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Alex Salmond.


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That's simple Scottish Nationalist logic for you, support of the United Kingdom and wanting to remain a partner automatically labels you as a right winger for many, they haven't got a f*ckin clue or any idea of how much of a barrier they are building with that damaging view.

Carry on I say.

I can understand left wing No-voters wanting to stay in and work with the left throughout the UK but the Labour party's behaviour since Corbyn was elected will show how daft that position is.

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No it isn't unusual.

Your catch all insult of 'the separatists' though does seem a little ironic given your affinity for standing on one side of a wall when you go over the water.

It isn't intended as an insult at all, wouldn't you agree that the opposite of Unionist is Separatist ? Come on it's not that difficult.

As for what happens over the water, I've taken accompanying visitors to both parts of West Belfast over the last few years, no problem.

Yes it still has its issues, but it's a million miles away from how it used to be, and all the better for it.

Edited by RedRob72
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It isn't intended as an insult at all, wouldn't you agree that the opposite of Unionist is Separatist ? Come on it's not that difficult.

As for what happens over the water, I've taken accompanying visitors to both parts of West Belfast over the last few years, no problem.

Yes it still has its problems, but it's a million miles away from how it used to be, and all the better for it.

And the opposite of a Scottish nationalist is a Scottish regionalist.

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You would still be British in an independent Scotland. Britishness predates the creation of the UK by centuries.

You see I don't think I would, I'll bet none of us believe that. We're constantly told we cannot be 'proud Scots', how will we retain our Britishness in an independent Scotland !!?

You underestimate how that feels because you can't understand it. Fair enough, but don't pretend otherwise.

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You see I don't think I would, I'll bet none of us believe that. We're constantly told we cannot be 'proud Scots', how will we retain our Britishness in an independent Scotland !!?

You underestimate how that feels because you can't understand it. Fair enough, but don't pretend otherwise.

Quite simple really - Scottish will be your national identity and British will be your geographical identity. The Finns, for example, have no trouble being as Scandinavian as the Norwegians, without giving up Finland's sovereignty and being absorbed into United Kingdom of Scandinavia, governed from Oslo by a government chosen by the Norwegians.

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So in an independent Scotland will I still get a "British" passport ?? What a waste of time then.

Don't the Irish? Of course, if you think that sovereign statehood should be based on which passport you're issued, you probably shouldn't be voting anyway. Or driving a car. Or trying to dress yourself.

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Don't the Irish? Of course, if you think that sovereign statehood should be based on which passport you're issued, you probably shouldn't be voting anyway. Or driving a car. Or trying to dress yourself.

Im sure they do but last time I went there N Ireland wasn't an independent country so not sure that's relevant unless the Republic are eligible for a British passport which I doubt. Your right about driving though. Last time I drove a car it was a beige Austin Allegro in 1981 so I will concede that.
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Quite simple really - Scottish will be your national identity and British will be your geographical identity. The Finns, for example, have no trouble being as Scandinavian as the Norwegians, without giving up Finland's sovereignty and being absorbed into United Kingdom of Scandinavia, governed from Oslo by a government chosen by the Norwegians.

Scandinavia FFS !! you're really scraping the barrel here mate, your posts are usually a decent read too!

You gonna go with Benelux next!?

They have no parallel with the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland whatsoever. I'm out if you're going to continue with this desperate keech

Edited by RedRob72
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Scandinavia FFS !! you're really scraping the barrel here mate, your posts are usually a decent read too!

You gonna go with Benelux next!?

They have no parallel with the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland whatsoever. I'm out if you're going to continue with this desperate keech

Britain is the name of the island, ergo you can still be British in an independent Scotland.

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Scandinavia FFS !! you're really scraping the barrel here mate, your posts are usually a decent read too!

You gonna go with Benelux next!?

They have no parallel with the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland whatsoever. I'm out if you're going to continue with this desperate keech

I'm afraid that the geographical situations are entirely analogous. The Scandinavian countries each retain Scandinavian identities without having to engage in the type of centralised political union the British nations entered into. The UK does not have a monopoly on "British" identity - British identity predates it by centuries. You might equate Britishness with being governed from London and being an incorporated region of your favoured nation state, but that doesn't somehow erase or efface the history of geographical Britishness long predating the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

When you say you don't want to lose British identity, you mean you don't want to lose Westminster's rule over Scotland by dint of Scotland being a region/territory of the UK. That's the all of it. That's fair enough - you see yourself as a UK citizen first and foremost. If you became a Scottish citizen first and foremost (just try and beat with that horrific image), you'd still be "British".

Frankly, you'd be better off explaining why you don't want Scotland to be a sovereign state in terms of what's so jolly good about the UK rather than airing nebulous fears about the loss of an identity that was around before the UK was even a glint in either James VI's or Queen Anne's eye (under whom it actually came to pass).

Edited by Antlion
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