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Rangers still in the championship

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He specifically mentioned Erskine, your link does not.

No but my link specifically mentions the Rangers Charity Foundation that has in the past supported Erskine. I would have thought someone as diligent as yourself would know what happens to money collected in the name of your football team.

However, the RCF supports many good causes so it wasn't just Erskine that suffered.

Just serves to prove the point of view that everything about Rangers is bad, thread after thread, page after page filled by the obsessed who are desperate to slate the club and our support. It's a way of life for many. It doesn't show any signs of abating either, If we do manage to get up this season, the level of bitterness, seethe and hatred next year will be absolutely mental.

Don't make claims that are incorrect and no-one will call you out on them. Simple.

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No but my link specifically mentions the Rangers Charity Foundation that has in the past supported Erskine. I would have thought someone as diligent as yourself would know what happens to money collected in the name of your football team.

However, the RCF supports many good causes so it wasn't just Erskine that suffered.

Don't make claims that are incorrect and no-one will call you out on them. Simple.

What false claim have I made, that we have some fantastic hard working fundraisers amongst our support? that the Erskine Hospital is a good example of their efforts? Get your blinkers off mate, tarring everyone with the same brush, it isn't all bad news, however desperately you want it to be.

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What false claim have I made, that we have some fantastic hard working fundraisers amongst our support? that the Erskine Hospital is a good example of their efforts? Get your blinkers off mate, tarring everyone with the same brush, it isn't all bad news, however desperately you want it to be.

The hate just oozes out of people like strichner or however you spell his name , best to just ignore his ramblings whilst knowing that he will be one of many left utterly broken the day we win number 55 rab

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If we do manage to get up this season, the level of bitterness, seethe and hatred next year will be absolutely mental.

I don't think so to be honest.

It'll be a pity when this farce eventually ends, but we all know it's been a good run. It'll be a pity when the monotonous normality you and the sister club crave, gets restored. I think we'll accept it with a 'back to work' shrug though.

All good things must come to an end and when this one does, many of us will just lose interest. I certainly had no interest in how Rangers were doing before, until it became hilarious.

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The hate just oozes out of people like strichner or however you spell his name , best to just ignore his ramblings whilst knowing that he will be one of many left utterly broken the day we win number 55 rab

I think we'll all be drooling into our porridge or pushing up daisies before that happens, fb.

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People move about due to work and other real life stuff, I was born a lot closer to Ibrox than I was to Gayfield and now geographically my closest ground is McDiarmid Park, I supported Rangers as a child, I support Rangers as an adult, this is generally how it works.

Your excuse is marginally better than the others'.

Still not acceptable though.

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Why don't you "call out" duff and Phelps.

Calling people out :lol:

Maybe because it wasn't Duff & Phelps that made the decision. :1eye

What false claim have I made, that we have some fantastic hard working fundraisers amongst our support? that the Erskine Hospital is a good example of their efforts? Get your blinkers off mate, tarring everyone with the same brush, it isn't all bad news, however desperately you want it to be.

Rob, I did not question the fundraisers nor their aims. However, the question of whether Rangers held a charity game and directed the majority of the RCF funds to the company is not in dispute.

It was shit whatabootery, have a word with your self.

It wasn't by any stretch of the imagination. Since you are usually so deferential to the authorities and their rules, perhaps you can give me an explanation of what the OSCR meant when they said that the re-directing of money to the football company "constituted mis-conduct" and "was a breach of legal duties"?

The hate just oozes out of people like strichner or however you spell his name , best to just ignore his ramblings whilst knowing that he will be one of many left utterly broken the day we win number 55 rab


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I had an Aberdonian mate at school who genuinely tried to convince me throughout that because his grandparents were from Dublin he had a genuine Irish connection and as such nobody could argue why he supports Celtic :rolleyes:

My granda was fully scottish but was partial to a Guinness
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Nae, family are Scottish.

That is because when he started drinking it, it went by the name of protestant porter.

And still does for those that appreciate its true origins. A wee history lesson that goes down a treat in the bars of downtown Boston on March 17th, it's very well received indeed, particularly with those wearing stupid leprechaun hats, fake ginger beards and singing in an old Orish accent developed after their second pint.!!
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And still does for those that appreciate its true origins. A wee history lesson that goes down a treat in the bars of downtown Boston on March 17th, it's very well received indeed, particularly with those wearing stupid leprechaun hats, fake ginger beards and singing in an old Orish accent developed after their second pint.!!

Sounds like the gallowgate

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Of course it was and pretty low point scoring to boot, Rob was specific when he said Erskine, stoney then claimed that this money was thieved, Rob correctly told him this was rubbish and you replied 'if only this was true' and supplied a link to the charity foundation, the RSEA has nothing to do with the foundation, it was shite whatabooterry of the lowest order, 'no dirt on them, so what about some dirt on these', pathetic, shame on you.

The RSEA isn't the only Rangers organisation to contribute to Erskine. RCT has done so in the past and therefore it was nothing to do with "whatabooterry" and completely valid to point out that chartiable causes have suffered due to the actions of the RCT. Now how about you answer the question instead of trying to gloss over the real shameful antics carried out in the name of Rangers.

Just in case you have forgotten it:

Since you are usually so deferential to the authorities and their rules, perhaps you can give me an explanation of what the OSCR meant when they said that the re-directing of money to the football company "constituted mis-conduct" and "was a breach of legal duties"?

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Sure I will answer your 'deflection' when you show proof of actual funds due to Erskine being 'thieved'

A wee clue to avoid more bouts of pathetic what about this, any proof should at least contain the word 'Erskine'

If not, then an apology for pathetic point scoring will suffice.

I know a member of the fundraising team at the Erskine reasonably well, they have NEVER EVER mentioned a mis-appropriation of funds by Rangers fans supporting the hospital.

She has no interest in football and holds no bias whatsoever btw.

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I know a member of the fundraising team at the Erskine reasonably well, they have NEVER EVER mentioned a mis-appropriation of funds by Rangers fans supporting the hospital. She has no interest in football and holds no bias whatsoever btw.
I do not doubt it for a second, you were specific when you said Rangers fans raising money for Erskine, for him to then try to link this with the shameful acts of D & P in 2012 is a new depressing low.
As I said lads , let him wallow in his bitter and desperate hate , payback will be sweet when it arrives
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I'm far from being a "Rangers obsessive", before that accusation gets made because I've had the nerve to post on here, though I enjoy pointing and laughing at them and their fans as much as the next man. It's been great entertainment these last few years.

In answer to the original question, if TheRangers are still in the Championship next season I think they should remain quarantined in their own sub-forum. It gives their fans a place to fight amongst themselves, it gives the rest of us visiting rights should we wish to use them and it keeps an awful lot of pish out of the main Championship forum - you know, the important one, the one that actually matters.

A doormat so we could wipe our feet on the way out again would be nice, though.

And here's a constructive suggestion. Should Hibs successfully Hibs it up and still be with us in the Championship next year, give THEM their own sub-forum as well. Think of the benefits - it'll appeal to their fans' misplaced sense of importance and stature in the Scottish game, and it'll give the rest of us some respite from some of the least pleasant fans in the league.

Everyone's a winner.

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