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Making a Murderer


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Just finished episode 2 and not sure how they manage to eek another 8 shows out of this.

Its interesting stuff so far. The Avery's were typical American hicks, half of them looked liked products of incest but that aside how the "law" were able to cover up and manipate so many things is chilling.

I honestly don't think Avery would have been dumb enough to kill the girl whilst waiting on a payout.

That Katz guy has the most annoying voice since Michael Jackson.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to seeing how this whole event transpires

He has an IQ of 70. He's severely mentally lacking.

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i watched the first two last night. Looking forward to the stitch up on following episodes. but lets be honest he's scum of the earth himself typical yank hillbilly hick.

He's more a side story in all this i think the main focus is on the police etc.

The copper who had the picture framed wtf s that all about lol just seeing them sweat in front of the camera and lying through their teeth

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This is a curious case in all honesty. The documentary is so obviously one sided it's incredible. So it's difficult to look at the case objectively. There's quite clearly more going on than shown in the documentary. I feel extremely sorry for the nephew who definitely has nothing to do with it in my opinion.

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Finished episodes 3&4 last night like most say its heavily one sided as i said before Avery is obviously a bloody animal but some of the revelations in the case are jaw dropping. The whole key thing is amazing just appears out of fresh air lol

You can only feel for the nephew in all this his attorney Len could be a hired hitman lol

I see his ex Jodi is doing interviews saying she lied in fear of her life etc

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Finished episodes 3&4 last night like most say its heavily one sided as i said before Avery is obviously a bloody animal but some of the revelations in the case are jaw dropping.

Apparently they set out making the documentary to show the issues with the American judicial system, but didn't expect to film anything like what they got. The makers claim it isn't supposed to be one sided, but rather they put forward all the information that they were allowed to, and that the prosecution refused to speak to them, which gives the show an imbalance.


FWIW, I don't think he did it, and don't see how a jury could confidently convict him based on the evidence provided. I think he was probably a scumbag, and the police thought he was guilty, and did everything they could to make sure they got their man. Really interesting watch, though.

Feels strange to believe that he's innocent, and know he's in prison as I write this...

Edited by Compliment Sandwich
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they put forward all the information that they were allowed to, and that the prosecution refused to speak to them, which gives the show an imbalance.

Not only the prosecution, but also the victim's family and friends. Complaining now about bias is a bit rich coming from Klutz and co.

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Not only the prosecution, but also the victim's family and friends. Complaining now about bias is a bit rich coming from Klutz and co.

Yep. Had they been willing to interview for the documentary then I'm sure a more balanced view would have been portrayed.

As far as other suspects go, I feel it has to have been smeone local to the area who knew they could pin it on Avery.

On another note, it must be very strange being a defence lawyer. They clearly believe his innocence throughout and seem to really feel for the guy on a personal level, yet as soon as the case is over they've no interest in helping him further since they won't be paid for it. That's obviously their job, just must be a strange emotion to go through.

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Must be weird being a prosecution lawyer too, doing your best to put someone away for a crime they may not be guilty of. That'd prey on my mind far more than being a defence lawyer and seeing a guilty person avoiding jail.

Anyway, latest in-depth theory about Coburn calling in the license plate here. Pulls together quite a few 'off' threads of the story.

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Yeah I said that earlier Avery is a side issue but seems to be the focal point now. It's showing how corrupt it really is.

I wouldn't say Avery is a side issue. He's a massive part of the story. If this was just a case about a random guy being done for something (you could heavily argue) he didn't do, it would be shocking but certainly wouldn't be as shocking as this story was. The fact the man did 18 years for a crime he didn't commit is a massive part of the story. It's that fact that makes you question whether the cops could really be planting evidence.

I think if we didn't know of Avery's previous case then you'd be far more inclined to dispel the claims of planting evidence. But as Avery was making a show of the Police department and suing them I think it was a major part of how you were made to feel.

I do understand what you are getting at but I really don't think this show would have been as jaw-dropping if we didn't know above Avery's history.

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