to do just what the f**k it wants.

We're pretty close to that in this country no?

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Economic sanctions aren't the same as capitalism though, are they? In fact, they're a specific derogation from a basic tenet of capitalism, the free movement of goods and services.

Economic sanctions are capitalism. This is trolling, you know you'relying and do Iit deliberately to antagonise, that's what trolling is. You mean free market capitalism anyway. The movement of goods and services is routinely regulated in capitalistssystems, as you know.

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I'd love to live in a communist society but we have never had one, nor even a close approximation, and I don't think we ever will.

That's what every communist sympathizer out there says. I remember talking to another guy online who said the reason communism didn't work in the past was because not everyone was living under it  :blink:


There are many core problems communism has, which make it unworkable in the long run. However, one of the problems I have with it. Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top. Who'll impose forced equality on the rest of the population with an iron first.



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That's what every communist sympathizer out there says. I remember talking to another guy online who said the reason communism didn't work in the past was because not everyone was living under it  :blink:


There are many core problems communism has, which make it unworkable in the long run. However, one of the problems I have with it. Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top. Who'll impose forced equality on the rest of the population with an iron first.


That's no a bad analogy but you could also have said (regarding any UK government)

Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top.

Who'll impose forced inequality on the rest of the population with an iron first.

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That's what every communist sympathizer out there says. I remember talking to another guy online who said the reason communism didn't work in the past was because not everyone was living under it  :blink:


There are many core problems communism has, which make it unworkable in the long run. However, one of the problems I have with it. Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top. Who'll impose forced equality on the rest of the population with an iron first.

Like I said, we will never have a communist society however attractive it may appear to be.  Human nature is such that it is not practical; those who devote their time to trying to achieve one would be better occupied trying to influence mainstream political thinking.

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That's no a bad analogy but you could also have said (regarding any UK government)

Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top.

Who'll impose forced inequality on the rest of the population with an iron first.


The difference being we can vote out these few people at the top (and replace them with a different few people who will also screw us over) whereas if you tried to get rid of the few people at the communist top you would get shot.

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That's no a bad analogy but you could also have said (regarding any UK government)

Is that you need to give tremendous power to a few people at the top.

Who'll impose forced inequality on the rest of the population with an iron first.

Any system which allows trade and private ownership is guaranteed to create inequality, because some people are better, harder working and in some cases luckier than other people. Likewise, the reason why Adele is so wealthy compared to the rest of the population is because she receives income from multiple sources. Whereas most of us on here are likely only receiving income from 2-3 sources. You don't need a centralized power with an iron fist to enforce inequality with an iron first. However, you do need it if you want to protect incompetent and irresponsible people who are rich.



Like I said, we will never have a communist society however attractive it may appear to be.  Human nature is such that it is not practical; those who devote their time to trying to achieve one would be better occupied trying to influence mainstream political thinking.

There is no such thing as "human nature". Human nature is like water, it will fill whatever shape the glass takes. 

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The difference being we can vote out these few people at the top (and replace them with a different few people who will also screw us over) whereas if you tried to get rid of the few people at the communist top you would get shot.


Scotland overwhelmingly voted SNP and yet we are still in this class-ridden fucking Union.

Explain tae me how we can get rid of the monarchy and titled c**ts who tell the rest of us how tae live.

No forgetting these 26 English sky fairy believers who are also in the big hoose.

Do you really think these c**ts wouldnae come down on the population wi' an iron fist if they felt their power was weakening.

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Scotland overwhelmingly voted SNP and yet we are still in this class-ridden fucking Union.

Explain tae me how we can get rid of the monarchy and titled c**ts who tell the rest of us how tae live.

No forgetting these 240 (?) English sky fairy believers who are also in the big hoose.*

Do you really think these c**ts wouldnae come down on the population wi' an iron fist if they felt their power was weakening.


The monarchy and titled c***s tell us how to live? How so? And how to get rid of them? Vote for - and convince others to vote for - a republican party.


* I take it you mean Church of England bishops in the House of Lords - 26.


You can kick them (the few at the top) out of Holyrood and put somebody else in. Or are they, too, under the thumb of the monarchy and titled c***s?

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Any system which allows trade and private ownership is guaranteed to create inequality, because some people are better, harder working and in some cases luckier than other people. Likewise, the reason why Adele is so wealthy compared to the rest of the population is because she receives income from multiple sources. Whereas most of us on here are likely only receiving income from 2-3 sources. You don't need a centralized power with an iron fist to enforce inequality with an iron first. However, you do need it if you want to protect incompetent and irresponsible people who are rich.


And that's the problem.

Protecting and paying exorbitant sums of money tae the f***ing royals and titled c**ts in the big hoose.

I've nae problem wi' inequality but what pisses me off is when it's official.

It's government policy.

It's the royals way.

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