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2016 Scottish Cup Final - Hibernian FC v Rangers


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but a quick read of LosersMedia shows the vast, vast, vast majority seem to think it's an outstanding statement. These are grown men FFS. How is it possible to actually be so stupid that you believe this pish?


Don't forget that Rangers Media is clearly not in any way representative of the Rangers fan base and that, according to Tedi, half of the posters on P&B have an account on there.

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Looks like you're wrong. Only 100k after that game is embarrassing.


#BigTeamBigCup #WeeTeamNaeCup


200,000 for the first one for near on 50 years, after that we just got used to it.  :)



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"We acknowledge that a tiny minority of Rangers fans also encroached on the pitch but only after having been faced with prolonged and severe provocation and in order to protect our players and officials who were being visibly attacked in front of them Any club’s supporters would have done the same."

So the provocation was "prolonged" before this "tiny minority" reacted and invaded the pitch. By which time the players and officials were already safely inside the dressing room and so there was no one left to "protect".

So it doesn't make any sense whatsoever Traynor, you haivering wànkstain.

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It's all been hilarity so far, but to be honest I can't really be bothered with what the fallout from it is going to be.

All it will mean (the invasion and subsequent statements) is that there is going to be a whole load of aggro at games next year.

I don't understand why grown adults would run on the pitch - ok, maybe teenagers etc. All it's going to result in is an appearance in court, a banning order and potentially trouble in terms of employment.

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18 years ago :lol:




You're understandably hurting badly today so I'll leave you alone for now.

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Yes. But were the Kilmarnock fans right up at the away stand goading the Falkirk support? Were any Falkirk players assaulted by Kilmarnock supporters on the park? If the answer is no to both of those questions then it isn't really a comparison.

For a Well fan, you seem unreasonably upset.

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I for one look forward to the absolute meltdown which will inevitably come when the squeaky clean Rangers, along with Hibs, get a serious fine for all this. It's going to glorious.

Rangers Media is a scary read though, the following being the typical reply to that second statement: "My eyes genuinely watered a little reading that. Finally, our club will fucking fight for us and our players. Inch fucking perfect."

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Well done Hibs on cup win, it's been a long time coming and I picked a win at the bookies, which is about as rare as a Hibs winning the Scottish Cup.

I can understand fans wanting to celebrate on the pitch with the team, considering the circumstances.

However the moronic bottom feeder support that attaches itself to club, need exterminated, like the vermin they are. I don't think it's any coincidence that it was the ex Hearts element of Rangers was targeted.

The club should be hammered, as it was disgraceful and anyone who tries to " talk it down", clearly has as a similar intellect to these morons and is not a true supporter.

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Unconfirmed reports coming in about the biggest LOL in history forming across the central belt and spreading across the country.

They've been goaded for so long but don't forget they've gone through their rivals and the reigning champions en route. Well played Hibs

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That statement is fucking glorious :lol: Good to see they're still chucking money at Jabba

Fair play Hibs, you've ended them. The next few days have fantastic potential.

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New statement from the bears,everybody elses fault and the sfa/government and not theres


Fucking hell is that really on the official site? Who the f**k wrote that? Some 15 year old fan? No comment on attempted abduction it was that due to provocation too.

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Who the f**k is in charge of media/comms for Rangers? Is he or she a 12 year old on some sort of job experience??


Give me f**king strength Rangers. What an embarrassment. Naming individuals in an official statement of that nature?? Really clever. Well done ya tubes.


Some Hibs fans bang out of order yesterday and some Rangers fans reacted badly. The pitch invasion can probably be forgiven in the circumstances. Let the authorities sort it out and dish out the punishments. 


Congrats to the Hibees for winning the big cup after all this time. Great game and the best team won on the day.

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