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Mark Warburton

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You're jobless and mentally ill, if that wasn't bad enough you support St Mirren. How much can one man be afflicted with?

That's 3 times now.

Anyway why do you wave Union Flags and sing about the Queen and Rule Britannia when your Club and Fans are a disgrace to Britain and bring great shame to our Country and Football.

Decent British people abhor the lot of you.

But you'll guard Londonderry's Walls.

Ha ha ha ha ha

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That's 3 times now.

Anyway why do you wave Union Flags and sing about the Queen and Rule Britannia when your Club and Fans are a disgrace to Britain and bring great shame to our Country and Football.

Decent British people abhor the lot of you.

But you'll guard Londonderry's Walls.

Ha ha ha ha ha


You are mentally ill.  Seek help.

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Even the St Mirren fans must cringe at your patter.

All St Mirren fans are decent football supporters.

Not mouthbreathing knuckledragging bigots like the The Newcunto FC 2012 fannybase.

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All St Mirren fans are decent football supporters.

Not mouthbreathing knuckledragging bigots like the The Newcunto FC 2012 fannybase.


You have your good and bad in all supports, you are bad, but I can understand why you are that way.  Prescription medicine will help.

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You have your good and bad in all supports, you are bad, but I can understand why you are that way. Prescription medicine will help.

5 times.

You help me because you are one of the Peepil

What does that mean, Wiggly?

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Read his ruling.


So that's a big fat no then? Thanks for clearing that up wee man. Knew you were just a lying supporter of dead scumbag cheats. But nice of you to confirm.

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Another rangers fan who provides a news story as evidence, instead of the actual item.


If STV news is too much for your brain to cope with then you are in trouble.  You have been spoon fed enough, the facts are there for you to see and it is up to you whether you accept them or continue to deny reality.  

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That STV link is actually a very good source.

It illustrates that Rangers kept their trophies on a mere technicality, whereby retrospective withdrawal of eligibility is problematic.

There is absolutely no suggestion that retaining the titles is moral or correct.

As a fan, I genuinely cannot imagine what would possess other ones to take pride in things 'won' in such circumstances.

It's actually stunning that anyone would.

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That STV link is actually a very good source.

It illustrates that Rangers kept their trophies on a mere technicality, whereby retrospective withdrawal of eligibility is problematic.

There is absolutely no suggestion that retaining the titles is moral or correct.

As a fan, I genuinely cannot imagine what would possess other ones to take pride in things 'won' in such circumstances.

It's actually stunning that anyone would.


What 'stuns' you matters not a jot.  The titles were won fairly and no rewriting of history by those with perverse agendas and with more hatred for Rangers than love for their own club matters.

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I loved your dead Club more than you Wiggly Waggly .

They gave me many hours of laughter.

You and your bigot fans stood by a Wall while your verminous Club died.

What a fucking hoot that was.

The cry wis naw...

Blue Fannies

Ha ha ha ha ha

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Your old team broke a rule (which you admit) and gained financial advantage (which only a liar would deny) because of it - this is pretty much the definition of cheating.

Oh the bombastic and idiotic diddies!  I thought the usual (brain-dead) claim was that we gained a sporting advantage.  As if this wasn't stupid enough we've now gained 'a financial advantage'.


Hands up any football fan who would like their club to obtain a 'sporting advantage' and/or a 'financial advantage'?  So that's every hand on the thread up, then.

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That STV link is actually a very good source.

It illustrates that Rangers kept their trophies on a mere technicality, whereby retrospective withdrawal of eligibility is problematic.

There is absolutely no suggestion that retaining the titles is moral or correct.

As a fan, I genuinely cannot imagine what would possess other ones to take pride in things 'won' in such circumstances.

It's actually stunning that anyone would.

If it's the one I think it is, it shows that the fat low level paper gatherer never understood the rules correctly and misled the SPL regarding title stripping.

Doesn't it also state that the payments did not breach SFA/SPL rules and that the players were registered correctly.....

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If it's the one I think it is, it shows that the fat low level paper gatherer never understood the rules correctly and misled the SPL regarding title stripping.

Doesn't it also state that the payments did not breach SFA/SPL rules and that the players were registered correctly.....

Indeed.  Proper payments and properly registered players. 


Don't you remember The QC having at least a three month campaign about player registration?  Dummies thrown out the pram and toys spat.  Oh to have a proper plastic rather than these plastic plastics! 

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Doesn't it also state that the payments did not breach SFA/SPL rules and that the players were registered correctly.....

It very specifically says that rules were breached. What do you think the fine was for?

The players were however not deemed ineligible, because they could not apparently be rendered so retrospectively.

Do you really hate reading stuff for yourself, that much Bennett?

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